Town Heretic
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  • Good to hear you are doing well Town. I check in here maybe once or twice a year. It's May, so this is probably the first time I've done so since August 2013.
    Thanks for the rep, which is something of an endangered species anymore... I see you had the same problem I did. There's no reason that I can see for why it won't let me give rep on a particular post, but will on a different one. More than once I've had to say "this rep is for your other post about x..."
    And thanks for the above-the-fold honors. :) I tried to rep you a comment, but it wouldn't let me, although it should have. I even went around and repped 3 other people and came back and it still wouldn't. And that was before I added the "thanks" so it wasn't that, either. Strange....
    You know, I finally figured out how to get TOL back to the size it should have been all along. Now I just come by to say hi to friends and be at times truly fascinated by the rest. :chuckle:
    I think that's probably true, but the media landscape that we have, both in terms of social media, and also the supposed news media is really amplifying the conflict, which has come to be all they seem to be good for anymore. There are really very few actual novelties in politics, and I know Trump is just repeating the same tactics as the demagogues of the past, but it's not something I'm used to seeing practiced in the US in my lifetime, or so ferociously.
    Wow, GMTA and all that, I just logged on after all day away and found you'd left me this message 6 minutes earlier. :chuckle:

    What a shame about the trees. Understandable, but still... what a shame. I love trees.

    Don't know what sod's been up to, I'll have to take a look around.
    That's unfortunate they're not as clear as you know they are at your end, but they're still wonderful. :)

    And Joanna has lovely hair. My hair is straight and I curl it when I'm in the mood, and wish it had natural curl - my two best friends have naturally curly hair, and they're always straightening theirs. We get a chuckle out of each other. :chuckle:
    He's been feeling deprived. :chuckle: It's been a dry desert for him lately, finding anyone who'll engage him. Don't kid yourself, he's loving every minute of the attention...

    And that's great news. :) Knock 'em out of their socks. :thumb:
    I'm also ok with the Broncos sucking, but you already knew that. :chuckle: Glad to hear about your Colts. They were looking so strong at the start of Luck's career but seem to have taken a step or two back. I just saw that KC picked up Hogan from Standard and a WR, Weeks, I think it was? Happy to get a new WR. And Hogan may end up being a good pick too.

    Have you been watching the draft? I haven't but based on what little I've seen the Chiefs have traded away more picks than they've actually made so far. :eek:
    I don't know if you will care about Denver now that Manning has retired but I saw they picked up Paxton Lynch. Will be interesting to see how that goes. Have the Colts done anything good so far?

    Glad to hear it. I think teaching will be a great place for you to be, your sense of humor and way of connecting with people. Hope everything continues to go well. :cheers: The profession could probably use a few more Towns.

    I've been mostly good. My niece is now 7 months old so it's fun to see her grow and experience new things. Trying to get some things done in my house for a potential sale to buy a new home. Other things just keep getting in the way though. :eek: Also need to figure out what things need to be done and what things would just be nice. I don't want to dump too much money into it just in order to sell. Might talk to a realtor. Not much else going on.
    :wave2: How are you and the fam doing? Did I see that you're going back to school in some capacity?
    :thumb: Once you wrap your mind around the concept things become much easier....And IMHO it makes one much more effective (and selective) in ones arguments.
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