ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


TOL Subscriber
do you think Christianity will be attacked or rejected over time. you referred to the immediate portion of the new century or something

There will be imminent and continuing attempts to corrupt it from within and eradiate it from the face of the earth. It's well underway, and apart from ultimate divine sovereign intervention, it would happen.

patrick jane

There will be imminent and continuing attempts to corrupt it from within and eradiate it from the face of the earth. It's well underway, and apart from ultimate divine sovereign intervention, it would happen.

are you gonna watch the History channel special: Revelation ? oh, don't forget ancient aliens:cool:


Well-known member
For the future, I am of the opposite inclination; and I think the more imminent immediate portion of the next century will bring a major apostasy of the Latin hierarchy with ensuing unprecedented persecution of the truly Orthodox along with all professing Christians the world over in accordance with other world powers.

Pray for them...

I think we are at Revelation 20:7 now...

Glory to God in all things...

There are terrible things happening in the Orthodox Church as we type into our computers... As a friend of mine once said: "We have some of the best Bishops (who, by the way, have not yet been caught) in the world!" I will not name them... But the sins of the Orthodox are only "better" in that they are officially not sanctioned by the Church... The Episcopalians have nothing, in terms of sins, on us... We just keep matters, so far at least, at the "Don't ask, Don't tell" level... At high levels... They need our prayers as well...

God is in charge, and His words to the seven Churches are to the point: "To him who is overcoming...(will come saving Grace)"...


Sheila B

I love Polycarp... The Popes of that time were fully Orthodox, and more, that they were extremely and disproportionately Saints in the Church, and Martyrs... Indeed, to be appointed Pope was to set one's self into martyrdom, so evil was Rome and her emperors...

This does not make the Latins the Head of the Body of Christ Who is Himself Her Head on earth... It merely means that Rome occupied the primary place in the ranking of the Churches, the Holy Sees... And so Polycarp would of course come to them to sort out the calendar issue of dating Pascha in the Church...

Yes, such was the honor of the See of Peter at that time...

You must remember that there is not height from which one cannot fall... Lucifer, the most Glorified Carrier of the Light, Himself fell from the highest heavenly pinnacle to the dark and evil spirit of Satan and The Accuser that he is today...

Likewise was Rome the most holy and exalted of the Sees of the Christian Faith for the first thousand years, living in terrible persecutions and afflictions and Glory... She was First among Equals, and fell when She came into the secular power of the German Bishops who took Her over at the end of that first millennium...


Thank you for such an answer.

Man cannot undo what God has enjoined: Jesus declared the Office and it has/will not "fall" as you say.

Jesus said: "The scribes and the Pharisees have taken Moses' Seat, therefore do all they enjoin upon you, but don't act as they do."

Jesus himself shows the Office does not fail- and Christians must obey and honor the Office, while knowing right behavior from wrong on an individual level!


Well-known member
Thank you for such an answer.

The stakes are high...

Man cannot undo what God has enjoined: Jesus declared the Office and it has/will not "fall" as you say.

What I said was that there is no height from which man cannot fall...
If Lucifer became Satan, the Pope can fall...

Peter, you see, was not even the Pope of Jerusalem -
That man was James, the brother of the Lord,
who presided over the Council in Jerusalem regarding the discipling of the Gentiles,
which followed the argument Peter made...
You see, the delegates AGREED with Peter -
He did not COMMAND their agreement,
which a Pope or Patriarch can do with his own Bishops...

Jesus said: "The scribes and the Pharisees have taken Moses' Seat,
therefore do all they enjoin upon you,
but don't act as they do."

The treasury is not in the authority of the office...
It is in the obedience of the person...

Jesus himself shows the Office does not fail- and Christians must obey and honor the Office, while knowing right behavior from wrong on an individual level!

Jesus shows Himself that HE does not fail, for He is God... When Peter confessed Christ as God, Jesus said:
Blessed are you Bar jonah...
Why did He say this? He goes on to say:
For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you...
So then who DID reveal it to Simon?
But My Father in the Heavens
So that we have established the revelation to man of Who Christ IS by the Father of Christ in the heavens as the cause of the blessedness of that man to whom it has been revealed in this manner...

Then Christ goes on to say, giving Simon his new name:
But also TO YOU I am saying:
YOU are Peter...

Why would He name him Peter? It is because of the nature of his confession, its content and its source:

And upon this very rock...
The rock of Simon-now-Peter's Divinely Revealed Confession of Who Christ IS... The very Christ Who IS the Rock and Cornerstone of the Church...

I will construct OF ME the Ekklesia...

The placement of the possessive "OF ME" between "will construct" and "the Ekklesia"
signifies its distribution between the two,
for both is the construction "of Christ",
but also the Church is "Christ's"...
Indeed, the Church is the Body "of Christ"...

And the name Peter is masculine,
but the person of Peter is not that upon which the Church
[which Himself Christ will build] is to be constructed...
Were that true, the Greek would have read Rock, and not rock,
and Rock would have been in the masculine as is Peter,
but it is in the feminine - petra, and not the masculine, Petron...
The Greek for "confession" is a feminine noun
that agrees in gender nicely with the feminine noun petra, or rock...

And it was in their war-loving vanity that the German Bishops
took the Chief Apostle's words to mean themselves personally
when they took over the Papacy at the end of the first millennium...
When the Church had been built on the confession of who Christ IS,
the Nicene Creed,
for the first thousand years...
And in this, they ALSO altered that confession
by thee ADDITION of the FALSE Filioque...

And this constituted the Fall of the Papacy into schizmatic and doctrinal ERROR...
They were sincere...
They came to Constantinople and DEMANDED
that the Greek Speaking Church Fathers RESTORE the Filioque
which they had REMOVED from the Creed...
Such was the lie...
They thought that we had removed words from the Creed,
the confession upon which Christ had built Christ's Church...
Such was the error of the power-sated Latin Papal Authorities...
And it continues to this day...

God bless you, my Friend...



Well-known member
Peter did not confess Jesus is God.

He said "You are the Christ. You are the Son of the Living God."

I am my (human) father's son...
When someone calls me my father's son,
they are calling me human...
Peter did NOT confess Jesus as Son of Mariam...
THAT was never in question...

You see, it is our union with the Son of God that gives us Sonship with God, and we therein become co-heirs with Christ as members of His Holy Body...

THAT, you see, was the Plan of God from the Beginning... The JOINING of man with God, which can only be GIVEN BY God TO man... Man does not have it to give, you see... Only God HAS God to give to man... Obedience to Christ's commandments is the means of our sincerity in asking Him to GIVE to us Himself...

The issue of the fall of Adam to the Serpent is a matter addressed by Christ through His Death on the Cross, and is needed for the sake of our UNION with Him in purity of heart... But even had Adam not fallen, Christ would STILL have incarnated in order to JOIN human flesh to God within His Creation...

THAT, you see, the JOINING of the human and the Divine Natures into One New Nature that is both, was the purpose of Christ becoming Man in the Blessed Virgin... And those of us who are fallen can still, if we live repentant lives of obedience to Christ, abide in Him Who IS the Son of the Living God, and to the Son goes the Estate, and to us who are co-obedient to God as members of the Body of the Christ the Son-Heir...



New member
I am my (human) father's son...
When someone calls me my father's son,
they are calling me human...
Peter did NOT confess Jesus as Son of Mariam...
THAT was never in question...

You see, it is our union with the Son of God that gives us Sonship with God, and we therein become co-heirs with Christ as members of His Holy Body...

THAT, you see, was the Plan of God from the Beginning... The JOINING of man with God, which can only be GIVEN BY God TO man... Man does not have it to give, you see... Only God HAS God to give to man... Obedience to Christ's commandments is the means of our sincerity in asking Him to GIVE to us Himself...

The issue of the fall of Adam to the Serpent is a matter addressed by Christ through His Death on the Cross, and is needed for the sake of our UNION with Him in purity of heart... But even had Adam not fallen, Christ would STILL have incarnated in order to JOIN human flesh to God within His Creation...

THAT, you see, the JOINING of the human and the Divine Natures into One New Nature that is both, was the purpose of Christ becoming Man in the Blessed Virgin... And those of us who are fallen can still, if we live repentant lives of obedience to Christ, abide in Him Who IS the Son of the Living God, and to the Son goes the Estate, and to us who are co-obedient to God as members of the Body of the Christ the Son-Heir...



1 Thessalonians 5:16, 17, 18


TOL Subscriber
I am my (human) father's son...
When someone calls me my father's son,
they are calling me human...
Peter did NOT confess Jesus as Son of Mariam...
THAT was never in question...

You see, it is our union with the Son of God that gives us Sonship with God, and we therein become co-heirs with Christ as members of His Holy Body...

THAT, you see, was the Plan of God from the Beginning... The JOINING of man with God, which can only be GIVEN BY God TO man... Man does not have it to give, you see... Only God HAS God to give to man... Obedience to Christ's commandments is the means of our sincerity in asking Him to GIVE to us Himself...

The issue of the fall of Adam to the Serpent is a matter addressed by Christ through His Death on the Cross, and is needed for the sake of our UNION with Him in purity of heart... But even had Adam not fallen, Christ would STILL have incarnated in order to JOIN human flesh to God within His Creation...

THAT, you see, the JOINING of the human and the Divine Natures into One New Nature that is both, was the purpose of Christ becoming Man in the Blessed Virgin... And those of us who are fallen can still, if we live repentant lives of obedience to Christ, abide in Him Who IS the Son of the Living God, and to the Son goes the Estate, and to us who are co-obedient to God as members of the Body of the Christ the Son-Heir...


Co-obedient. That sums up our imputed righteousness, which includes character AND conduct, quite perfectly.

Great post!!!!


TOL Subscriber
! ! ! SILENCE ! ! ! you wretched JOY-monger!

Have you seen the movie "UNBROKEN" yet?

Just finished reading the book. . .

Heroic humanistic tale of a non-conformist juvenile deliquent/hyper dare-devil.

Good reading. Good tale. Good guy.

But, no more than that, despite his supposed reactions to a Billy Graham conference.

No saving gospel contained therein . . . sorry to say.


TOL Subscriber
Co-obedient. That sums up our imputed righteousness, which includes character AND conduct, quite perfectly.

Great post!!!!

Co-obedient? Synergistic righteousness?

Our imputed righteousness and sanctification, is totally and 100% monergistic, thank you very much.


New member
! ! ! SILENCE ! ! ! you wretched JOY-monger!

Ha~! I've been found out! LOL

Have you seen the movie "UNBROKEN" yet?


Here is a little more than a trailer...
I will have to wait for a few days before viewing... currently using a... not so able 'puter.

1 Thessalonians 5:16, 17, 18
Yeah y'er Mom...

Love ya!


Awww :cloud9: And, ya know I love you too. :jump:



Well-known member
Just finished reading the book. . .

Heroic humanistic tale of a non-conformist juvenile deliquent/hyper dare-devil.

Good reading. Good tale. Good guy.

But, no more than that, despite his supposed reactions to a Billy Graham conference.

No saving gospel contained therein . . . sorry to say.

Here is what I found in his story that was arresting, because his humanistic Olympic-class prowess failed him, and I agree with you, he was a terrible little teenage person who was, like so many athletes today, but re-channeling his prowess into a sport...

But in the raft, he came to the end of the line, saw the clouds and hallucinated/perceived angels singing beautiful and holy music in them, and in that moment, he had a private talk with God and promised Him that IF He got him through this, he would dedicate his life to Him... And the torments went on and on and on, and finally ended...

And he was released from the Japanese prison, came home, was something of a celebrity, and married a socialite woman, and the torments continued, except now with ptsd and dreams of prison...

And he was killing the Bird in his dreams of him, every night, and he was drinking heavily... And in this, he had forgotten his promise to God... But God remembered FOR him, and SENT him the remembrance in dreams in the form of ptsd events that almost killed his wife, who filed for divorce...

And then she went to a Billie Graham crusade event, cancelled the divorce proceedings, and dragged the unwilling drunk to a Crusade meeting, and he remembered his promise, and turned his life over to God and Christ, and went to Japan to work for the Billy Graham Crusades and looked up and forgave his captors...

But here is the proof - From the day and hour of his conversion, he NEVER HAD another ptsd dream period... Instead, he found peace... And I must confess, my Dear Friend, that I am sure he will be far ahead of me in the line at the Last Judgement, if I make it at all... He carried great joy in all his interviews and in his life from that point on, and repented utterly from his motives of pay-back and revenge... And this despite his own forgetfulness, drunkenness, and serious resistance to anything Christian...

I should think his story would be a kind of Calvinist dream of monergy in Salvation, even though I would disagree... And yet you seem to dismiss it...

Oh well -

ANOTHER of my Oh So Great Theories...

WRECKED I say...




Well-known member
I will have to wait for a few days before viewing... currently using a... not so able 'puter.

I was shocked that Nang thought it was pretty lame by Christian standards...

Awww :cloud9: And, ya know I love you too. :jump:

You are SUCH a soft cheeser!


No, I mean it this time...




patrick jane

Here is what I found in his story that was arresting, because his humanistic Olympic-class prowess failed him, and I agree with you, he was a terrible little teenage person who was, like so many athletes today, but re-channeling his prowess into a sport...

But in the raft, he came to the end of the line, saw the clouds and hallucinated/perceived angels singing beautiful and holy music in them, and in that moment, he had a private talk with God and promised Him that IF He got him through this, he would dedicate his life to Him... And the torments went on and on and on, and finally ended...

And he was released from the Japanese prison, came home, was something of a celebrity, and married a socialite woman, and the torments continued, except now with ptsd and dreams of prison...

And he was killing the Bird in his dreams of him, every night, and he was drinking heavily... And in this, he had forgotten his promise to God... But God remembered FOR him, and SENT him the remembrance in dreams in the form of ptsd events that almost killed his wife, who filed for divorce...

And then she went to a Billie Graham crusade event, cancelled the divorce proceedings, and dragged the unwilling drunk to a Crusade meeting, and he remembered his promise, and turned his life over to God and Christ, and went to Japan to work for the Billy Graham Crusades and looked up and forgave his captors...

But here is the proof - From the day and hour of his conversion, he NEVER HAD another ptsd dream period... Instead, he found peace... And I must confess, my Dear Friend, that I am sure he will be far ahead of me in the line at the Last Judgement, if I make it at all... He carried great joy in all his interviews and in his life from that point on, and repented utterly from his motives of pay-back and revenge... And this despite his own forgetfulness, drunkenness, and serious resistance to anything Christian...

I should think his story would be a kind of Calvinist dream of monergy in Salvation, even though I would disagree... And yet you seem to dismiss it...

Oh well -

ANOTHER of my Oh So Great Theories...

WRECKED I say...



you just smack of ego and wordly wisdom. pride and percieved spirituality. every post you make is all about YOU at the core. another baby genius - :third:


TOL Subscriber
Co-obedient? Synergistic righteousness?

Our imputed righteousness and sanctification, is totally and 100% monergistic, thank you very much.

Don't get miffed at me yet, m'dear.:jump:

Monergism and Synergism are a false dichotomy. They must be reconciled, just like all false dichotomies. The minutiae of this, and the details and mechanics of Original Sin and Theology Proper will be the primary areas we diverge; but somebody has to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation we were given, so I take it on the chin from all sides ultimately.

God monergistically ordained the means as synergistic. There is nothing relative to creation that was not in His nouemenon for potentiality of existence becoming phenomenological reality of existence.

It's not an accomplishment of salvation through cooperation of our energies as exertion. It's a rest in Christ, ceasing from our own works; and the inevitable imputed righteous of His character to us will be the also-imputed conduct that flows from us being ontologically in Christ.

It's all Him. Period. No need for the polarities of Calvinism and Arminianism. Neither are correct.

That's why ontology is so vital to understand. Since we're IN Christ (our hypostasis translated into His prosopon by faith), then every last vestige of our co-obedience is Him and His.