Town Heretic
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  • Thank you. My parents - like many couples who have been married a long time (it would have been 64 years this month) passed within mere months of each other. But they are whole and happy, together again. There is comfort in knowing this for certain. God bless you and your family, and have a wonderful Christmas. :)
    Pretty sure you already wished me one, but I don't mind duplicates - especially this year. The first Christmas without my parents, the first Christmas morning in 26 years that the hubster and I will wake up in the house alone - it's very different this year.
    You mean one where there's still no bargains? :D Fun is the best way to look at it really. In case I'm not on then you and yours have a fun filled Christmas dude.

    We may not agree on anything whatsoever but hey ho...

    At this point, I am here because of my friends. I have lost respect for a few people I use to think rather highly of and even considered friends.

    Oh well.
    The guy has real issues and an extremely bad temper. He sent off 5 harassing PM's to me within a matter of ten minutes. I had to report him to get him to quit.

    He also attacked Thunder's Muse for simply being my friend. Oddly enough, he received more infractions for his attacks on Angel than he did on me.

    Now he is playing the "I am going to make comments about her but not quote her so I can whine when she responds back to what I have said" game.

    Sigh. There must be a full moon. Rules are meaningless when they are not carried out across the board.
    Well, with that, I may be down to 6 lives left (Wii AND corn liquour)!

    "Blasted <hic> Mario!"
    Not that it is THAT important :) Curiosity and I've 8 lives left! What's Jack's big present this year? (am I down to 7 lives now?) I wouldn't call it a 'big' present, but I sent my kids to see a gospel version of Scrooge at one of the local churches, and they all loved it, even my "does_not_like_to_go_out" son :) I wanted them to do something together and make a good Christmas memory.
    Hopefully, Santa will remember you on Christmas by leaving you a bottle of *troll repellent* in your stalking. :D
    People seem to think I closed my own thread...

    If only, I'd have done it pages ago in retrospect...

    The very best Yuletide bah humbug to you and yours TH. I hope things go well with you.

    Same to you! You've put out a lot of good thoughts and had to deal with a lot of accusations and bickering responses. Merry Christmas to you, too. :)
    I think that was the last straw for me for a bit. Can't help but to feel burned when the owner of the site tells you, personally, that you are the problem in the face of such childish behavior. Cheers, mate. I might waddle back over later, but for now... :cheers:
    Merry Christmas. My backyard right now looks just like my wallpaper. It's starting to snow.
    Merry Christmas to you too. It's good to see you around here again, if only briefly. And I hope your dad stays hale and hearty.

    MD as in Mighty Duck? I couldn't say when the last time I saw him was. It feels like a very long time.

    Until next time.
    And just came back to find your note, thank you, and Merry Christmas to you too. :) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with both young and young at heart, and speaking of hearts, wishing your father a continued good recovery. :)
    Today was my last day of the semester, I had my last two finals, and my first five classes at State are over the finish line. Take good care of that arm - no blood poisoning allowed this close to Christmas.

    May the new year bring you much happiness, friend of mine. :)
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