Town Heretic
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  • Just reading your conversation with Rusha, I thought you already had your profile set to only contacts and friends?
    Oh, there's a surprise. Not.

    He and his minions are why I keep my profile private. I honestly believe his sole purpose in life is to bring down this website.
    She reminds me a lot of Sky .... insomuch as the cruelty she displays towards others.
    Thanks for your nice thoughts TH, yes I'm doing fine. I can even enjoy music again and food! :)
    That is my concern, too. I find myself posting a bit less each passing week I come here. We already see a degradation in posts and other characters are clinging to his coat tails. The official mod response is to "ignore him", which is well and good but the problem is this creates a huge us vs them mentality, grinding any discussion to a hault. With him and his crew on one side and the rest on the other. West Side Story, if you will.
    It is interesting and here is my (biased) take on the situation. When Knight decided to demote Bybee based on suggestions/reports submitted by Doser, he unintentionally created a vacuum. Now, many of the users who drift more to the left are bit uneasy about posting because trolling is running unopposed. Any sort of retaliation is immediately reported and infractions are given. This kind of encouragement has created a bit of a... volatile posting environment where the quality of posts has tanked over the last 3-4 months.
    Virtually indistinguishable? You are being too kind.

    Oh well, birds of a feather and all.
    Well, good. IIRC you told me to remind you if you ever forgot and took him off, and I aim to be diligent. Or vigilant. Or both. :chuckle:
    Ah. You weren't supposed to have him off ignore, so I'm glad he's back on. Some things just aren't worth your time. Being away for a month really illuminates that.
    It is. I had to call 911 and when the paramedic said it was 'acute,' I wasn't sure what the outcome was going to be. I haven't talked about it publicly but here is okay.

    Merry merry, happy happy. Go to it. Forget the toxicity of this place and focus on what's really important. :)
    Wow, glad your dad is okay. Incredible that we both have a parent who had a heart attack treated with stents and they're both recovering.

    Congrats on your acceptance, full speed ahead. :) Enjoy your Christmas first, though.

    I'm doing well. :)
    I didn't see it but shall look for it. She is like a rabid teenager in the throes of gonadal irrationality! Neither reason nor kindness have made a dent in her. But, God loves her....
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