Town Heretic
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  • Apologies, I will dial it back. I know you like to keep your threads tidy. :e4e:
    I haven't tried to post any videos yet. I was just relieved to finally have my images show up as they should.
    Hello Sir. Hopefully it will not be too much longer when I can frequent this establishment more than I have. Still got a little catching up to do with projects on the house. The end is in sight though.
    The site looks nice. I haven't had a problem, so far. But this is the first time I've been logged in since the site changed. I'll holler if I run into a stumper.
    Yeah. I was away for a few days, so I'm having to do some catch and exploring the site today.
    Think I will like it too.
    Just have get adjusted to the new look.
    I have a new feature that might help. I can now ban a user from a specific thread. I already banned doser from your "Jack" thread. I don't want to make a big deal of this because if word gets out everyone will want me to ban this person or that person from this or that thread and it could get REALLY messy.

    But in some cases I think it will be handy.
    Hi TH,....I saw your question about customizing profiles, something I asked about too.....but didn't seem to get a response :idunno: - carried over my old design or background for the most part. let me know if u get any news on this ;)
    KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.
    Thanks Town. I try to keep it as simple as I can. For myself, mostly. :D
    Well, I've been lurking so it's not that big of a shock although not sure what to make of it just yet...and thanks...:plain:

    I have something similar for my laptop, called f.lux.

    I don't like the tweak much, but that's a matter of individual taste when it comes to design. When it comes to intent.... let's just say I think it was successful. I think Knight wanted to break the paradigm... and he did. For the good as well as the bad, though. He pretty much leveled the playing field, and I think those on the lower rungs feel a little better about that overall, and maybe some of the old/big timers might be feeling a little like Samson post-Delilah. But that leveling came at a loss for me at a personal level, it detached something somehow, severed the past from the present. What with old threads and posts gone, an entire history basically unavailable to bring back by those who remember it... the sense of community seems severed, somehow. Yes, it'll coalesce again in a different form, maybe better, maybe worse.
    Your profile page customization needs to correct the white fonts used as it makes the View Conversation Edit Report buttons at the upper right of all visitor messages invisible.
    WHA??? I live in North Carolina. :)
    (Besides that, I probably wouldn't eat what they serve in Manilla...unless I was VERY hungry.) :)
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