Why would God need a hell?

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New member
In John 12:32 Jesus promised to draw all of humanity to himself, more proof that he and God are aiming for total salvation for everyone; this universal thinking is all in scripture, sure signs of it; it opens me up to just how great God really is. In John 12:47 Jesus promises again to save the world, but Christianity stands in the way of this stunning promise; they will fight the salvation of all with arrogant will. They don't like it and don't want it; they want God to punish forever.

Adding context...

Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world shall be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all to Myself. But He said this, signifying by what kind of death He was about to die. (John 12.31 - 33)

Jesus tells us that that Satan is bound at The Cross, and all peoples are free to come to Him without the previous barrier of Satan blocking the way.

This, in no way signifies salvation for those that still reject Him.


New member
Lets look at 1 John 2:2 again and closer; " And he, ( Jesus), is the propitiation, ( which means he appeases God, gives us favor with God), for our sins, ( our here means believers), and not ours only, but also for the sins of the world, ( the world here means unbelievers). It is clear here that two separate groups of humans are given favor with God, believers and unbelievers; proof Jesus died for and has saved both.

A stunning verse of universal salvation, it gives great hope for unbelievers.


New member
Lets look at 1 John 2:2 again and closer; " And he, ( Jesus), is the propitiation, ( which means he appeases God, gives us favor with God), for our sins, ( our here means believers), and not ours only, but also for the sins of the world, ( the world here means unbelievers). It is clear here that two separate groups of humans are given favor with God, believers and unbelievers; proof Jesus died for and has saved both.

A stunning verse of universal salvation, it gives great hope for unbelievers.

A 'stunning' verse which shows two Resurrection events....one for the Righteous...and one for the unrighteous...

John 5.24 -29

Truly, truly, I say to you, The one who hears My Word, and believes the One who has sent Me, has everlasting life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. Truly, truly, I say to you that an hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and the ones hearing will live. For even as the Father has life in Himself, so He gave also to the Son to have life in Himself. And He also gave authority to Him to execute judgment, for He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming in which all those in the tombs will hear His voice. And they will come out, the ones having practiced good into a resurrection of life; the ones having done evil into a resurrection of judgment.


New member
Let me show you a mystery, that opens salvation to ALL. 2 Corinth. 15:51, " Behold, I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, ( meaning many humans will be alive when God returns), but WE shall ALL be Changed!"

This means all of us will be born again, its not just a Christian experience, its a world wide experience and destiny.


New member
Let me show you a mystery, that opens salvation to ALL. 2 Corinth. 15:51, " Behold, I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, ( meaning many humans will be alive when God returns), but WE shall ALL be Changed!"

This means all of us will be born again, its not just a Christian experience, its a world wide experience and destiny.


You are reading your ignorance into scripture.

Everyone will be Resurrected - some to Life...and some to Judgment.

Just like I showed you.

Stop ignoring.


New member
Why would God need a place like this traditional eternal hell? Why would he co-exist with such a place in eternity? Does God need a garbage dump for humans? How and when did the grave become the traditional explination of hell?

hell is a place 4 the devil. If you follow the devil, why is it so surprising you would end up with him for eternity?

it is not God's doing, not in the least. Are you blaming God 4 the choices of man? that is saying God is evil, condones evil. That is just so not true. People on their way to hell would not even WANT to live in Heaven. They love sin and will not give it up. In Heaven there is no sin. They would whine and complain if they were there, and ruin everything for everyone else there and so it wouldn't be heaven anymore

They choose squalor. God lets them have what they choose

don't believe me? Read Revelation where it says that no impure thing will enter Heaven. I think it is Revelation 21 something



New member
The Holy Spirit will fill ALL of mankind, Eph. 1:23, "Which is his body, the fullness of him that FILLS ALL IN ALL!" All are to be born again. What great salvation, no need for hell.


New member
The Holy Spirit will fill ALL of mankind, Eph. 1:23, "Which is his body, the fullness of him that FILLS ALL IN ALL!" All are to be born again. What great salvation, no need for hell.

What are you smoking, brother...?

Care to share...?


New member
The Holy Spirit will fill ALL of mankind, Eph. 1:23, "Which is his body, the fullness of him that FILLS ALL IN ALL!" All are to be born again. What great salvation, no need for hell.

then i guess you don't believe the Bible is the Word of God?

Mt 25:31-46 etc


New member
Attachment to the personality as our identity is the major barrier that imprisons us and prevents us from experiencing what is infinite and eternal.
Sounds like you would be more comfortable in islam.

The word islam means pretty much what you are saying.



New member
What are you smoking, brother...?

Care to share...?

I don't smoke or drink, and I don't have a need to insult others , my communication does not need insulting. I may attack a religion, a doctrine, but never a personage. And that requires maturity and strength, its not easy, but its well worth it.

Everybody is saved , I am high on that good news. No matter what condition a human is in, God and Christ has them covered. Eph. 2:12, " That at times you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope and without God in the world." But now you have Jesus. Glory, one could have been in no worse shape than this, and look how it ends.

THAT, is the gospel! Being without Christ, without Hope, without God even, and STILL end up SAVED! Praise God! Man, praise God!


New member
I don't smoke or drink, and I don't have a need to insult others , my communication does not need insulting. I may attack a religion, a doctrine, but never a personage. And that requires maturity and strength, its not easy, but its well worth it.

Everybody is saved , I am high on that good news. No matter what condition a human is in, God and Christ has them covered. Eph. 2:12, " That at times you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope and without God in the world." But now you have Jesus. Glory, one could have been in no worse shape than this, and look how it ends.

THAT, is the gospel! Being without Christ, without Hope, without God even, and STILL end up SAVED! Praise God! Man, praise God!


Not everyone is saved from the wrath of God...only the Righteous are, according to scripture.

Your PC worldview does not fly here...


New member

Not everyone is saved from the wrath of God...only the Righteous are, according to scripture.

Your PC worldview does not fly here...

I am pleased with how its flying here so far.

In Phil. 3:21 Jesus has the power to " Subdue ALL things to himself", that is one way how all got saved. They will be subdued.


Well-known member
If you think its nonsense, why are you reading it?
Not a cogent anything in your rebuttal; You came to a Christian website, I didn't/don't come to Universalist websites. Because you are here, that leaves you reading me/us against you and a few other odd Universalist religion assimilating borgs and other cult members or godless. The chasm is wide and there is no reason for you to really be here except as an example of heresy and an opportunity for you to be corrected. The reason we are here is 2 Corinthians 10:4 2 Timothy 2:25 1 Thessalonians 5:11 2 Timothy 3:16,17

Here is an interesting article, " Hell is a Christian hoax."
We are here to point you to Christ and won't be taking lessons from you.


New member
I am pleased with how its flying here so far.

In Phil. 3:21 Jesus has the power to " Subdue ALL things to himself", that is one way how all got saved. They will be subdued.

You are a scriptural novice.

Posting one-liners, and saying lookie here folks, it says everyone is saved.....so, you Christians have no idea what you are talking about....just does not cut it.


New member
Not a cogent anything in your rebuttal; You came to a Christian website, I didn't/don't come to Universalist websites. Because you are here, that leaves you reading me/us against you and a few other odd Universalist religion assimilating borgs and other cult members or godless. The chasm is wide and there is no reason for you to really be here except as an example of heresy and an opportunity for you to be corrected. The reason we are here is 2 Corinthians 10:4 2 Timothy 2:25 1 Thessalonians 5:11 2 Timothy 3:16,17

Are you suggesting that I leave? How rude, why I think I am going to cry.

I am not a Universalist, I walk alone.

In Exodus 32:13 Abrahams seed will be multiplied as the stars in heaven and they shall posses the earth forever! This means trillions of us will make it, again good news for unbelievers.
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