Why would God need a hell?

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The 'child of hell' referred to is anyone who doesn't have a grasp of revelation Truth. Those who deny the Bible-based Truth of hell and / or universalists fall into the category of 'twice the Child of Hell'.

It means you are bringing people into Christianity and making them believe in your view of hell twice as much as you do. Your making them worse. Your making them more blind than yourselves; and this is how the tradition of deception is passed from generation to generation; and the strength of the deception grows.


Well-known member
It means you are bringing people into Christianity and making them believe in your view of hell twice as much as you do. Your making them worse. Your making them more blind than yourselves; and this is how the tradition of deception is passed from generation to generation; and the strength of the deception grows.
You're missing the parable's meaning, as anyone with a small amount of understanding can see. Hell is filled with people who have ignored warnings, not those who adhere to Truth.

The blind are pictured in Scriptures as leading other blinds into hell. :duh:


New member
No, you definitely are a pretend Christian and a disgrace to Truth, which you have no part in.

That's funny. Is being a Christian is more important than your own soul? The need to hold on to being a Christian is evidence that you are terrified to turn and face your eternal and infinite self. Feel the intensity of the resistance. THAT is the personality. The personality cannot feel good enough about itself because there is no way to replace infinite and eternal value. The soul is what it has been unconsciously seeking all its life but it doesn't know it. The personality is too busy trying to find a feeling of worthiness somewhere outside itself and it will avoid the soul at all costs.

Compensating through beliefs, religions or living up to an ideal sense of self does not work. There is no amount of belief in the traditional Jesus that will ever change this or compensate for the soul. By confessing Jesus we have automatically and unconsciously agreed to condemn ourselves to worthlessness. We've turned our backs on the infinite and eternal part of the self which is one with God. You can't fake self-worth nor can you hide behind beliefs trying to avoid the truth. Those fig leaves are not helping. God sees right through you. The long-term effect of trading your infinite treasure for some miserable identity that is identified with worthlessness is hell.


[Mt 23:15] "It means you are bringing people into Christianity and making them believe in your view of hell twice as much as you do."

It means when they :eek:linger: travel the world and make a convert, they make him a double devil. :eek:linger: :eek:linger:

We are invited to Christ's table not the Vatican's (Ac 2:42, 46). :reals: They serve vomit (Is 28:8). :vomit: Rome :burnlib: will be destroyed (Jer 51:21). :popcorn:

Totton Linnet

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That is true but taking Christ literally leads to misunderstanding. Christ points to the infinite eternal part of us and yes, without it we are nothing. Please be aware that we can never be apart from this aspect of ourselves and thus we can never be disconnected from our divinity.

The devil is in these days becoming ever more subtle with his lies, subtlety doesn't make them better lies, greater believability doesn't make them less damnable. What you have is flummery.....bullshine to baffle brains.


While we are in Matthews 23rd chapter...These believers...were teaching doctrines that literally kept other people from being able to be saved...[T]hese Pharisees had doctrines that closed the door of salvation to certain people; Christianity today is no different, with their eternal hell doctrine, they are " Modern day Pharisees."

Catholics teach that they are the way, the truth and the life. :eek:linger: Christians teach that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). :poly:

"Roman Catholicism vs. historical, biblical Christianity: "We have different authorities, we believe different gospels, we worship different Christs, we are led by different spirits and we are on different paths to eternity. Compare this with the unity the apostle Paul described with those who are in one body and one ......Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, on God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all (Eph 4:4-6)..." Full text: No Idolatry & False Teaching

Totton Linnet

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If you fail to warn the sinnerman to turn from his sin and he does not turn God will require it at your hands.

Some smart folks on this thread, but we prefer the simplicity of God's word. God's word did not lie about salvation, we do not expect what God says about the fate of the wicked to be a lie either.

Totton Linnet

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While we are in Matthews 23rd chapter, lets look again at Jesus speaking in verse 13; " But woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men!" Oh, a railing accusation from Christ. These believers in God, because they most certainly believed, and did so in a very strict manner, were teaching doctrines that literally kept other people from being able to be saved. They were so serious about their belief, that they felt only believers who " Were like them", could be saved! They had to " Do" what they did. Think like they thought. Interpret the scriptures like they did.

And these Pharisees had doctrines that closed the door of salvation to certain people; Christianity today is no different, with their eternal hell doctrine, they are " Modern day Pharisees."

The gospel we preach turns nobody away...you preach hell more than we do, your whole life seems taken up with it. The more you try to deny it, the more it shows that it is in the bible.


New member
If you fail to warn the sinnerman to turn from his sin and he does not turn God will require it at your hands.


You got to be kidding me. God does not base salvation on how a believer warns an unbeliever, that's Christian hogwash. Salvation is not based on what believers say or do to unbelievers; God knew he could not set salvation up like that, he knew believers would be far too selfish and merciless.

I mean, look at Christianity, the best example I could give. You people would condemn a whole city, a whole nation, a whole world to your hell, and think nothing of it.


Your religion came from the Vatican...

:dizzy: Peter was never a pope. :eek:linger: I stand against those who celebrate the destruction of the temple (Ob 11, Dan 9:26)--Esau's descendants (Ob 6,10,).



New member
:dizzy: Peter was never a pope. :eek:linger: I stand against those who celebrate the destruction of the temple (Ob 11, Dan 9:26)--Esau's descendants (Ob 6,10,).


Your denying your parent Christian; your religion came from Catholicism, and Catholicism came from your religion. This is the true cycle of history that you cannot hide from; at least not from people like me who know the true history. Your effort to disown your parent religion is transparent and I see through it;



[Constantine, Roman Catholicism :eek:linger:] Your denying your parent Christian; your religion came from Catholicism...

:eek:linger: She's not my mama (Re 17:5). :granite: Replace Mary for Semiramis and Jesus for Tammuz. :dizzy:

You love her. :Shimei: What would you do without her? :reals:

"...According to many Reformers, Satan's crown jewel is the Roman Catholic religion. It is his most seductive and deceptive form of counterfeit Christianity in the world. Granted, there are many other apostate churches, but none compare in the size, power, influence and wealth to the apostate church headquartered in Rome. The problem most Catholics have is they have been indoctrinated from birth with the lie that they belong to the one true Church. By believing this lie, they have no incentive to read God's word and therefore they cannot discern truth from error. I pray you will ask God to reveal His truth to you as you abide in His Word (Proclaiming the Gospel, Vol 18 no. 4)." Full text: No Idolatry & False Teaching
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New member
The devil is in these days becoming ever more subtle with his lies, subtlety doesn't make them better lies, greater believability doesn't make them less damnable. What you have is flummery.....bullshine to baffle brains.

You can't rationalize away the truth no matter how hard you try. The traditional version of Jesus is a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation.


New member

"...According to many Reformers, Satan's crown jewel is the Roman Catholic religion. [/URL]

In my view, all of Christianity is satans crown jewel, bare no exceptions other than a few very small unknown groups. All of Christianity. He has deceived them all. Rev. 12:9.


In my view, all of Christianity is satans crown jewel...Rev. 12:9.

:yawn: You lie like your father (Jn 8:44). :noway:

"Re 12:9 dragon was cast … to the earth. Satan and his demons were cast out of heaven at the time of their original rebellion, but still have access to it (cf. Job 1:6; 2:1). That access will then be denied, and they will be forever barred from heaven. Devil and Satan. Cf. 20:2. “Devil” comes from a Gr. verb meaning “to slander” or “to falsely accuse.” He is a malignant liar (John 8:44; 1 John 3:8). His accusations against believers (v. 10) are unsuccessful because of Christ our Advocate (1 John 2:1). Satan, meaning “adversary,” or “enemy,” appears especially in Job and the gospels. deceives the whole world. As he has throughout human history, Satan will deceive people during the Tribulation (cf. 13:14; 20:3; John 8:44). After his temporary release from the bottomless pit at the end of the Millennium, he will briefly resume his deceitful ways (20:8, 10)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 2008). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


New member
A dog was created to be a dog, a fly was created to be a fly, demons were created to be demons; its what they are.

They are NOT doing what they do to gain advantage, they are doing it because its all they know to do. Something superior made them like that.

Horse-feathers! Demons were NOT created to be demons. Every intelligent being that God made was given the privilege of FREE WILL. Certain angels that had been good decided to leave heaven and come down to Earth to have sex with human women. When they chose to rebel, they BECAME demons.

"The sons of God [angels] saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose." (Genesis 6:2, NASB)

Jesus was made alive in the spirit, "in which also he went and made proclamation to the spirits [the demons] now in prison, who once were disobedient...in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark." (I Peter 3:19,20, NASB)

"For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into [Tartarus] and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah...with 7 others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly...." (2 Peter 2:4,5, NASB)

"And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day." (Jude 6, NASB)

Fallen angels. Demons. :eek:


Well-known member
If you fail to warn the sinnerman to turn from his sin and he does not turn God will require it at your hands.

Some smart folks on this thread, but we prefer the simplicity of God's word. God's word did not lie about salvation, we do not expect what God says about the fate of the wicked to be a lie either.



Well-known member
In my view, all of Christianity is satans crown jewel, bare no exceptions other than a few very small unknown groups. All of Christianity. He has deceived them all. Rev. 12:9.

Yes. Peter. Paul. Matthew, Mark, Like and John are ALL deceived. You're a fool.
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