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  • God foreordained that I would wish you a happy Thanksgiving at this very moment...and Robert Pate couldn't be more upset about it. :chuckle:

    Happy Thanksgiving, bud! :cheers:
    Re: the 'hardest prayer you will ever pray' thread - Every five or six weeks our pastor leads us through ACTS during the pastoral prayer where we take several seconds each for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. It's such a great model, but then, it's modeled after an even greater model, isn't it? Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
    :chuckle: Ah well, there's nothing like bouncing a ball off a wall and that's about the range of it with him. Good night, old TOL friend. :e4e:
    We lucky few of Edisonian constitution, to coin a phrase. :D Goodnight, my friend. I look forward to a conversation on my reading in the not too distant.
    A little after 1:00 and I'm feeling it. :eek: Which means tomorrow will probably be an earlier evening. But I routinely prowled about until 3:00 a.m. and rose with my wife a few hours later...I'll be glad when I'm back to that.
    Well hello you...My best to your family. I'm still mostly catching up with that which must be done and going to sleep, more often than not, at relatively decent hours...which is a bother. Our newest heathen could be promising. He doesn't appear to have as hard a dogmatic line as some in his camp...but then, I only just informed him that he lives by faith. We'll see how that settles with him. :e4e:
    I know that you've read quite a bit of theology. I suggested that TH read The Drama of Doctrine by VanHoozer. I was curious to see what you thought about his work, if you've had occasion to read it.:e4e:
    Interesting, though it's slow going. Being sick for a month set me back on so many fronts I'm only a few hundred pages in...and there was a friends death to deal with last week. This weekend I helped with a local political rally and tomorrow a close friend is flying in from San Diego to place his mother in an assisted living facility. He'll be staying the you can imagine. :sigh: So many fires, so little time. :poly:
    ...that's all I'd need. :chuckle: Had my blood work come in. My physician was shocked by it. If the goal was 150 I was at around half that (for the good). My bad cholesterol was 82, with that 150 and below being optimal. My total LDL was 76 (130 and below being the ideal)...but if you haven't had it checked, look at your vitamin D levels. Mine was deficient and that can impact your good cholesterol. I came in at a 38 (with 40+ the target and 60 optimal) but simply raising the D will jump that number from 10 to 30 points. :think: Or have I mentioned this before...tired again and ready for another extended nap...:yawn: :e4e:
    Barely a hundred pages in. Interesting so far, but fairly preliminary at this point. I tire easily and find it impossible to hold my concentration for extended periods still. A few more days and I'll be right as rain. :thumb:
    It was the "things explained" that blinks - it explains TULIP very nicely. Well, I've read the irresistible grace part anyway, since it's the part that makes people think that Calvinists believe in a grand Puppet Master and I like to read and re-read the Calvinist view on that to keep it clear in my head :D
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