Town Heretic
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  • I find it very strange that the market was geared to Clinton, and predicted heavy losses if Trump won, and had assured the Clinton win with heavy market loss. Then it looks as if Trump has a hopeful side, but not all is said and done in one day.

    I wonder what the market would make of George Clinton?
    I don't know, I don't have access to the woodshed so I don't know what people have been reported or banned for unless I find out by asking. It certainly doesn't seem to be as active as it once was.
    How the guy isn't banned already is anyone's guess. Still, kind of systemic of how this place is going frankly...
    It's not as big a shock as it might seem. I think a lot of it has to do with a sense of jadedness at traditional politics, a bit like Brexit in that regard but oh boy, Trump...

    The trolls are loving it that's for sure...
    I am glad in one sense you are having this problem. I had noticed it for at least a week and given how much I tweak my windows environment I assumed it was something I had done. I had resorted to typing a few keys then just starting a new line wherein all worked as expected. Then deleted the errant characters above.

    I guess now it needs to be reported to Knight as it does not happen at other discussion sites so it cannot be a fault of some recent windows update.

    Have a safe trip on the red-eye. ;)
    I noticed, good, although I doubt he'll be any different if he does come back. Sounds like it's about time for a holiday, hope you all have a good one. :)
    I assumed as much. Thanks be to God that there are folks like yourself who can make something of the calling to teach, in spite of the training process.

    Two parts: I usually craft long posts to visitor boxes offline and then break them apart, posting them in reverse so they properly read from top to bottom on the member's profile page. A real pain given the word count limitations.

    BTW: ;)
    What are your impressions of the academic rigor of the graduate education program? I finished my own at Nova Southeastern U. with a 4.0. But compared to my engineering degrees, my adult education MS seemed a walk in the park. In fact I felt saddened and understood why the state of education in our kids' schools was so poor. I imagine you may feel somewhat similarly given what a JD required.

    Blessings to you and Jack as you stomp about my birthplace and youth next week. ;)
    :chuckle: Well, a lot of that base is already angry because they think the things they feel entitled to are being taken from them by people they criticized as having an entitlement mentality. :plain: So it's not like they've mostly made their bones thinking things through. What's that leave? Grade school thinking leads to grade school insults.
    It's just so lame. Almost equally funny and bewildering that they'd think it has any meaningful effect on someone who's straight, or even gay for that matter...

    If the likes of some of the hard right on here had any sort of power like that I'd be cracking open a bottle of Scotch while waiting for the sirens to go off...
    If he is he doesn't add up...:roses:

    What the hell it is with these loons and gay projection...

    I couldn't help laughing at Sod's last, irony doesn't seem to register him at all. CC is like a 12 year old having a constant hissy fit, Cruc i flat out unhinged as is CL to some degree. It's just pathetic.
    I am surprised to see them both aligning themselves at your expense. I think CC just did not like being held up to examination in your Wraps.
    CC's report of you was funny, too, given the response from the mod explaining the history of the name "Sod".

    CC's out of his weight class in the discussions on my end, so all he has to offer is toadying to the mob.
    I think he has been imbibing a wee bit today or is just testing the patience of the mods to see just how much he can get away with. At any rate, seeing the Romanist blowing a gasket is some shameful schadenfreude I perhaps needed today. ;)
    I don't know why they even think that 'argument' can hold up, let alone apply it to "liberals"...


    I'd have to say that settles in the top rank of my all time favorites... so visual.


    I'll send you a PM tomorrow, friend of mine.
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