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  • All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16

    I keep coming back to that as the frustrating obstacle course between now and entrance into the next educational cycle for me looms. I'm enrolled and aimed toward entering a Masters in Education next semester, getting a couple of things required out of the way now, along with an endless sea of red tape that has to be dealt with...egad.

    Came across a med students journey of faith through his studies. It's a very thoughtful and enlivening bit of sharing here.
    It was not an intentional goading, though perhaps I'm blind to some of my latent motives. I was not thinking of that thread in the light you have brought forth. My initial motivation for softening my approach was the realization I was affiliating with and passively endorsing many heretical views. I'm just not very cautious in that regard, so I readily receive the wise correction with humility. I'll more carefully abstain from tangential challenges in such threads. I don't think about the difference you've mentioned between the sections.
    Well... As you well know, I'm a detractor to classical multi-hypostatic Trinitarianism; and non-Trinitarians make many valid points that never get handled appropriately. My disappointment has been the abandonment of the dedicated thread and your silence in response to my genuine questions and comments.
    I thought the original companion thread was dead/pruned but it isn't so I've linked back to it and posted in it. :thumb:
    Thank you for your reply. I have read through the first selection and mean to hold such standards. TOL is at base a theology site. Yet it's diversity adds to it's interest. My thought has been to present myself in a non-judgmental way yet not budge on my bottom line. This is a challenge! Wish me luck!
    Thank you for the kudo! I would appreciate any input from you on whatever "Moderating" style I may develop. I trust your judgment. Thanks, Pat
    The 150 is absurd (as is their 21 GB average claim for users, since that figure has doubled over the past few years). The ATT Uverse internet has a 250 GB cap before the old ten per 50 GB charges kick in. But 150?

    My worst binge was about 22, but now that I know what I'm dealing with I can throttle it. We have great local and I'll keep an eye on the totals now that I know how and where to find it as a subset of my online bill. ATT has an annoying habit of pausing that running total though. By way of, my latest usage stops three days ago with a notice I'm eight GBs short of my limit (no notice by email or else, which is a sore spot). So I'm confident we're already into the additional 50 GB charge.

    Given what we're saving on our of Dish I could write off 150 additional GBs, pay the 30 charge on top and still come out 40 ahead, but I'm going to try to not manage that.
    Turns out we have a 150GB cap with ten dollars for every 50 GBs over. :mmph: Absurd. I should have been able to roll over all the years of months with them under that amount. Anyway, I'll have to figure how to doll usage out now, but I suppose I'll adjust, read more, that sort of thing. :chuckle:
    Thank you for those links and for the invitation, Mr. Religion.
    Those are interesting topics. A little complex for me. Thanks again.
    Hoping to engage in one of your topics sooner or later.
    Curious. Haven't had much experience with that...we don't have a cap on our 6.0 that I know of...can't say I particularly understand it. If they try to take advantage of us at some point I suppose I'll simply do without and go live with my antenna, punt the rest. For now it's a brave new world. :)
    I'm amazed by all the content available on the Roku, though I could live on Netflix tv for a couple of years. Between that and the HD antenna, which given the time of year I'm not using as much, I really feel like I'm getting a great deal more for a great deal less.

    I have to admit to binge watching Marco Polo. :chuckle: I like the rate/get suggestions feature. Reminds me of back when I had the Tivo.
    Thanks for the rep on my "Forgiving and Forgiveness" thread. I value you your opinion, what are your thoughts on Mark 11:25-26 and Luke 6:36.
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