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  1. F

    Welcoming 2024, A reflection

    Rom 11:I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel...
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    Welcoming 2024, A reflection

    Because we are grafted into the same tree? Do you not understand why Satan's kids are attacking us both?
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    My last "vaccine" was a flu "vaccine" that I received while in the Navy (circa 1975) after the assurance that to reject it would be considered as having disobeyed a direct order (and those of you who have been in the service understand the implications of that) and so it accepted it ... and...
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Would that this were true of us all.
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Yes, actively denying people effective treatment to a man manipulated malady should likely be considered murder as well.
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    I suspect that circumstances , what ever they may have been, should be taken into account. I don't know whether or not Bob was "vaxxed" but I am reasonably certain that whatever Covid 19 was, was engineered by people both near and abroad to eventually cause death. In that respect, anyone having...
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Ouch. I was not aware of the circumstances surrounding Bob's death. I suspect we will see a great deal more of this. It will become increasingly important whose advice we take I suspect, especially as it regards the medical profession.
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) ... "works, tribulation and poverty": these stands in stark contrast to the Laodicean "church' that is to follow as well as much of what passes for "Christianity" today ... and yet Jesus tells them they are rich. Peter...
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Ah, I haven't heard from Chrys in some time. What became of him?
  10. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    What! You're not of Apollos?!?!
  11. F

    Genesis 4:1 “I have gotten a man from the Lord.”

    Genesis 4:1 HEB: וַתֹּ֕אמֶר קָנִ֥יתִי אִ֖ישׁ אֶת־ יְהוָֽה׃ NAS: I have gotten a manchild with [the help of] the LORD. KJV: I have gotten a man from INT: said have gotten A manchild from the LORD Hope this helps.
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Being that we were told that we would not be given in marriage in the resurrection it occurred to me that the institution of marriage itself is a prophetic symbol of that marriage of which this book later speaks and, like all other prophecy, will one day have outlived its purpose.
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    As with much, if not all of what Jesus said, I think this phrase also has different layers of meaning. Mark 9:35And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all. There are others I could offer but ...
  14. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    As I suggested earlier, there is precious little in Revelation that cannot be found in the Old Testament. As with the menorah and the seven stars, we find O.T. scriptures offered to these "churches". Said "churches" being New Testament "churches." Isa 48:1Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which...
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    A Walk Through Revelation

    Rev 2:8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; As with the seven stars and candlesticks, this aspect of Jesus' character was also covered in the first chapter. It is no where covered in more detail than by Paul...
  16. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    You're getting into a subject that likely deserves it's own thread. Fidelity is what it is all about in both flesh and spirit. The former points to the latter I suspect. It's one of the things we are here to learn if I understand our plight correctly. Fidelity offered to whom is worthy. We are...
  17. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Of your three offerings, the second is the only one that actually references the Nicolaitans; but, this reference makes it clear that the objection to the Nicolaitans is separate from the other objections that you highlighted. I'm not sure how or why you are marring the two. 15 Thus you also...
  18. F

    Signs of the times

    Yes, it's all unfolding just as we were told it would in the Bible and we're all still here, much to the consternation of some. This is our Gethsemane ... but, I have some good news: Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall...
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    Signs of the times
  20. F

    Signs of the times