Why would God need a hell?

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New member
What's horrific about it if you aren't going there? Matt. 25:, Jn 3:36



Well, according to the Bible, the wages of sin is death.

According to the false doctrine of eternal torture in hell, the wages of sin is to be tortured alive forever in hot hell. What's horrific about being tortured alive forever in hot hell, you ask? Don't you think that being burned alive forever is horrific? How cold hearted. Are you a Christian? Would you burn your dog alive even for just one day? No? But you expect me to believe that God burns people alive for all eternity. AND you expect me to believe that God burning people alive for all eternity is not horrific.

John 3:36 doesn't say that God tortures people alive forever in hot hell. In fact, it says that they will not see life. In other words, they perish, just as I have been saying and as the Bible as a whole clearly states.


New member
Did you know that you cannot have a come in Savior but a stay out Lord? :freak: He'll have all of you :listen: or he'll have none of you. Lk 6:46


God has nothing to do with sin, he loves the sinner; we must be able to understand that about God. He will have none of your sin, he wants you. The wrath of God is his " Reaction to sin', not how he decides to deal with the sinner. Being separate from God is a temporary thing; but God wanted that thing. Humans are not dirty filthy beings, sin is a dirty filthy thing, and we were created in an atmosphere of sin. Designed to be affected by it and even conceived by it. And it was God who determined this. Sin did not create itself, sneak pass God in reality, and now is ruining God's creation against God's will; no, no! God had a hand in this all. A potters hand. God " Knew evil", and wanted us to know it, Gen. 3:22.

This is why evil cannot condemn humanity, because it was part of God's plan to expose us to it; so he planted it on earth, Gen. 2:9 God created the knowledge of both good and evil. It was like creating light and darkness, he wanted two sides to be in our reality, for our benefit! God could have created humanity as perfect spirit beings from the get go; he did not, and for a reason. He wanted us to be weak first, confused first, experience the pain and misery that evil causes first, experience satan first, experience deception and sin first, and then be set free from it later.

way 2 go

Well-known member
In order for Christianity to put people in their hell, their going to have to take them out of God's hands; Ezk.18:4, " Behold, ALL souls are mine."
you are responsible for your own sin

Eze 18:1 The word of the LORD came to me:
Eze 18:2 "What do you mean by repeating this proverb concerning the land of Israel, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge'?
Eze 18:3 As I live, declares the Lord GOD, this proverb shall no more be used by you in Israel.
Eze 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die.

Now, put that scripture with Isaiah 66:9, where God teaches that he has given birth to humanity and he will not abort any of us. Stunning salvation for every human ever born.
teaches no such thing

Mickiel keep up the lies and half truths you are of you father the devil:devil:

1Co 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
1Co 6:10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.


New member
Ezekiel 18:4 says "the soul who sins shall die", it does not say "the soul who sins shall be sent down to hell where it will be tortured alive on fire forever".


New member
Men are born spiritually dead (Ps 51:5). They must be born again (Jn 3:7). God, not Mickiel, decides where men end up (Re 1:18).

You are wrong again. Psalm 51:5 does not say "Men are born spiritually dead." Why do you continually claim the Bible says something that the Bible does NOT say? Why don't you just stick to what the Bible says? Is the Bible not good enough for you?


New member
I think that God has many Spirits; yes, I think that is certainly possible. I don't understand it, but still God may have upwards of at least seven spirits, Rev. 4:5 describes seven spirits of God. What those spirits are, I just don't know; I mean I have some speculations, but I am not sure yet. I think one of those spirits is life itself; conscious life, or I think it fair to say just " Consciousness"; and I view the spirit of life, or consciousness, as being what the bible describes as " The Image of God." So when the bible states that we were created in the image of God, it means we are conscious beings, as God is a conscious being; and I think that's the ONLY thing we have in common with God, in my personal view; we are nothingelse like him!

So all humans ever created have that spirit IN them, consciousness. We were born with it. God blowing the breath of life into a human, means he gave their body consciousness.

Now, the " Holy Spirit of God", is another one of those seven, its FAR different than consciousness. That Spirit is a conversion new birth, which I think causes a lot more confusion with us who are learning. I think a human can have the down payment of that spirit actually IN them , while they are in the flesh, but it is never full blown until they are changed into a Spirit being, which is what being born again really means- a totally new birth! Now the human is an actual spirit being, unable to ever sin again! And I see that as being the predestined future of ALL humans!

So ALL humans have at least one spirit of God in them, life, and through this Christ is ALL and IN All! We are predestined to receive a second Spirit, the Holy Spirit, when we are changed; but that Spirit can be "with" some now!


New member
There's a big fight going on in this world for the salvation of unbelievers; their going to have a rough time of it, because they got to get pass religion and Christianity in order to receive their salvation; they can't see that its free, not in their present condition. The unbeliever feels that Christianity has salvation booked up, and they are just not in their book. If only they could read the bible, it would ease their natural fears. In 1 John 3:5, Jesus was manifested to TAKE away their sins; they don't feel as if they are included in that, because religion has stood in the way of it.

If only unbelievers could see that their salvation cannot be intercepted , that God has not willed them to perish. Sometimes I wish I could tell them that Jesus was not just the propitiation for believers sins, but for unbelievers even more, 1 John 2:2. Its hard to show unbelievers this awesome hope, because religion has flooded the market with their doom. So that's all they see, and they have grown tired of seeing that;

and I don't blame them.


Well-known member
The Romans created the name Christian, there are absolutely no scriptures in the entire bible that say God or Christ created the name Christian;

now if your religion believes differently, simply show me the scriptures that claim God created that label.

This I got to see.

He just did , .....


Well-known member
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Greek manuscripts used for translating Acts 11:26 then.
Both the NWT and the YLT use the correct translation from Greek of the word "chrematizo" which means to be divinely commanded, admonished or instructed.

The translators of most Bible editions such as the KJV have omitted this important part of the translation from Greek into English for that verse.

I think he uses the New World translation...


Ezekiel 18:4 says "the soul who sins shall die", it does not say "the soul who sins shall be sent down to hell where it will be tortured alive on fire forever".

The unregenerate soul (Matt. 10:28) will be punished (Matt. 25:46) bodily (Matt. 5:29, 30) forever.


New member
If you are not a Christian with faith in HIM them you have nothing to teach Christians who attend only to the Holy Spirit.

Of course I don't, and I hold no interest in teaching Christians; I simply post what I believe in, as they are doing themselves. I believe Jesus took care of " A world of sins", all of them, Col. 2:13, so I bear witness to that and see a salvation of All.

Everyone is included, everyone benefits , everyone is taken care of. That's how I see God ; that is how I understand how the heart of God is.


Well-known member
I've posted the same exact thing about a year ago. That God will not extend eternal torment and punishment for roughly 75 years of terrible sin on earth, no matter how bad the person was. One life on earth no matter how horribly lived, does not equate to never ending pain and suffering in hell

Here we go again dept:
A loving GOD would not proscribe an eternal punishment for a finite sinfulness...

except that proof that if there is a hell then their sinfulness must have been of infinite disvalue which also implies that for some reason, somehow, they must be outside of HIS grace to redeem them.

Since all sin has an ultimate disvalue...either putting Christ on the cross if done by an elect or the judgment of hell if done by an reprobate.


New member
God is a Spirit, John 4:24; he has at least seven spirits himself, Rev. 4:5. I think that is stunning; seven spirits! Especially if you consider that each human, even angel, has a consciousness that is one of their spirits. A spirit has a consciousness, this means its possible that God could have seven different consciousnesses! Which would be incredible! But that is only speculation on my part.


New member
God is a Spirit, John 4:24; he has at least seven spirits himself, Rev. 4:5. I think that is stunning; seven spirits! Especially if you consider that each human, even angel, has a consciousness that is one of their spirits. A spirit has a consciousness, this means its possible that God could have seven different consciousnesses! Which would be incredible! But that is only speculation on my part.

Then to further speculate, a consciousness is a mind, to then possibly have seven different minds, functioning as one, would be truly awesome!
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