Why Sexual Assault Victims Delay Coming Forward


New member
History is chockful of witnesses to one crime or another who for one legitimate reason or another delayed reporting said crime, for a time...even for decades...

We all know this.

And the reasons behind such delays are not much different from that of the need for looking the other way that some on TOL are just as obviously suffering from, as to Clinton, and or Trump.

1- A cop who’s spent 30 years fighting sexual assault explains why victims often wait to come forward...


2- Why Don’t Cops Believe Rape Victims...


3-Tom Tremblay is a retired Police Chief, but has held many positions within the criminal justice field, including: officer, detective, supervisor, and state public safety commissioner. Tom has been recognized for his help in improving police leadership skills. Tom is currently serving as an independent reviewer/ monitor to help improve the sexual assault response and investigations of law enforcement....




Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Traumatized rape victims often don't come forward. Miss America girls who are use to getting ogled are not traumatized when someone plays grab-butt with them. Get it?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
History is chockful of witnesses to one crime or another who for one legitimate reason or another delayed reporting said crime, for a time...even for decades...

We all know this.

And the reasons behind such delays are not much different from that of the need for looking the other way that some on TOL are just as obviously suffering from, as to Clinton, and or Trump.

1- A cop who’s spent 30 years fighting sexual assault explains why victims often wait to come forward...


2- Why Don’t Cops Believe Rape Victims...


3-Tom Tremblay is a retired Police Chief, but has held many positions within the criminal justice field, including: officer, detective, supervisor, and state public safety commissioner. Tom has been recognized for his help in improving police leadership skills. Tom is currently serving as an independent reviewer/ monitor to help improve the sexual assault response and investigations of law enforcement....

Good post. Overlook the hostile goofs who can't address it and have to lean on assumptive memes in lieu of a sustainable point.


History is chockful of witnesses to one crime or another who for one legitimate reason or another delayed reporting said crime, for a time.

And history is also chock full of people who false witness, and it's rapidly growing thanks to agendas at hand. There have been several cases as of late where women have been proven to have made false accusations- that is, trying to ruin a man's life on a false claim.

If they have no shame in that, then what in the hell makes you feel these stories of democrat women, at the peak of the election phase, coming out with weak stories about Trump aren't naturally dubious in nature?

If you came to me claiming you were groped thirty years ago, I would seriously think you were retarded..
If you came up to me with a concern that you didn't feel something was an accident but rape, due to a random brush up, I WOULD SERIOUSLY THINK YOU WERE RETARDED.

So don't sit there and play that same old card that gets recycled every time this nonsense happens.


New member
Good post. Overlook the hostile goofs who can't address it and have to lean on assumptive memes in lieu of a sustainable point.

Lol, as I noted; their's is the same mechanism of denial of a thing that causes a witness to a crime against oneself or others...to delay reporting it.

I find it amusing...those in denial of the obvious...denying those who once were...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
History is chockful of witnesses to one crime or another who for one legitimate reason or another delayed reporting said crime, for a time...even for decades...

We all know this.

And the reasons behind such delays are not much different from that of the need for looking the other way that some on TOL are just as obviously suffering from, as to Clinton, and or Trump.

1- A cop who’s spent 30 years fighting sexual assault explains why victims often wait to come forward...


2- Why Don’t Cops Believe Rape Victims...


3-Tom Tremblay is a retired Police Chief, but has held many positions within the criminal justice field, including: officer, detective, supervisor, and state public safety commissioner. Tom has been recognized for his help in improving police leadership skills. Tom is currently serving as an independent reviewer/ monitor to help improve the sexual assault response and investigations of law enforcement....

Again, great post. Sorry CC thinks spamming it is the way to go here. You should report him and see about getting his shtick put on the discard pile.

Common sense will tell most people why someone in that position might not come forward without evidence to make it more than their word against the rich, powerful guy who could likely ruin them for their efforts. Once that tape was out, the older woman with less to lose came forward to tell what she alleges happened decades ago. Seeing her and the tape, others, younger and more vulnerable, have stepped up.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Sorry CC thinks spamming it is the way to go here. You should report him and see about getting his shtick put on the discard pile.....
Well, you're quite the little Nazi informant aren't you. If you had been alive in Nazi Germany you probably would have turned in your own parents. FYI I did not spam anything.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And history is also chock full of people who false witness, and it's rapidly growing thanks to agendas at hand. There have been several cases as of late where women have been proven to have made false accusations- that is, trying to ruin a man's life on a false claim.
I'm sure some people do lie and file false reports. The FBI believes it too. But mostly that's not what happens.

If they have no shame in that, then what in the hell makes you feel these stories of democrat women, at the peak of the election phase, coming out with weak stories about Trump aren't naturally dubious in nature?
Already explained.

If you came to me claiming you were groped thirty years ago, I would seriously think you were retarded..
That's because you're ignorant.

If you came up to me with a concern that you didn't feel something was an accident but rape, due to a random brush up, I WOULD SERIOUSLY THINK YOU WERE RETARDED.
None of the activity I've read alleged was the sort that could rationally be ascribed to accident. Either it happened or a lie is being told. Given his admission there's reason to be suspicious. The rest will out.


Already explained.

Explained actual victims- never once did any of you address that there are plenty of women out there with no shame in crying wolf, defaming men, or making up horror stories to get either attention or to have things their way.

It happens all the time, it is not some rarity. Explain why anyone should be taking you all seriously when all you have are platitudes against plain reality.

None of the activity I've read alleged was the sort that could rationally be ascribed to accident. Either it happened or a lie is being told. Given his admission there's reason to be suspicious. The rest will out.

With a 22 year old liberal student, nothing is an accident. It's always rape- which is partially something you all are to blame for. When you have a million females doing 'slut walks' and thinking consent is something you can change your mind about the next day, and you all defend it, you are just a part of the nonsense as they are.

Women are only half as likely to be assaulted across the board, but you all have managed to make even that trivial on the feminist bandwagon and somehow make that more than the rest.
You ought to feel retarded, and hopefully that's what happens when things finally start to change.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Explained actual victims- never once did any of you address that there are plenty of women out there with no shame in crying wolf, defaming men, or making up horror stories to get either attention or to have things their way.
Not true. We went over this before in another thread where I noted the FBI statistics.

It happens all the time, it is not some rarity
It's nothing like the rule. And less likely in occurrence than a woman failing to report because of hostile, assumptive people like you.

. Explain why anyone should be taking you all seriously
The point being that you can't seriously dismiss the women without being irrational, for the reasons given prior and in this very thread.


Not true. We went over this before in another thread where I noted the FBI statistics.

The thing about FBI statistics is that they only go on cases where it has been fully consoled and determined in court, not the daily occurrences all over the country. As well, of those court cases, 'blind justice' is a bit of a bad joke when you have everyone on the woman's side.

It's nothing like the rule. And less likely in occurrence than a woman failing to report because of hostile, assumptive people like you.

Women fail to report most often because they know it isn't warranted. Hence the reason they make false claims everyday while the FBI have their court statistics.

The point being that you can't seriously dismiss the women without being irrational, for the reasons given prior and in this very thread.

It is something I can fully dismiss, because women aren't better than men. You can point at men as rapists but not women as liars, and you are incapable of seeing things the way they are- you keep bringing up statistics like they interpret something outside of what they are analyzing.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The thing about FBI statistics is that they only go on cases where it has been fully consoled and determined in court, not the daily occurrences all over the country. As well, of those court cases, 'blind justice' is a bit of a bad joke when you have everyone on the woman's side.
Actually, the FBI makes educated guesses on the point, rooted in statistical information at hand.

Women fail to report most often because they know it isn't warranted
The minute you do something this egregiously presumptive you just can't be taken seriously and I can't bother trying to. You're just saying things. That's what you do when it comes to women.

It is something I can fully dismiss, because women aren't better than men.
Has nothing to do with anything but your unstated but everywhere implied contempt for them. I leave off your trying the mind reading, unsupported nonsense with me.


The minute you do something this egregiously presumptive you just can't be taken seriously and I can't bother trying to. You're just saying things. That's what you do when it comes to women.

'Presumptive'. As in presuming the sky is blue and cones in our eyes aren't tricking us :rolleyes:

Has nothing to do with anything but your unstated but everywhere implied contempt for them. I leave off your trying the mind reading, unsupported nonsense with me.

It has everything to do with it, because there is only one reason a person could presume the worst of one thing and the best of another. Fundamentally, you think women are more integral than men and that's why you don't consider that they are capable of doing shiesty things on a similar ratio of men.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
'Presumptive'. As in presuming the sky is blue
Leaving off that it actually isn't blue, presumptive in the sense that you presume but cannot support, let alone prove more than the measure of your willingness to assume/declare and your malice.

It has everything to do with it, because there is only one reason a person could presume the worst of one thing and the best of another.
It's unreasoanble to assume the women are lying because it inconveniences your politics and triggers your bias.

Why women would wait until now could be as simple as his admission coming to light. Given that admission, however he's excused himself, it's reasonable to be suspicious of him, but fair to reserve conclusion until everyone has their day in court.

Fundamentally, you think women are more integral than men
Integral to what?

and that's why you don't consider that they are capable of doing shiesty things on a similar ratio of men.
Rather, I know men tend to work most of the violence in the world, especially against women. And I don't fail to consider. That's your meat.


It's unreasoanble to assume the women are lying because it inconveniences your politics and triggers your bias.


A ridiculous bias is the power play with you all :AMR:

Why women would wait until now could be as simple as his admission coming to light. Given that admission, however he's excused himself, it's reasonable to be suspicious of him, but fair to reserve conclusion until everyone has their day in court.

Except, conveniently, none of these cases are going to court. So there's no risk in slighting an election by making last minute claims at the peak of it.