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  • I hope it hasn't been insanely frustrating for you to ignore the crosstalk on the thread, but I half gave up on the trollers while still responding to cogent and relevant questions and comments from others. I was compelled to relate more intricate minutiae of my formulaic with Arsenios based on past discussions. I'd hope a great deal of my perspective has become much clearer on points you've not been able to recognize and understand before from limited inference without such delineation from me. I'll gladly reengage at any point, and follow your pace and style with any questions you have, etc.
    I did not attend today because we are having bad snow.
    But I did attend the United Methodist Church with family last week--- do not know if I'll join, though , as I am thinking of Kierkegaard's essay , "Keep thy foot when thou enters the house of the Lord". ;) I may really be an Episcopal at heart- thank you for caring.
    The surgery went well. I had an 8mm bulge in my S1 putting pressure on my sciatic nerve, along with inflamed blood vessels putting pressure on the nerve as well. I have been dealing with this for 8 months. It was a tearful moment standing up with no pain yesterday. I felt quite blessed.
    Mr. Pate has such a preconception that he can't even read the English as it is written. Basing a rejection of Calvinism on "whosoever" is not only theologically questionable, it imports meaning into the verse that no one who doesn't believe in universal salvation would accept. At least not with consistency. I think if there is any possibility of him reading the verse properly (or even addressing Calvinists anywhere close to where they are), he has to take this a bite at a time. He just starts with his resistance to Reformed theology and runs with it.
    I do see what your intentions are and I've seen this all before. You might well think you are clever or even unique, but you ''reformed people'' fill the pews in the churches in Wales. You are to blame for the churches being empty of people that are sick and tired of your self justifying creeds and the demands you make on poor souls. You have changed from selling indulgences to selling your doctrines. Same spirit at work just a different product.
    I believe he revamped his book embracing the correction, if I am not mistaken. Thanks for information. -Lon
    Actually had a brief and productive bit with Nang on theological musings, if you can believe it. Meanwhile chrys apparently has issues with the Westminster Confession and Presbyterians. :mmph:
    thanks for the thread on calling out people individually.

    am new here and see it all the time.

    I thought it would be normal if one has already discussed the issue with that person than scripture could be followed by calling them out publically. Allowing members to call other members fools and liars and the such seems to be a trivial thing here which is sad.
    Ooops! Yes! Thanks for catching that "canard" thingie, and I fixed it.
    A Catholic friend of mine asked me how I saw the principle difference between our respective camps... I responded that to my mind the Catholic spends his life searching for assurance of the thing the Protestant spends his living from. I can't imagine that want as a strength of any sort or something to be desired.
    I used the Contact Info tab above with the send via email option. I cannot see the email address so it is likely the one you used to register with here. You may want to delete the email address below unless you want email from all and anyone.
    Thanks. I really appreciate all the links you have sent me. So, do you have any comments or critiques for me so far. I know you are a more seasoned saint than I am, for I have only been a Christian for 5 years. I would appreciate anything you have to say.
    Sorry about that quoting issue. I will go through and change it. I have been writing my responses on a word doc, then copy and paste. I dont like typing in the little box. Is there a page on this site that shows me what to do, or is it just a matter of using the HTML tags?
    Thanks, source added to the post. I first started with three words per post. I'll try to return to the least amount of words. Folks make to much out of long posts. Folks can't go against a few words.
    On the contrary, I've determined to trust you implicitly and welcome all clarification, even via interrogation. LOL. Tuesday is always slammed, and I'm still mobile and iPhone bound. I'll begin responding late tonight and/or tomorrow.
    There is a cable, to a modem, to a wire, which plugs into my computer. I am going to look for new one with this plug connection.

    I would say more; today, as well, the past few weeks, I have not been feeling well.
    Poke my head in every once in awhile! :D I've been hanging out in Facebook groups for about a year. I admin for a couple of groups and have on ongoing chat with 3 close friends (unbelievably different flavors of theology!) that seems to consume my time!

    Facebook is just different, not really better. Maybe the shear number of groups available makes it appealing. But you would be ashamed of most of the Calvinists I run into in the various groups. They are the single best reason for people to reject Calvinism, sadly. I used to spend a lot of time doing damage control and finally had to take a break from those particular groups. Never dull, though! :D

    Thanks for popping in on me Patrick!! :)
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