Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students


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Have you brought yourself to that conclusion based upon some idea of rational parity or an otherwise high-minded notion of fairness?

If you can take what you deem to be racist and insert another race into the blank, its racist, no matter what color is saying it. Period, and yes, i have a high minded notion of fairness, since my God is just and fair and He lives in me.

Just ask yourself one question: when ever has the concept of racism ever came close to embracing the virtues of reason or fairness? :idea:

Not often, since man is fallen, but do tell me how racist policies being performed against white people, makes up for anything?

Is the goal our hanging, will it all be level then, to hang and attack those who did nothing to you?

How can you all not see the same bad things in reverse, are still bad?


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Hall of Fame
any 4th grade student (outside of Texas) can name the most affluent countries in the world:
Actually, Denmark is becoming more like us

How Not to Welcome Refugees
With its new immigration law, Denmark is once again sending a blunt message to migrants

Is Finland’s basic universal income a solution to automation, fewer jobs and lower wages?

Netherlands: Populist Leader Geert Wilders Calls Moroccan Immigrants ‘Scum’

Asylum seekers fleeing the Netherlands on humanity issues

Why Socialists Shouldn’t Cite Sweden as Success

Scandinavia Isn’t A Socialist Paradise

Depending on who you ask, its both socialist and democratic. They cant decide.

New Zealand
While it has some socialist policies, its not considered socialist.
New Zealand may not be a socialist country, but the welfare system in the country is very wide ranging, offering support for housing, unemployment, health, child care, and education as well. Therefore, New Zealand has many of the characteristics of a socialist country, even while remaining officially free market.

Also college is NOT free here:
Is education in New Zealand free?
Primary and secondary schools are the second level of education. Your child's education is free between the ages of 5 and 19 at state schools (schools that are government owned and funded) if they are a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident. Schooling is compulsory from age 6 to 16.

They are having quite the crisis with funding healthcare now, too

all of which are socialist....hmmmmm
You are bad at research, dont quit your day job, if you have one that is.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i believe that all those countries (except new zealand and belgium) export oil and, like that paradigm of failed socialism venezuala, have been struggling with low oil prices

iow, their shining socialist models are built on the back of global warming :darwinsm:


Those countries are still filled to the brim with retards the same as any other :idunno:
I visited Trinity College in Dublin last summer and their rational for providing free post-secondary education was that for a country without oil/gas or other raw materials for export, Ireland's only asset is her people.

By investing in raising the educational and skill levels of her people, Ireland is hoping to position itself to compete in the Information Age in the 21stC.

I would suspect that most of those other nations on the list have adopted a similar strategy.

Unlike most nations, however, public education in America is the responsibility of the states, which limits the federal government's ability to implement national educational policies or strategies.


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Hall of Fame
Odd...this almost sounds like a rightie justification for ghetto distressed police profiling...not the liberal argument you seem to allude. :think:

Sure I can. White privilege goes back quite a few years...seems a logical place to start, yes?

You are seeing this through a lens of, "oh, poor darkie, and 'terrible whitey', he 'should be so guilty'.

This is not how it is anymore and only seems so to isolated wealthy white kids, such as the students at UCB who believed black people could not vote because they were unable to procure proper identification. Yet, in reality, most black people have as much ability to obtain these credentials as any white person. If fact, this thinking is a way to, surreptitiously, capture a white superior position by belittling the imagined black dilemma, and then feeling guilt over not managing black lives.