Town Heretic
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  • Hmmmm that is strange. Have you ever got any messages from any of them?

    I deactivated some accounts today just to see how they react.
    "I think that's one of the things that sets the creative mind apart. You can't invent without the ability to see the familiar in new ways. One of my friends said about Jack, "Finally, you have someone your own age to play with." Same sort of sentiment, I hope."

    I luv that! Yes, I do believe it is the same sort of sentiment.

    May God continue to bless you, Town, and all that you set your hand to do.
    I thought we were friends but I just don't have the patience I did a few months ago. I put him on Ignore for awhile and just took him off today. That was my mistake. I put him back on Ignore and I'll leave him there. At one time, I had between 40-50 people on Ignore. At the beginning of March or April, I took everyone off. Now, I have about 5 people on Ignore.
    Man, the films Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows made me the man I am today :eek: .
    He's either a brilliant troll or the kid who shot old yeller and hasn't gotten over it :chuckle: .
    I do not know what is wrong with that boy? I saw an old post of mine with his neg, now the neg did not bother me, but what he said seemed too angry.
    Talk about projection and denial, he seems way too upset with this? I did issue him one neg back, saying “pest”. Then he sent me another long, highly critical one.

    I tried to curb his post, but he was relentless. I never seem anyone go so far off the beam over one returned neg with no more said than he is a pest, which indeed he is!
    I really do not care too much about it.

    I wonder how you are? I went by Mobile two days before the 4th of July. Sometime we ought to meet up?

    Now are you having any fight with AB, or is it just a game, as I always thought you both were friends?
    There's not really any upside to seeing his posts so maybe I'll just do the sensible thing and put him on ignore...for a grown man it really is just for the rambo, they blow themselves up enough as it is....:D

    It seems to be driving him nuts...well okay, more so then... :D I don't have him on actual ignore as it's just so easy now to see the sheer waste of time it is to respond.

    I do too but I hope she keeps to her vigil as she's doubtless explained to you also. I hope zoo comes back more as well but he does what he does, and I have to respect that even though I hope it means more regular appearances...I still wonder after Plastikbuddha, what a loss he was to this place - and hopefully just to this place...
    That is so true. And Proverbs has some laugh out loud verses as well.

    Also, about humor, or laughter more specifically, I read in a scientific paper that laughter is a fear response, but one of relief.

    The world indeed is filled with wonder and amusement. A girlfriend once told me (since I have seen Jesus) that she was not surprised and to not take this the wrong way, but you see through the eyes of a child and are like a child in the way you see the world, as if everything is new all the time.

    That was some compliment! And so, I totally agree with you about what is missed by so many when becoming jaded and 'been there, done that, seen that' that none of it holds any interest anymore.
    A person once told me that it requires intelligence to understand humor... and, humor is usually based in truth.

    Could that be a combination that not all are blessed with?
    Very magnanimous of you. Of course, that is your usual nature, as I see it.

    We share a view in that I am known to say: People, we are funny, aren't we? :)
    'Catatonic Crusader'?!


    He's another internet 'tough nut' who doesn't debate rather than pose...
    CC is a he, and maybe he would like that positive rep? Hard telling with him though. A bit of a mystery even though I have known him for years. Not that that means we have been on good terms. LOL
    Good morning TH, It looks as though I have acquired another "pain-in-the-behind" stalker, C.C. It has joined forces with The Sodden One!
    How may I legally insult them? Let me count the ways!
    I've had a migraine for two days.. finally went away a bit ago. I honestly think a migraine will be the death of me.. :plain:
    quip might be an entertaining read, haha. I search for some more people and I believe you're right about HoF members. Need to find out who among them hasn't been interviewed. We could also do something special for HoFers, maybe a list of special questions or some sort of "featured member" status in the archive. :e4e:
    It's hard to believe.

    Was I being too subtle with my last point to GO? I feel like he not only didn't consider it, but didn't have any idea why I said what I did.
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