Town Heretic
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  • He has always had serious issues. Back when he was posting as Skybringr, he found fault in my Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) avatar. He stated I made it because Dorothy had three males doting over her. Now THAT's paranoia. :shocked:
    Thursdays means you spell Quixote's with a z? :liberals:

    Yeah, I meant to go back to that post, I still may, although I've been ignoring him...
    Thank you. :) That was very sweet - very you.

    Will respond later, I'm at school and on my phone - neither of which is conducive to writing a PM.
    I still do a lot of repping, so that I can leave prickly comments. I don't want to stop making the comments. :chuckle:

    I just have to remember to rep first, then thank if I want to do both at the same time.
    Nah ... he is just being his emotional self again. If you covered your mouth and turned your head away to sneeze, he would accuse you being sneaky. Just remember, anyone who dares disagree with Captain Tirade is the most despicable person. Ever.
    As good as the new Jungle Book movie is, I still like the 1967 cartoon version granddaughter hasn't seen the old cartoon one. I bet I can find it online for her.

    Look for the bare necessities
    The simple bare necessities
    Forget about your worries and your strife
    I mean the bare necessities
    Old Mother Nature's recipes
    That brings the bare necessities of life
    I really enjoyed my first experience. The only thing I won't do and don't agree with is giving anyone a grade for someone else's work, pro or con. I don't care if that happens in life. I'm talking about grades reflecting mastery, not your neighbor's. We had a great group. Two or three introverts and three solid extroverts. . .what worries me is when I hear a teacher saying, "I always use cooperative learning in my classroom." I mourn for at least half the class.
    I get the lean. I like the lean. I think it resonates with you more, but I'm not fighting it. :) One of my all-time favorite romantic comedies. And the best ending of any of them...though Notting Hill isn't half bad as closings go.

    Personal philosophy: in this course it's simply a couple of paragraphs or so. I start with the personal approach to the student then transition to my belief in a cooperative environment that meets children organically, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary connections, defeating the staid, alien approach of traditional myopic classroom environments, choosing instead to let learning come to the student the way life has taught them to process information. I will, however, not be running a group work only classroom, as I understand around half of my given students will be introverted by nature and best served by having a good bit of time to work on their own...that sort of thing.
    About the lean... I know I'm not the only one who got that from the movie, because I've seen it mentioned elsewhere - after having the film experience myself. I think it comes down to personal space and our own personal reactions to it, which can indeed be related to gender. From someone I'm attracted to, if they lean into my personal space it's... nice. :)

    For someone I don't know, or I don't like, or is being aggressive - and especially any of those + being male - I take leaning into my personal space as an actual or possible threat, and I'll instinctively back up and make sure I'm not in a corner. Hard to explain in a few words... would make a good social experiment. Probably already has, in multiple ways. My communications class a couple years ago had a diagram which actually measured the various spaces from personal (I think it was 18") to social, to public, etc.
    How much is expected from the personal philosophy? An abstract, or a whole paper? Nice first sentence, how will you widen the lens?

    Yes, I could use the working summer, keeps my mind busy. :) And yes also to enjoying the experience... like they say, it's not the destination, it's the journey.
    Good?! Must be a male/female thing. The lean was the best example I can think of when less was much, much... nicer than more. :)

    Semester ends in a couple weeks, not counting finals week. I'll be taking two summer classes, though. Fifteen more credits completed, 30 stand between me and a degree. Even though my boys are all grads and/or post-grads, technically I'll be a first-generation grad. First woman from grandmas (at least), mom, and 3 sisters to get a degree. I wish it had been different for all of them but I'm not sure they know or care what could have been.
    The erudition slows things down. :eek:

    You ready for a break from school? Or do you go right into summer session?
    Happy Birthday, dear sweet friend of mine. :)

    Enjoy the rest of the semester, and the soon-to-be-summer. Will you and Jack be summer buddies again?

    I'm all right, thanks for asking. School is going well, the sun is setting on a good junior year and summer's on the horizon.

    In other ways things aren't easy, but I'm getting through, one day at a time.

    I hope you have a wonderful day - enjoy those senior discounts. :eek:
    Meh, craft is to be enjoyed and appreciated.... I suppose if one gets the proverbial end of the stick though.... I hadn't seen that being the case, in this instance :cheers:
    IMO, Sum is worse than all of them put together. What I find interesting is that there are only a few prolifers contributing to the thread and actually confronting his blatant disregard of the unborn.
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