ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?

God's Truth

New member
Explain this. :popcorn:

The trinity makes a three-headed God, instead of One God revealed in three.

The Bible says there is One God and He is the Father.

Jesus is God, so that means he is the same as the Father.

Jesus himself says when you SEE him, you SEE the FATHER.

Trinity doctrine says they are distinct.

Distinct means different. They are NOT different. Jesus says he ONLY says and DOES what the Father says and does.

Sheila B

Perhaps? You mean you don't know? Are you just guessing?

So, you believe that He has regard for Peter that He doesn't have for you or me?

Deuteronomy 10:17
For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:

What was available to the apostles is available today. Thinking Peter was the head of a church is a Catholic thing. Scripture doesn't make him out to be anything more than any other apostle. He gave us much more than the RCC would have you believe. He holds all power in Heaven and earth and told us to ask ANYTHING in His Name and He'd give it to us.

As your scripture shows, Jesus does not have regard for one over another.
But, as King and Ruler, He does have authority and passes this on in unequal measure. Only one - "you" singular- received the Keys to the Kingdom.
The powers to "bind and loose" are also given to the 12 in apostolic succession as Paul relates to Timothy. You nor I received the powers to bind in heaven what we bind on earth, nor loose in heaven what we loose on earth.

Sheila B

The trinity makes a three-headed God, instead of One God revealed in three.

The Bible says there is One God and He is the Father.

Jesus is God, so that means he is the same as the Father.

Jesus himself says when you SEE him, you SEE the FATHER.

Trinity doctrine says they are distinct.

Distinct means different. They are NOT different. Jesus says he ONLY says and DOES what the Father says and does.

The Father has not clothed Himself in flesh in the Virgin's Womb, nor has the Holy Spirit. There is a distinction there, wouldn't you agree?


The trinity makes a three-headed God, instead of One God revealed in three.

The Bible says .....

You have misinterpreted the core teaching of Christianity. See what happens when every Tom, Dick and Harry becomes their own authority regarding interpretation?

Thank goodness for the authoritive teaching of the Church passed on from the apostles and down through the centuries, halting heresies such as yours.

You say 'The bible says...', do you know where your canon of scripture came from? Do you? Do you know it was the Catholic Church?

Even so, do you know that Theophilus of Antioch was using the Trinitarian term in 181AD, 150 years BEFORE the Catholic Church put your canon of Scripture together? Do you know that Christians certainly believed in the doctrine from apostolic times? (The doctrine was not invented when the official term was coined at the Fourth Latern Council in 1215, incase you were thinking of going down that road.)

YOUR heresy is due to YOUR interpretation of YOUR belief in Sola Scriptura, and is at odds with the core teaching of Christianity.

Now, you have advice on why I shouldn't join the Catholic Church? :doh:

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The trinity makes a three-headed God, instead of One God revealed in three.

The Bible says there is One God and He is the Father.

Jesus is God, so that means he is the same as the Father.

Jesus himself says when you SEE him, you SEE the FATHER.

Trinity doctrine says they are distinct.

Distinct means different. They are NOT different. Jesus says he ONLY says and DOES what the Father says and does.



New member
The trinity makes a three-headed God, instead of One God revealed in three.

The Bible says there is One God and He is the Father.

Jesus is God, so that means he is the same as the Father.

Jesus himself says when you SEE him, you SEE the FATHER.

Trinity doctrine says they are distinct.

Distinct means different. They are NOT different. Jesus says he ONLY says and DOES what the Father says and does.
Answered---and corrected---here, and here.


Well-known member
History surely tells us a different story. They both cannot be the carriers of "all the truth" and be at odds.

Neither have "all the truth." No one does - nor can they. The fullness of the truth is something we have to look forward to when all is said and done - as Paul teaches in 1 Cor 13. Even if one side did have all the truth, and another side errored - that wouldn't make any difference providing both were decidedly Christian and doing God's will. God doesn't care about us holding a perfect set of beliefs, but rather how we live our lives. Many of the issues that Christians split themselves over are silly and unimportant. Just agree to disagree and focus on what is important: living moral lives & doing God's will.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Totton Linnet

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One of the hardest things for me on this journey is losing all of my protestant friends, some I have known for decades, some I was very close to, some I called my own family.

I had hundreds of friends and many best friends. This week I said goodbye to the last two friends I have left...they just could not accept my choice and instead began to become hostile.

As a protestant, fellowship is a large part of our life. I ate, breathed and talked with these brothers and sisters of mine. To leave it all was enormously upsetting.

I have no family, and now no old friends. I sacrificed my home and set out on this journey to the Church knowing it would demand all. Not only has it indeed demanded all, it has taken more than all. When I had nothing left but my thoughts, it almost took them through doubt. Having gone through homelessnes and been hungry and freezing on many an occassion in the last year I still held on...and on.

But I tell you this, seeking the truth and the true church has brought me closer to Christ and I feel a sense of deep peace and security. I know these little sacrifices of mine are nothing, absolutely nothing. My life is but a wisp of vapour, one half footstep on an eternal walk.

I am grateful the grace of God has kept me and allowed me to start the long journey home.
God bless you.

You deserved to lose your friends....if you were saved and you may have been, you have betrayed the grounds upon which you were in looking for another ground upon which to be saved than the cross have even betrayed Christ. God [and what you have posted is here is a hopeful sign to spiritual eyes] will punish you sore for turning from the cross to another salvation, not that there is another.....stop kidding yourself.


You deserved to lose your friends....if you were saved and you may have been, you have betrayed the grounds upon which you were in looking for another ground upon which to be saved than the cross have even betrayed Christ. God [and what you have posted is here is a hopeful sign to spiritual eyes] will punish you sore for turning from the cross to another salvation, not that there is another.....stop kidding yourself.

I have betrayed Christ himself? I am being punished? Please buy a clue.
I may have lost my protestant friends, but with attitudes similiar to yours...well good riddance is all I can say.
I will point out however, I am nearly part of a family with 1.2 billion members and the ones I have met so far have been amazingly warm, kind, friendly, spiritual and incredibly understanding. I feel like I'm truely coming home and have met many new friends.

Oh, by the way, thanks for reading the thread and pulling that out from a few pages ago...maybe you should dip a toe in the Tiber, you never know, you might even lose a misconception or two.

Good day to you.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Yes but I fully expected that you would react that way, as with all dire warnings from God's servants it does show you the way back. You are in a most unhappy place and you know it.


Yes but I fully expected that you would react that way, as with all dire warnings from God's servants it does show you the way back. You are in a most unhappy place and you know it.

Post your proof God needs to warn me not to join His one and only true Church. :popcorn:

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
The fact that you and Cruciform work so hard at studying the myths and legends of the RCC, trying to be more Catholic than Catholics are who were brought up in that religion is one sure think with much studying to crowd out the Holy Spirit from speaking to you.

Your testimony about how you fared after you turned away from the cross as your only the prodigal son....Christ promises rest, Christ promises abundant life. Yes, yes, you can try to convince yourself that these are the cost of true discipleship if you like. They are not, they are the Lord's displeasure.

The warnings are in I do not believe in the possibility of one who was saved being damned and I do not believe that those warnings threaten it, but they do warn against turning from simple faith in the cross to a "system" of salvation.


The fact that you and Cruciform work so hard at studying the myths and legends of the RCC, trying to be more Catholic than Catholics are who were brought up in that religion is one sure think with much studying to crowd out the Holy Spirit from speaking to you.

Your testimony about how you fared after you turned away from the cross as your only the prodigal son....Christ promises rest, Christ promises abundant life. Yes, yes, you can try to convince yourself that these are the cost of true discipleship if you like. They are not, they are the Lord's displeasure.

The warnings are in I do not believe in the possibility of one who was saved being damned and I do not believe that those warnings threaten it, but they do warn against turning from simple faith in the cross to a "system" of salvation.

This is what you have said so far because I am on my way to the Catholic Church:
I have betrayed Christ.
God will punish me.
I am not following the Holy Spirit.
I deserve to lose my friends.
The Lord is displeased with me....

....and when I ask for evidence of your accusations, you post that your proof and whole argument is based on...let me see...a vague reference to an unmentioned verse somewhere in Hebrews? Really??

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
This is what you have said so far because I am on my way to the Catholic Church:
I have betrayed Christ.
God will punish me.
I am not following the Holy Spirit.
I deserve to lose my friends.
The Lord is displeased with me....

....and when I ask for evidence of your accusations, you post that your proof and whole argument is based on...let me see...a vague reference to an unmentioned verse somewhere in Hebrews? Really??

Sure, if you had not said you were evangelical. That told everyone that your motives were devious.

Evangelicals believe that faith in the Person of Jesus Christ and His death for us on the cross is wholly sufficient to save us, moreover evangelicals believe that nothing at all must be added to His work on the cross...if anything is evangelicals consider it an insult to the grace of God.

So my charge to you was [as mean as it seems] spot on.

You picked this fight so don't start crying martyr.

All that you yourself say happened as a result of turning from simple faith looks like God dealing with you as a rebel.

The Holy Spirit will never lead you to a system of salvation which insults Christ and His work at way José

If they remain [your friends] faithful to Christ while you turn away to religion for salvation breech is inevitable.

The WHOLE book of Hebrews is directed towards exhorting the Jews not to return to religion once they have found pardon at the cross.

If you had not said you had been evangelical...and I am not convinced you were...I would have no quarrel with you.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is what you have said so far because I am on my way to the Catholic Church:
I have betrayed Christ.
God will punish me.
I am not following the Holy Spirit.
I deserve to lose my friends.
The Lord is displeased with me....

....and when I ask for evidence of your accusations, you post that your proof and whole argument is based on...let me see...a vague reference to an unmentioned verse somewhere in Hebrews? Really??

So have you made a choice yet?