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the democrats support abortion

that is why I vote republican

I agree. They do. But that is the only issue of disagreement.

then you should vote on that basis

I do. Which is why I don't vote republican either.

that is a stupid statement based on your previous posts

also based on what republicans are doing state by state to restrict abortion


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Hillary Clinton will become president after she is selected over Republican nominee Jeb Bush.



New member
How about Oprah Winfrey for President?

how about someone POOR for president?

the poor are just as good humans (if not better ) than the rich

it seems the office of pres is just... like, open to the highest bidder

not all poor people are uneducated, irresponsible fools..

and not all the rich are good people. Oprah is in favor of abortion

no one who thinks it's OK to murder helpless children (like a cowardly bully) is fit to be president



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Hopefully God will have the right person for the job. Just keep praying. Will leave it at that.

Support him or her regardless.


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If American voters don't wake up to what is sinful and repent ... Yes, Hillary will be president.

Our leaders are not our problem in our country ... they are merely the manifestation of the disease of sin permeating our nation. We get what we elect.

The problem is the American voter AND the non-voter.
What is the disease? It is a mixture of ignorance, apathy, greed, self-righteousness, stupidity, and rebellion to God's will.

Americans hold the answer as to whom will be the next president. Whoever is elected will have a hard time because our country is so divided on what is right and wrong ... that it is as if a spiritual war is taking place among us.

I'm praying that our people turn to God without our having to face divinely allowed correction first.


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If American voters don't wake up to what is sinful and repent ... Yes, Hillary will be president.

Our leaders are not our problem in our country ... they are merely the manifestation of the disease of sin permeating our nation. We get what we elect.

The problem is the American voter AND the non-voter.
What is the disease? It is a mixture of ignorance, apathy, greed, self-righteousness, stupidity, and rebellion to God's will.

Americans hold the answer as to whom will be the next president. Whoever is elected will have a hard time because our country is so divided on what is right and wrong ... that it is as if a spiritual war is taking place among us.

I'm praying that our people turn to God without our having to face divinely allowed correction first.

good post

praying is fine
you still have to vote
it is a sin not to
the democratic party supports abortion


Well-known member
good post

praying is fine
you still have to vote
it is a sin not to
the democratic party supports abortion

Hello Chrysostom ...Thanks for your response. It is a citizen's shame not to vote ... but it is a sin for a Christian to vote for people who support sin. It is a shame for citizens to remain ignorant of God's will and a candidates positions. Compromise is not a word I like in these times.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter.

2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Yes ... that is a given, but have you read Ezekiel 9:4?

This chapter shows how God will be merciful to the remnant among people, who cry out about abominations happening in the midst of their nation.

God sends a watchman to distinguish between those who respect his will over man's.

If we are to be watchmen or salt in our nation, we must cry out and also vote accordingly.


TOL Subscriber
Yes ... that is a given, but have you read Ezekiel 9:4?

This chapter shows how God will be merciful to the remnant among people, who cry out about abominations happening in the midst of their nation.

God sends a watchman to distinguish between those who respect his will over man's.

If we are to be watchmen or salt in our nation, we must cry out and also vote accordingly.

2 Timothy 2:4 KJV

Colossians 3:1-4 KJV

It's not why we are here! This is: 1 Timothy 2:4 KJV, 1 Corinthians 1:21 KJV

2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.


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2 Timothy 2:4 KJV

The verses following say:
5 And if a man also strive for masteries (IOW - self works of the flesh), yet he is not crowned (by God), EXCEPT (unless) he strives lawfully (IOW - by the power of the spirit of salvation from God.)
6 The husbandman (a type of watchman empowered with God's wisdom) that works must first be a partaker of the fruits (of the spirit).

Comments: Then a believer should work and will be crowned by God when we are seeking his will on earth among men.
Since I am a follower of Christ and I have been given the fruits of the spirit to guide me in this world; I do not labor in vain.

Our nation instituted voting as way to select our honorable leaders and it has give citizens the obligation to select the best we can find.

"The best we can find" is the tricky part that requires our labor.
If the godless vote we get godless leaders. If Christians vote we hopefully will get "God filled" leaders.

Heir, if you are a Christian you should vote for the best you can find.


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:think: Hmmmm...Not so fast, maybe...

"New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation"

Article said:
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.

The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.


Well-known member
the fact that the republican party supports abortion
not bad enough for some of you
we have to look for other stuff