ECT Words have meaning unless of course you have bit into the lie of MAD.


New member
tetelestai,I have noticed that when Madist cannot support their beliefs through scripture they turn up the personal attacks.

I really feel sorrow and pity for them. What a mess to be trapped in even denying that Jesus' teaching are for the body of Christ , and ignoring and perverting ALL of the other Apostles teachings.

I am amazed how out of context some Madist yank the scriptures.

Blessings in that name above every name "JESUS".

You have just been taken in by the heretic Tel-a-lie - who consistently claims the Lord already returned.

In other words, you have just proven once more just why you are clueless, dodge.

Because you clearly go by an at first glance, first impression "what it means to me" reading into a thing.

It figures you would end up siding with the rank heretic, Tel-a-lie.

What's next for you, dodge - that ypu end up subscribing to his Preterist nonsense?


New member
Danoh;4834385]You have just been taken in by the heretic Tel-a-lie - who consistently claims the Lord already returned.

I have seen a lot more heresy coming from the MAD camp than Tet.

e.g. One Madist said, "he was baptized unto Paul"=heresy

e.g. another Madist said, "Paul was designated the "I AM" by the Holy Spirit"=heresy

e.g Another Madist told me the 4 Gospels are not for the BOC= complete deception and confusion

In other words, you have just proven once more just why you are clueless, dodge.

My faith since 1978 has been in Jesus and that is where it is going to stay. UN-like MAdist who trust and follow the servant ( Paul ) more than the Master.

Because you clearly go by an at first glance, first impression "what it means to me" reading into a thing.

As of NOW I have never seen Tet post anything but scripture and try to explain the scripture to confused and deceived Madist.

It figures you would end up siding with the rank heretic, Tel-a-lie.

Why do you consider Tet a heretic, because HE will not leave the truth and follow Madist ?

What's next for you, dodge - that ypu end up subscribing to his Preterist nonsense?

I follow Jesus not MAD.

Right Divider

Body part
I have seen a lot more heresy coming from the MAD camp than Tet.

e.g. One Madist said, "he was baptized unto Paul"=heresy

e.g. another Madist said, "Paul was designated the "I AM" by the Holy Spirit"=heresy

e.g Another Madist told me the 4 Gospels are not for the BOC= complete deception and confusion
Please be aware (and you should be, but instead you LIE about it) that NONE of these things are MAD doctrine.

My faith since 1978 has been in Jesus and that is where it is going to stay. UN-like MAdist who trust and follow the servant ( Paul ) more than the Master.
How can someone that says that they are a Christian continue to LIE like you do? It appears that you are a POSER and not a Christian.

As of NOW I have never seen Tet post anything but scripture and try to explain the scripture to confused and deceived Madist.

Why do you consider Tet a heretic, because HE will not leave the truth and follow Madist ?

I follow Jesus not MAD.
Good for you. We follow Jesus as well, just not as a Jew under the law.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Please be aware (and you should be, but instead you LIE about it) that NONE of these things are MAD doctrine.

How can someone that says that they are a Christian continue to LIE like you do? It appears that you are a POSER and not a Christian.



Good for you. We follow Jesus as well, just not as a Jew under the law.

Good post


New member
Right Divider;4834409]Please be aware (and you should be, but instead you LIE about it) that NONE of these things are MAD doctrine.

MAD doctrine= Men advocating deception

How can someone that says that they are a Christian continue to LIE like you do? It appears that you are a POSER and not a Christian.

That perfectly describes you.Jesus was accused of lying also because His accusers followed their traditions more than TRUTH.


Truth is always a lie to those who are in darkness. Jesus was accused of lying also because His accusers followed their traditions more than TRUTH.

Truth is always a lie to those who are in darkness. Jesus was accused of lying also because His accusers followed their traditions more than TRUTH.

Good for you. We follow Jesus as well, just not as a Jew under the law.

If only ! Madist follow Paul NOT Jesus.


New member
Many people here are trying to follow Jesus as He taught on earth. He was born under the law and taught His disciples to follow that law.

The Father didn't send Jesus to subvert the law, but to emphasize the spiritual aspect of the law. And he did.

Jesus' focus was on the weightier matters of the law.

In Matthew 23:23 Jesus said, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone."

We should not neglect justice and mercy and faith even though Jesus said it.

Right Divider

Body part
The Father didn't send Jesus to subvert the law, but to emphasize the spiritual aspect of the law. And he did.

Jesus' focus was on the weightier matters of the law.

In Matthew 23:23 Jesus said, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone."

We should not neglect justice and mercy and faith even though Jesus said it.
The law that Jesus followed had tons of stuff that you don't do.