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  • :think: Hard? I'd imagine it was a bit...Of course, no one was trying to kill me, in or out of pajamas...though that was tried once or twice (once intentionally/once as a matter of dumb luck). Nothing like the sound of a bullet passing by on its way somewhere else to prioritize things for you. I can recall the peculiar scurrying sound one made through the leaves...
    AMR . . . Here's a compliment . . . After studying you photo above and the side bar album pic . . . You remind me of Gerald S. (Stuart) O'Loughlin (Jr.) :e4e:
    :think:... No, I went for the mischievous rogue incarnation. The intellectual's equivalent of playing guitar in a rock band, don't you know. :chuckle:
    Oh, and did you catch my new photo in my profile photos? I thought having one that was a few days old instead of a decade was over due. :chuckle:
    :e4e: In and out in route to celebrating another year of dodging the grim reaper. Well, not so much dodging as tottering away with a genial wave over the shoulder. :D
    Not so dramatic as it sounds. More of an irritated shot across the bow evidencing a degree of weariness from hearing about needless suffering. Hell as eternal punishment for finite offense is a sadistic idea and a markedly pointless one, since the example it sets serves neither those saved from it or those found in it. Hell as a perfection of will, the consequence of choice, is another matter altogether. That's the short version at any rate.
    Ah, Statics and Dynamics - the one part of the exam I knew I'd ace :D It's just a balancing act :juggle:

    Still... I couldn't pass it today :nono: I can't even remember how to do a simple spring-mass-damper equation :sigh:
    I still have the study guide book though :idea:
    Ooooh! My most hated subject - EE :chuckle: My boyfriend (now my husband) had to help me through transistors or I'd never have managed.

    I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering with completion of the Cooperative Education Program - which is how I paid for the whole thing & a car :) I worked in Texas for General Dynamics every other semester and loved it.

    I've never had the time or inclination to get the MS or further - never even took the test for the PE, though I got my Fundamentals certification. So I don't generally call myself an engineer. I'm a mom and glad of it :D
    I've been scaling back on days...I'll be in and out infrequently between now and April to make a real push on finishing the book before I collect social security. :chuckle: See you when I see you. :cheers:
    Your welcome...I hope your birthday was a happy one. The Lord bless you my dear brother in Christ.
    :chuckle: Well, you're a creature of long course and study, progression toward a certain form. I'm a much more newly minted bit and still mulling much of it. I know my call from God was an overwhelming, personal revelation and I know the source of it. I understand my obligation to faith and the nature of evil, the eternal salvation of my soul and, I believe, the point of that. Most else remains on the table, though I am as confident today as yesterday that I am a creature of my own will, a good hunting dog running to the sound of his master's voice not out of fear or conditioning, but love. I find a number of Calvinist points well taken and all of the theology rational and systematically sound. My own, such as it is, has not half the order, symmetry and intellectual beauty in construction...and yet I am convinced and convicted that this cobbled and wobbling thing is the way of it for me and the path I was called to take (and took of my own free if perfected will). As soon as I know more than that you will. :cheers:
    You should post a hat tip in the thread so those inclined can give you a birthday bump without having to place it randomly elsewhere...and by those inclined I mean me of course...:chuckle:
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