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  1. F

    John Rich has a word for TOL
  2. F

    The Rapture

    Why do you suppose that is?
  3. F

    The Rapture

    OK. Let's hope you don't wind up in court or depositions or the second resurrection ... you don't get to use a teleprompter at any of them.
  4. F

    The Rapture

    No. At least not concerning extemporaneous speaking. Writing is another matter.
  5. F

    The Rapture

    I have an inherent distrust of people who read from teleprompters. I mean, if it's in your heart it will come out of your mouth. If you need a teleprompter it's likely someone else's words that you haven't taken the time to memorize.
  6. F

    The Rapture

    2Thes 2:3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 646. ἀποστασία apostasia ap-os-tas-ee'-ah feminine of the same as 647; defection from truth (properly, the state)...
  7. F

    Signs of the times

    I don't agree with his eschatology but I think he is on to something.
  8. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    We're about to find out I suspect.
  9. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    Duly noted.
  10. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Obviously there are those that believe in Christ and they tend to live in proximity to each other, when given a choice, and have their own culture. No?
  11. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    Mending Wall BY ROBERT FROST Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair Where they have...
  12. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    Citizenry would be all those within a geographical/socio-political boundary, whereas; a citizen, as is legally defined in what is left of this country, infers a legal process conferring membership amongst the rest of those in said boundary, in which an increasing number of our "citizenry" has...
  13. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    We are seeing western (read here "Christian") culture, being by far the most "vaxxed" (hats off to the Jews here as well), being killed off and replaced by the "unvaxxed" from everywhere else, across a non existent border. At a certain point one would think that we would begin keeping score in...
  14. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    The more I think about it the more I'm inclined to agree that what man thinks is important (gold, silver, keys, etc) the Word references to make a point in a way that those so encumbered might hear ... and yes, I am enjoying/learning from this.
  15. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    Nice work ... and no small amount of study and effort. It is appreciated.
  16. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    Did you mean to say "citizenry?"
  17. F

    Good fences make good neighbors

    So offered Robert Frost some years ago. His offering is likely more germane now than ever.
  18. F

    Signs of the times

    I have to confess that when I first read the bible I did not envision the end time system of control of buying and selling would be brought about by the introduction of man made pathogens...
  19. F

    Signs of the times

    Of course our politicians are in on this.
  20. F

    A Walk Through Revelation

    I was pretty much a pin cushion when I was in the third grade when my father, who was in the Civil Service, (the AID, as it turns out, a CIA front) accepted a 2 year assignment in Korea with family. Tetanus, Typhoid, Typhus and Gamma Globulin shots were the order of the day, or so we were told...