Why would God need a hell?

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Heb. 9:26 Jesus is appearing at the END of the world, and look, he is putting sin AWAY, even then! Here Christ will take back all the ungodly people that religion has condemned; all those sinners that the righteous has buried in their hell. Then religion will be thrown into the lake of fire, where it belongs. Then the world will be allowed to see the true and living God, who is NOTHING like religion has taught.


Eclectic Theosophist
Google is your best friend.....

Google is your best friend.....

ahh, i see

universalism, i'd heard of

Yes,....I gather Mickiel would be more in line with a 'Christian Universalism', since he uses the Bible as an 'authority' or 'support' for universal salvation.

Christian Universalism (wiki)

Biblical Universalism

We use the word 'Christian Universalism' or 'biblical universalism' to indicate that this schools holds that all will be saved thru the redemptive work of Christ, using the bible as its guide and support. This is to distinguish it from more liberal forms of just 'pure universalism' and 'Unitarian Universalism' which includes a much broader syncretic pluralistic approach to 'salvation' or 'enlightenment' which is not limited to the bible.

Do your own research to enlighten yourself on these matters :thumb:


Eclectic Theosophist
The Love of God is much like the life from God; none of us were asked if we want to live, we were not given a choice in living; life was just given. Eternal life is no different, it will be given to us without a choice in the matter. It will be forced on humanity, and there is nothing any of us can do about it. God is giving it, whether we want it or not. That's just how its going to be.

Many will disagree with the concept of God 'forcing' himself on others since love is not coercive.



[John 17:2]
:yawn: Ad infinitum Eph 4:14

...he is responsible for us all.
You are responsible to him (John 3:18–20).

[G]reedy selfish religions...John 6:39

"Jn 6:39. And this—in the first place.

is the will of Him that sent me, that of all—everything.

which He hath given Me—(taking up the identical words of Jn 6:37).

I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day—The meaning is not, of course, that He is charged to keep the objects entrusted to Him as He received them, so as they should merely suffer nothing in His hands. For as they were just “perishing” sinners of Adam’s family, to let “nothing” of such “be lost,” but “raise them up at the last day,” must involve, first, giving His flesh for them (Jn 6:51), that they “might not perish, but have everlasting life”; and then, after “keeping them from falling,” raising their sleeping dust in incorruption and glory, and presenting them, body and soul, perfect and entire, wanting nothing, to Him who gave them to Him, saying, “Behold I and the children which God hath given Me.” So much for the first will of Him that sent Him, the divine side of man’s salvation, whose every stage and movement is inscrutable to us, but infallibly certain." Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 139). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.



New member
Many will disagree with the concept of God 'forcing' himself on others since love is not coercive.

I don't disagree with it, because I am learning how God really is. Its his way, or no other way. There can be only one way with God; his way, there are no other choices. God is a force, and his force will be the only force; his power is alone in reality. His love will have its way, because his love is a force unto itself. It just happens to be a " Good Force", a righteous force, a kind force, a loving force;

but make no mistake about it; it is a force! An incredible one too.


Eclectic Theosophist
I am not in line with anything Christian.

I'm just indicating that your view would be more in concert with 'Christian' or 'biblical' universalism, than just 'pure universalism' or 'Unitarian universalism'. Words have meaning so in this case are helpful 'descriptions'. We know you have an aversion/disdain for the word 'Christian',....but don't let your aversions to labels discount the benefit of using terms in the proper context.


Eclectic Theosophist
Flowing with the Force......

Flowing with the Force......

I don't disagree with it, because I am learning how God really is. Its his way, or no other way. There can be only one way with God; his way, there are no other choices. God is a force, and his force will be the only force; his power is alone in reality. His love will have its way, because his love is a force unto itself. It just happens to be a " Good Force", a righteous force, a kind force, a loving force;

but make no mistake about it; it is a force! An incredible one too.

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New member
I'm just indicating that your view would be more in concert with 'Christian' or 'biblical' universalism, than just 'pure universalism' or 'Unitarian universalism'. Words have meaning so in this case are helpful 'descriptions'. We know you have an aversion/disdain for the word 'Christian',....but don't let your aversions to labels discount the benefit of using terms in the proper context.

I am not in concert with anything Christian. I believe in the bible, and in my view, the bible has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. I don't need the term " Christian" in definition of my views. I don't have a need to label things Christian. I don't have " Christian on the mind." I don't need the crutch of Christianity.

patrick jane

I am not in concert with anything Christian. I believe in the bible, and in my view, the bible has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. I don't need the term " Christian" in definition of my views. I don't have a need to label things Christian. I don't have " Christian on the mind." I don't need the crutch of Christianity.
You believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the son of God who died for our sins and rose the 3rd day, according to scripture. That makes you Christian whether you want it or not.


New member
You believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the son of God who died for our sins and rose the 3rd day, according to scripture. That makes you Christian whether you want it or not.

That makes me a believer in Christ. Christianity does not hold a monopoly on Christ and belief in him. In YOUR mind it makes me Christian, in my mind I need no such label to define me and my belief.


Eclectic Theosophist
I am not in concert with anything Christian. I believe in the bible, and in my view, the bible has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. I don't need the term " Christian" in definition of my views. I don't have a need to label things Christian. I don't have " Christian on the mind." I don't need the crutch of Christianity.

My former terms and their employment to help describe and differentiate things holds. I personally have no aversion to the word 'christian', asides from any negative connotations or associations one might apply to it, but that's a matter of definition/context. Your view would be more in line with a form of 'biblical universalism'.


New member
My former terms and their employment to help describe and differentiate things holds. I personally have no aversion to the word 'christian', asides from any negative connotations or associations one might apply to it, but that's a matter of definition/context. Your view would be more in line with a form of 'biblical universalism'.

My view is that all of humanity " Needs salvation", " Has salvation", and it is " Biblical salvation." The bible is a book of salvation, its not a book of religion, and its certainly not a book of Christianity. I really don't care " What line" people need to put my views in ; it does not matter to me how others hold a need to categorize me ; I walk alone in my belief and views. My views stand on their own and don't need the support of others. If others happen to believe what I do, then fine, but my beliefs are not based on others. I only trust my own consciousness.


New member
150 reasons to see a wonderful happening, the salvation of all.

Not the salvation of some , but the happiness of everyone.

Not just a peace for believers, but for unbelievers as well.

Not just an insurance for a few, but for all!

What do you think fits the personality of God, the salvation of a few, or the salvation of all?

Think about it.

What's the best gospel, limited atonement, or unlimited atonement?

Will you think with me?

patrick jane

150 reasons to see a wonderful happening, the salvation of all.

Not the salvation of some , but the happiness of everyone.

Not just a peace for believers, but for unbelievers as well.
You're just a Universalist
Not just an insurance for a few, but for all!

What do you think fits the personality of God, the salvation of a few, or the salvation of all?

Think about it.

What's the best gospel, limited atonement, or unlimited atonement?

Will you think with me?

You're simply a Universalist


New member
You're simply a Universalist

I have a few Universalist views, I agree with them on a few things, but not all things. I have been banned from two Universalist sites, I think I am a bit too radical for them. I agree with Christians on a few things, but not most things, and I am not Christian.

Your simply a person who needs to label others, and I understand that. You NEED me to be in a certain category, that would give you normality.

I agree with Atheist on a few things, but I am not Atheist. I just agree with them that religion is plastic.


New member
Some people think God is not going to force humanity to do anything.

Good grief, what are they reading?

2 Pet. 3:10, " But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are in it shall be burned up!" If that's not force, I don't know what is. Read Rev. chapter 16, the 7 vials of wrath; how can a person read something like that and claim God is not going to force humanity to serve him?

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