Town Heretic
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  • All he had to do? Admitting they're wrong is the hardest thing some people have ever done, and some never get there. :)
    I know where you're coming from. But I have empathy- it may take some time to work through, Trump has trashed the political process so thoroughly I think a lot of people are in some stage of shock.
    Eh, many see how contradictory and self serving his standards are. You can't support family values by supporting candidates who spit the sanctity of marriage ... when it serves their purpose. Of course, as far as I am concerned, that is the case as well with those who are supporting the thrice married adulterer aka Trump.
    Have lots of fun with both. :)

    Yeah, I hadn't realized it hadn't come up, at least not in my memory, and of course it's not possible to see all conversations. But yeah. I find that rather humorous, to tell you the truth. :chuckle:
    Thank you. April will be fine. She just occasionally gets iritis and this time it's really bad. Thankfully we have a good friend who is an Optometrist and he was able to meet us at the office after church to prescribe some steroids. If you treat it right away it makes all the difference. The bad thing is until it heals she is pretty much incapacitated because it's very painful and she has to wear a bandage over that eye to prevent any light from entering.
    Thanks, yes, it's going well. Five classes, five midterms... counting down to spring break now. :)

    Honestly, I'm glad school keeps you busy and away from here, the benefits from what you're doing have much more real world value and hopefully bring more satisfaction. Glad to hear things are going so well for you. :)
    :chuckle: Oh, that's really a cute story. :chuckle:

    The things kids say are so funny... I'll send you a few from my own life when I get a chance, maybe on spring break. Can't wait!

    How's school going for you? Our paths haven't crossed much here lately.

    Oh, and your rep comment made me laugh. :)
    Oh, he was bashing Tam and Kat in the chatbox and I remarked that they were both great. His reply ... to tell me to shut up and mind my own business. Quite aggressive and now the comments about old age. His crazy is showing again.
    Yes, that might be a good thread that you can aggregate eventually into a nice FAQ page on your Blog.

    I see blog traffic using the Blog Settings link and then reviewing the linked settings options at the left of the page, e.g., Blog Statistics. You can also arrange your Blog Sidebar from the Blog Settings page. And, if you are paying attention, you will be able to add a nice welcome block on your Sidebar as I have done:


    Interestingly, when I offered to continue our conversation in private, Dozie ignored it since he wouldn't have an audience. :chuckle:
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