
New member
bush vs clinton
get over it
I am looking forward to it
we may get it right this time

I don't think it will be Jeb Bush

I think Rubio has a good chance.

But I still think what this country needs is a Ted Cruz. I don't recall Rubio standing up to the status quo like TC did..? But I can't say I know as much as I would like about Rubio.. did read his biog some time ago

I like the way TC wasn't afraid of a gov shutdown like all the weenies in Congress were..



New member
"ertain circumstances."

Yes, this is just what America needs in the White House, isn't it?...someone without a shred of care for our nation's security. Good grief, even David Letterman is making fun of her!

lots of dumb, uninformed voters.. who tend to be libs..

I hope everyone reading this will INFORM at least ONE other person about what is going on in the world... (the ones who vote, that is)

Here's how scary things are

When I was very young, I once voted for a R just b/c he was a R.. I was low info in those days. Now I have read that this person... was... Let's just put it this way: He was NOT a R, just a rino

I have learned to study the candidates. Problem is: not many others bother... too busy living life.. working, and whne they get off work, watching TV.. and other worthless endeavors (unless they are watching FOX..)



Well-known member
the democrats support abortion

that is why I vote republican

I agree. They do. But that is the only issue of disagreement. You sit there all smug telling us of the many issues of disagreement between them so I am asking for your answers to the questions asked