Town Heretic
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  • I'd say you give 'ample' parts matey. For your memory on the bill notes, I recommend some ginkgo biloba, it also helps in other places LOL
    Fair enough, I think I'll get to it tomorrow as it is rather late here by now and I have work early on.

    How are things with Jack by the way?
    Then I would say it's the best way to go. I get what you're saying initially but addressing them is pointless and it's what they want. I decided not to use the ignore function but rather let all the crap go and it became both sad and amusing to see how much they still wanted attention. It becomes easier and easier to let 'em get on with it. :)
    It's a discipline that isn't easy to keep. I decided a while ago to just ignore certain people's posts. There's certain posters I just bypass over anyway and where it comes to trolls there's no longer an inclination to get involved. :)
    well, yes...did u read my posts? - I've leaned towards universalism of a kind, but held out that annihilation may be possible for some souls, but have rejected ECT (see my expose on that here). I'm also exchanging with him on some of his other 'universalism' threads,....we agree on points but differ in approach/context on others. Seems some of his points have a limitation of 'context' and the criteria is 'set', but neglects or doesn't specify other content/context variables, a 'format' is assumed,...but still open-ended. Anyways,....u can engage those points on the thread. I don't see any event can be proved to be without a 'cause', since all movements have some cause/effect element, or an antecedent influence, except 'God',....or so we assume.
    referring to the 'Do you you believe in universal salvation?' thread, notice my last post to Damian there (see last page). I just noticed you guys were 'contesting'. What u think of our dialogue there so far? Do u get Damians logic, or where he is going...if anywhere?
    yes,....just saw some of your dialogue with thought to chime in,....a little coarse would u say? :p
    and a belated (for USA?) happy Thanksgiving!

    peace and joy to you and your family
    Hey, when replying to your posts it's a wonder I'm not registered as online for a week...:eek:

    I may have been a bit terse in my last to be honest although I did mention a certain trouser fastener etc...
    Ah, I see. Not that hell or it's eternity was really a factor in my move towards unbelief, but I can definitely see how some Christians can find the idea of an eternal hellfire with corporeal punishments as being with questionable basis in scripture and contrary to the nature of the God they believe in (like in this recent NY Times piece).
    Yeah, I see that now. I kinda misread him, I suppose. I guess in this case, the devil's advocacy was a little too strong.
    I almost didn't post in the marriage thread, because what you were laying down seemed very close to what I was going to say. But I wanted to zoom in and focus on that one red herring Evo was pushing.
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