Paul explained that the wages of sin is death, not eternal life.
Only those who suffer a second death will be be destroyed forever. This includes Satan.
This is good news for those who reject Christ, they are not being judged.
They are not being judged now but in the Last Day they will be judged at that time according to the teachings of Jesus. But first they must be taught the teachings of Jesus.
People don't need to be taught Jesus teachings, they need forgiveness, mercy and the free gift of eternal life.
Teaching can come later in the kingdom.
the death of the first death, is the second death. The second death is the death of the first death.
I Lets imagine You we I just know so we we would would we?
Or do we And you !
"You You You" "I I I" Let's listen rather to "God." You two obviously have other agenda's than thatyou you your you ["I" think] That is insane.
"You You You" "I I I" Let's listen rather to "God." You two obviously have other agenda's than thatNo "God says" "He says" just your all too human opinions and posturing as if I or you could make it exist or make it go away :dizzy:
I beg to disagree. As far as I am concerned, to me is not what people are but what people do that counts.
Salvation is by grace through faith, not by a person's deeds.
Mercy triumphs over judgment. (James 2:13 NKJV)
The term often translated "hell" is the word sheol or hades, it refers to a dead body being in the grave.
People not written into the book of life don't have the benefit of grace. They are judged according to their deeds, as is plainly stated all over the Bible.
Indeed!God doesn't need hell
there are a lot of christians who do
they want you to suffer
how christian is that?
People not written into the book of life don't have the benefit of grace. They are judged according to their deeds, as is plainly stated all over the Bible.
Exodus 34:7
You mean even more miserable than those who don't reject that god?They'd be more miserable, rejecting God, to have to live with the One they despise for all eternity.
The penalty for sin is death. Once that penalty is paid it is paid and will not be charged again.
For he who has died has been freed from sin. (Romans 6:7 (NKJV)God doesn't double bill.