Town Heretic
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  • Hmm, I've no idea why I can't rep on this server then, I can do everything else including moaning...:eek:
    Hey, just to ask if you've gotten rep from me in the last coupla days. I've had to switch from Google chrome to internet explorer due to issues with adblocker on the former. I get the window up to add rep on IE but it doesn't say that it's done anything after submitting...
    Don't worry about it, I'm glad to hear there are more Tom Waits fans here ;)

    That sounds like an amazing experience. I would love to see him live. Back in 2008 the new opera house in Oslo was finished, and then they did something that is unforgivable, they declined Tom Waits' wish to play there.

    "... if I'm wrong, if the relation I believe I experience is the byproduct of delusion and I wink out into nothingness then I haven't lost a thing." Same here. :cheers:

    What are the major differences between the law and the gospel? Joel Beeke summarizes John Colquhoun's 11 distinctions from his excellent book:

    1) The law proceeds from the very nature of God; the gospel from his love, grace, and mercy, or his good will to men.

    2) The law is known partly by the light of nature, but the gospel is known only by divine revelation.

    3) The law regards us as creatures who are capable of yielding perfect obedience; the gospel regards us as sinners who have no strength to perform perfect obedience.

    4) The law shows us what we ought to be but not how to become holy; whereas the gospel shows us that we may be made holy through communion with Christ and by the sanctification of his Spirit.

    5) The law says, "Do this and you shall live"; the gospel says, "Live, for all is already done, believe and you shall be saved."
    continued from the above....

    6) The law promises eternal life for man's obedience; the gospel promises eternal life for Christ's perfect obedience.

    7) The law condemns but cannot justify a sinner; the gospel justifies but cannot condemn a sinner who believes in Jesus Christ for salvation.

    8) The law, by the Spirit, convicts us of sin and of unrighteousness; the gospel presents the perfect righteousness of Christ to justify a sinner before God.

    9) The law shows the sinner that his debt is infinitely great and he can make no payment toward that debt; the gospel tells the sinner that, by Christ's obedience as his divine Surety, his debt is paid to the last penny.

    10) The law irritates the depravity of the sinner and hardens his heart; the gospel melts the sinful heart and subdues depravity.

    11) The law, when obeyed, prompts boasting; the gospel discourages all boasting because of the law of faith.
    Three purposes of the law:

    - The unbeliever - how great their sin and misery
    - Application to public or civil life
    - The moral life of the believer is normed by God's moral law. Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). The law is God's objective standard for morality - a gift that liberates because it frees us from the tyranny of fads and opinions

    Thomas Boston, Works, 3:377

    "The doctrines of the gospel believed with the heart, teach us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present world. As Christ is the end of the law, so I may say, the law is the end of the gospel; for it is the great design of the gospel revelation, to bring back sinners to that righteousness and holiness which the law requires. The gospel never gains its end among a people, till a strain of piety and holiness run through their whole lives."

    I love your new thread "Remember When...." I'm composing my response. I shall share memories of a bygone time life was quite simply right/wrong, good/bad, legal/illegal or good manners versus bad manners.
    :banana: Yep, I was very pleased. Jets don't worry me terribly, but I hope KC doesn't underestimate them. Bills could be tough. Seattle is still scary despite their struggles of late.

    Tough game for your Colts today. When they got within 8 when it was 34-42 I thought for sure their momentum would keep going and they'd get the victory but Pittsburgh was able to turn the tide again. Crazy numbers for Ben.

    On a brighter side for you, I saw that 'Bama is back up to #3 in the poll. :think:

    It is getting hard for me, my health went down this summer, a bad time for feeling poorer. I appreciate being able to live to an older age, I did not know I would last this long? There are some good parts of being old and ill; I hardly ever get angry now, I just do not care what most people think. Mainly I care about my family, and that is enough. My daughter wants me to move permanently to Louisiana, which may happen; however, too much constant attention can be trying. I have always been so independent; I do not like having to rely on others for most things.
    Hehe...oops :p
    Honestly I don't recall ever giving anyone a neg rep here...maybe it is time... :eek:
    Sorry...posted this one on my profile yesterday instead of yours...

    Sorry to hear that, I sure hope things take a turn for the better soon.

    For my part, yeah things are going well. Rather busy with things at work as of late with several projects :eek:, but that's part of the fun :p

    Be well :cheers:
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