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  • Well, the Lord did tell us to carry our cross and follow him. The error is in thinking that the will and power of carrying the cross comes from ourselves and not from the grace of God. So I think that the mere act of carrying the cross as the characters do, doesn't need to imply synergism. We indeed labour, yet not us but the grace of God with us, as St. Paul would say.

    In my opinion the character found the cross heavy because he lacked faith and I saw him more as the sort of person who finds religion to be burdensome and who opts instead for the easy microwave ready gospel where all he has to do is say a sinner's prayer and he is automatically saved. He wants it all easy and light instead of carrying the full weight of the cross.

    Thanks for sharing the cartoon it was good.
    "I can't define what sin is, but I know it every time I'm in Vegas." Anonymous...:plain:

    All apples are apples but every apple isn't necessary for the pie or no one could bake it. :TomO:
    Ah...well I just hope Ktoyou isn't too bummed out about discovering she lacks faith and is then outside of the Body. :rolleyes: That's some power Dave and LH have. I hope they wield it good Jedi. :plain: As for "them apples" :chew: How do I like them? :chuckle:
    About Ktoyou or Dave? :D I live in hope that he will one day do a better job of distinguishing between his understanding and God's and see that to differ with the former is another thing entirely. All truth is truth but not all truth is salvific or every man fails and we are condemned by the law, again.
    Ooohhh...he came back! I'll be there as soon as I can. It'll likely be tomorrow though. Don't have the time to devote to a well-reasoned post tonight. Hence, I visited Pate's new thread, because if there's one place where reason is likely to be unnecessary... :think:
    I kinda did. But only because he told me in a rep comment the day he registered. I'd like to think I'd have figured it by now, but sometimes I'm pretty thick. :freak:
    Is there a way to retract rep? I accidentally gave positive rep when I was trying to report a post...I'm an idiot.:doh:
    All is well here, although our household didn't escape the virus going around... I think of your wife and pray for you both when I see your 'name'. Hope you enjoy the season! Oh! I don't know if you get R.C. Sproul's podcast 'Renewing Your Mind', but there's a great two-part sermon on the incarnation (well, that's the way I see it...) titled From Heaven with Love.
    Dentist visit yesterday. First in over a year. Three fillings! So happy I can write and not have to speak right now.

    Have not been to a doctor in over five years. Can only imagine what the results of such a visit would be, given the above.

    You should spend some more time in that thread...I'm devoting way to much time for it and would love to see a fresh perspective.
    Gah! I wish I could rep your post to Muz regarding his disregard for scripture in the sweepstakes thread but the dad-blasted rep system won't let me!

    Oh, well. Outstanding! :thumb:
    It was a revelation. I suspect the one set up the other. It isn't possible to legitimately hold some of the opinion he repeated absent severe mental impairment of some sort. So I named him as I saw him...:idunno:
    You either fell asleep again or you're the slowest reader I've ever known and your doctorate must have taken thirty years...:plain:
    Post 493 isn't half bad and I had some fairly funny stuff along the way I'll be putting into Observations, but you were in this one and I hope you don't mind the reference. :e4e:
    I'm tired of that foul practice. It is beneath contempt. I was trying to keep my temper, as you did (and to better effect) once for me on a similarly disreputable declaration by I forget who. :think: I may be getting old. :chuckle: I just had an epiphany in the Prajean thread. I had mistaken a rather crafty troll for someone else. Wessex is his username, but no one who isn't mentally impaired would continue to make some of the claims I set direct evidence and quotes against and so I've named him as I find him and will enjoy the sport from here on out.

    How goes it with you?
    Took a light jab at "the Bob" on the second page of the e-book thread. Thought it might be the kind of thing you could appreciate.
    Hey AMR, I'm kind of new here and was sifting through some posts. I really appreciate your stuff in general, I was wondering where I could find the rest of your "AMRA-BEQ" posts? I don't even know what that acronym means but the ones I found so far are interesting.

    Thanks much ;)
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