Town Heretic
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  • Very sad. :( Did you see the tweet that the Academy put out? It was a picture from Aladdin of Aladdin hugging the genie with the quote, "Genie, you're free". I about cried. Tragic.

    How have you been doing, besides that?

    I'm aware of that but the way you put it in your thread led me to wonder if you view my reports with a level of disdain.
    Alrighty. Yes, lol, I didn't think that there would be addresses and s.s. #s given out. :)
    Hello Town,

    My apologies for this tardy reply. I haven't been here for about a month, or longer... I'd have to check to know for sure.

    So...on a scale of one to ten how interested would you be in taking one of the interviews?

    edited: the quote doesn't show up! :/ You said: "So...on a scale of one to ten how interested would you be in taking one of the interviews?"

    I have wondered from time to time how wise that might be. :)

    Can you direct me to the thread so that I can refresh my memory on what the questions are before I give my final answer?

    It is wonderful to be considered! My soul and spirit are doing a happy dance~~~
    The comment was not kosher because of it vulgarity. It didn't have anything do with one's perspective on the topic.
    Good morning TH, I wonder if the "tard factor" has noticed how few responses he is receiving? Now he is playing up to the fringe elements for support. The board has become dull.
    Well, I made a comment about him vying for resident troll spot but if nothings done about that then it just shows what 'standards' this place has nowadays...
    I'm amazed he hasn't received at least an infraction for that. The implication was as obvious as it was deliberate...and it's not as though the mods haven't been around, including on the thread itself...
    Can't give you more rep, yet, but I'm stealing this for my sig:

    "Or, the less the supportive data and the more declaration the greater the likelihood of horsefeathers."
    I always thought Branch's dad was a cold sob and I am betting Branch now knows it, too as I assume he is dead now. That was the season finale and I am hoping it returns for Season 4.
    I have been interested in viruses since I was a kid with a microscope and chemistry set. Long before computers and the Internet, I found out how to create a media where viruses would grow. Somehow I became infected and was sick for five days. But my body built anti-virus for that particular strain. A made a new media and invited a friend to watch the "action" under my microscope. He got sick just as I had and was sick for five days. That was the last time I played around with viruses, but I've only had the flu twice in the last 40+ years (H1N1 once), and they've been mild.
    I totally noticed that....:eek: and actually I had seen photos before and should have known, but actually nans and grandads are getting younger and younger, well that's my only excuse and I'm sticking to it.

    I'm sure you took it in good humour......Tots
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