Why would God need a hell?

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God has willed that all humans repent, he willed it. Praise him. 2 Pet.3:9 God is not willing that any perish, but that ALL come to repent. Its an ALL thing!

You see, this is how you distort the Truth.

Of course God does not want anyone to perish but He does not force anyone to obey Him.

There is no such thing as forced love.

God gives us free will to love Him or reject Him.

If you reject Him, you will not inherit the kingdom.


New member
There is no such thing as forced love.


I totally disagree, there is such a thing as forced love, In Rev. 8:7-13 all the force used here by God is because of love. In Rev.9:18 God kills one third of humanity on earth, stunning force that will lead to love.


New member
Praise God, there will be no Christian hell.

In Heb.8:12, " I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins I will not remember any more!"

The Christian hell is a myth.


Eclectic Theosophist
I totally disagree, there is such a thing as forced love, In Rev. 8:7-13 all the force used here by God is because of love. In Rev.9:18 God kills one third of humanity on earth, stunning force that will lead to love.

We may need to reconsider the nature of love,....is love forced upon anyone? Is one forced to respond to love? If we consider the power of choice, and just how far that power extends,....could one reject love and the offer of eternal life (immortality) finally and forever? (this means they've wholly embraced sin, error and iniquity to such a degree that the full fruit of such a condition results in DEATH). We come back to many passages in the Bible that support 'conditional immortality'.

If one holds to a UR position, they assume that all souls are ultimately converted, ultimately and finally saved in the consummation or restoration of all things. Each view has its logics, reasons and supports.


"There is such a thing as forced love, In Rev. 8:7-13 all the force used here by God is because of love."
Mt 10:28 :burnlib:

"II. Events Accompanying the Trumpet Blowing (Re 8:6–13)
A. First trumpet (8:6–7): One-third of the trees and grass are burned by hail and fire mixed with blood.
B. Second trumpet (8:8–9): One-third of the marine life and ships are destroyed by a burning object that falls into the waters.
C. Third trumpet (8:10–11): One-third of the fresh waters are poisoned, killing many people by a falling object known as Bitterness.
D. Fourth trumpet (8:12–13)
1. The action (8:12) : One third of the sun, moon, and stars are darkened.
2. The aftermath (8:13) : A flying eagle now warns the earth in regard to the final three trumpet judgments." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Re 8:5–13). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

In Rev.9:18 God kills one third of humanity on earth, stunning force that will lead to love.
"B. The horror of these demons (9:16–19)
1. Their number (9:16) : The army numbers 200 million warriors.
2. Their nature (9:17–19): They have the appearance of horses and riders.
a. The horses have heads like lions and tails like deadly serpents, and they breathe out smoke and flaming sulphur (9:17b–19).
b. The riders wear brightly colored breastplates (9:17a).
B. The reaction (9:20–21): How do the survivors of this horrible invasion respond after witnessing the death of untold millions?
1. They refuse to repent (9:20a).
2. They continue to rebel (9:20b–21)." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Re 9:15–21). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.


New member
We may need to reconsider the nature of love,....is love forced upon anyone? Is one forced to respond to love? If we consider the power of choice, and just how far that power extends,....could one reject love and the offer of eternal life (immortality) finally and forever? (this means they've wholly embraced sin, error and iniquity to such a degree that the full fruit of such a condition results in DEATH). We come back to many passages in the Bible that support 'conditional immortality'.

If one holds to a UR position, they assume that all souls are ultimately converted, ultimately and finally saved in the consummation or restoration of all things. Each view has its logics, reasons and supports.

The Love of God is much like the life from God; none of us were asked if we want to live, we were not given a choice in living; life was just given. Eternal life is no different, it will be given to us without a choice in the matter. It will be forced on humanity, and there is nothing any of us can do about it. God is giving it, whether we want it or not. That's just how its going to be.


Praise God...
2 Co 11:14

...[T]here will be no Christian hell. In Heb.8:12, " I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins I will not remember any more!" The Christian hell is a myth.
"Heb 8:12. For, &c.—the third of “the better promises” (Heb 8:6). The forgiveness of sins is, and will be, the root of this new state of inward grace and knowledge of the Lord. Sin being abolished, sinners obtain grace.

I will be merciful—Greek, “propitious”; the Hebrew, “salach,” is always used of God only in relation to men.

and their iniquities—not found in Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, and one oldest Greek manuscript; but most oldest manuscripts have the words (compare Heb 10:17).

remember no more—Contrast the law, Heb 10:3." Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 460). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.


New member
The Love of God is much like the life from God; none of us were asked if we want to live, we were not given a choice in living; life was just given. Eternal life is no different, it will be given to us without a choice in the matter. It will be forced on humanity, and there is nothing any of us can do about it. God is giving it, whether we want it or not. That's just how its going to be.

This is how the real God is, he does not ask humans if they want his gifts; he just gives it, and they just take it. Free will choice when it comes to eternal life is a religious illusion , which comes from not knowing God. God gave life with absolutely no choices, and he is giving eternal life the exact same way. Your going to take it, and that's all to it.


New member
This is how the real God is, he does not ask humans if they want his gifts; he just gives it, and they just take it. Free will choice when it comes to eternal life is a religious illusion , which comes from not knowing God. God gave life with absolutely no choices, and he is giving eternal life the exact same way. Your going to take it, and that's all to it.

I think its funny how Christianity is trying to paint God, like he is giving humans choices. Man please, nobody in heaven has a choice! God is in complete authority , his rule is total! God speaks and that's it! Case closed. No one is given free will choices, no one is asked their opinion when it comes to life. Welcome to the truth.

patrick jane

This is how the real God is, he does not ask humans if they want his gifts; he just gives it, and they just take it. Free will choice when it comes to eternal life is a religious illusion , which comes from not knowing God. God gave life with absolutely no choices, and he is giving eternal life the exact same way. Your going to take it, and that's all to it.
It's good to see that you have everything figured out and you know the mind and heart of God, congratulations !


New member
The Love of God is much like the life from God; none of us were asked if we want to live, we were not given a choice in living; life was just given. Eternal life is no different, it will be given to us without a choice in the matter. It will be forced on humanity, and there is nothing any of us can do about it. God is giving it, whether we want it or not. That's just how its going to be.

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