Ask Mr. Religion
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  • I love design especially for the military, our military. I have never enjoyed myself more than designing a situational awareness computer for the A-10 Warthog. The military gave us the available dimensions and what computers they were going to use, the PC104 and PC104+ specs, 1 stack of 4 boards and i stack of 3. I suspected the military was going to change that to 4 and 4, so that's the way I designed it ... and they did. No problem. The five prototypes we made were never suppose to fly. I figured the military once they saw them and fitted them in, they'd change their mind. They did. I designed them for 10 gs in all directions. They military flew them and they handled perfectly. My company then got an order for 100 more and the project was given to a junior engineer.
    Because you EE's demand so much salary, I often been forced to do EE and Electronics work as an ME because there wasn't enough EE's around to do the work. ;) I was a pretty good programmer of PLC's (mostly ladder logic) and PC's (various computer languages), and I even did some board level repair. If nothing else, it gave me the confidence to attack problems not normally associated with mechanical engineering. I did my own instrumentation, chemical engineering, dense and dilute phase conveying, two-phase flow calculations, etc. My two patents are as diverse as you can get. The first one is for designing and installing a washing / disinfecting unit for killing e.coli and salmonella from fresh killed animals like poultry, beef and fish. My first installation was for Tyson in Georgia. My second patent was for a new unlocking mechanism operating off a chemical reaction for releasing the stores (bomb) of a bomb rack.
    I am a Mechanical Engineer by degree, but a multidisciplined engineer by experience. I have worked as a: Quality Engineer, Salvage Supervisor, Maintenance Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Computer Programming Engineer, Plant Engineer, Instrumentation Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager, Mechanical Design Engineer, Aerospace Design Engineer and now a Systems Design & Integration Engineer. I enjoyed my mechanical/electrical design experience probably most, with my chemical design experience next. My current job as a SDI Engineer is my least favorite by far. It's been extremely stressful which has taken a toll on my health.

    On another note, how do you feel about the changes happening in the PCA?
    This is the exact spirit of opposition we experienced from Marc Carpenter, & OTC followers, on the old TULIP web site.
    Are you of the view that the government should protect one particular denomination (Presbyterianism presumably) or are you talking about Christianity in general when you say "Christ's Church"? And, what do you mean by the nature-grace distinction?
    I was thinking about my habit of conversation in rep and it occurred to me that the recipient might, now and again, wonder if the point is to acknowledge or palaver. But people who receive that sort of address are those relative few whose work I find rewarding so often that the comments are incidental (even on point) are secondary in pursuit of a more general regard represented by the bump.

    That and I often read something when I can't rep it in particular or remember where I was by the time I can. :eek:
    Interesting this sounds much like the split of the Episcopal/Anglican Union...I was raised Episcopalian and we all know where that ended up. I personally never came to receive the gospel in the Episcopal Church but, I did much later in a more non-denominational setting. It is a shame the apostasy that has crept into the church...a damnable shame at that.
    I became a huge fan the day I learned of this incredible sauce. More importantly, so did most of my family. I left out 2 Tablespoons of Butter if you are so inclined. I don't do that part of it any more, although it does mellow the vinegar and mustard a tad. A Tablespoon or two of Milk might do the same :idunno: I just leave it out. It is very good.
    Okay then, my quick mustard sweet/sour sauce recipe: Put all in a sauce pan - 2 T mustard (not dry), 1/3 cup of vinegar, 2 T paprika, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, flour, or arrowroot. 1 Tablespoon of honey (may substitute syrup). Bring to a boil and then remove from heat. Pour over your cabbage potatoes, and beef.
    It seems you're uncompelled to continue the thread; and if that is the case, I understand and respect that. Either way, I thank God for you, and for you having been a catalyst with a few others that has changed my heart in dealing with Theology Proper. When I came to TOL, I was raging with an area of passive-aggressiveness, and was sensitive to the slightest provocation. Over the months, that gradually ebbed and flowed, but was changing. And in just the past few weeks, I've had epiphanal and substantial changes in my heart to expose and rid me of bias, judgment, pride, and others facets of flesh by God's grace and mercy. I humbly consider His Spirit in you to be a factor in all that. Your brief comments and olive branch profoundly affected something sub-cognitively in my heart. And I'm grateful for your attempt to vet out the topic. God bless.
    Very interesting and sad....I was raised Episcopalian, my mom and dad met in the church as children. My grandmother was my father's choir director. It was very hard for them to watch their church turn to apostasy...the world is creeping in, we must be on guard to see it. Sadly
    How, then, should we proceed? Can we do what you intended now? I say it's never too late to reboot, and I graciously defer to you in so doing. Ignore anything that has been said and proceed according to your original plan. I wanted to provide exhaustive definitions to prevent talking past each other. I tend to copiously preempt questions with answers as a pattern from being misrepresented for many years. There's no reason we can't have it unfold exactly as you intended from the start.
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