ECT Why preterism can never be taken seriously by Bible believers

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, they can't. That's the problem.

My point earlier was that Tet has substance mixed with patience in nearly every post.

No, he doesn't. He is an obsessed fraud, a spineless charlatan, known for his habitual lying, hypocrisy, sophistry,spam, spamming assertions, refusing to address questions, over, and over, a closet Catholic, who claims that he has infallible teachers, that the earth is flat, that there is no law, so murder, rape, fine with him, that denies the resurrection/redemption of the body, thus perverting the gospel of Christ, that denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is a man, today, thus denying He is a/the Mediator, rejects the principles of the Reformation of the 1500's, denies the title "God the Father," that cries, and wines, and pines, and spams " are in denial...Darby....Not one person in the history of the world has/can answer me....Don't you believe the bible/'Jesus'/Paul/Peter?....Figurative.....Fulfilled AD 70...Darby..........," as his only "response," and is a deceitful clown, like you, based upon your approval of this weasel.

Now-take your seat.


Well-known member
I already said, you're no Apostle Paul. What else do ya wanna hear?

For 10 examples of what I mean by specifics, see "10 Propositions of NT eschatology"

Of course, I'm no apostle Paul, you fool. But I'm finding that countering D'ism is curiously close to what he did with Judaizers. Talk about that specific thing instead of your unstatement.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
For 10 examples of what I mean by specifics, see "10 Propositions of NT eschatology"

Of course, I'm no apostle Paul, you fool. But I'm finding that countering D'ism is curiously close to what he did with Judaizers. Talk about that specific thing instead of your unstatement.

It's so easy for someone like you to call someone who's a stranger on a forum a name, isn't it? I mean, you can't look me in the eye, you don't know who you're dealing with? Would you call someone a "Fool" to their face? Would you really have the gall or guts to do so? Calling posters names on the Internet doesn't really make you a brave sort of guy. Actually, it makes you look very small in the eyes of others. Just some "Food for thought." Next time, why not ask yourself: "Would I call this guy, I don't even know, a fool to his face?" If ya have the willingness, try it someday, just walk up to a stranger and call him or her a, fool! Then, see what happens? You may learn a lesson in life?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, he doesn't. He is an obsessed fraud, a spineless charlatan, known for his habitual lying, hypocrisy, sophistry,spam, spamming assertions, refusing to address questions, over, and over, a closet Catholic, who claims that he has infallible teachers, that the earth is flat, that there is no law, so murder, rape, fine with him, that denies the resurrection/redemption of the body, thus perverting the gospel of Christ, that denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is a man, today, thus denying He is a/the Mediator, rejects the principles of the Reformation of the 1500's, denies the title "God the Father," that cries, and wines, and pines, and spams " are in denial...Darby....Not one person in the history of the world has/can answer me....Don't you believe the bible/'Jesus'/Paul/Peter?....Figurative.....Fulfilled AD 70...Darby..........," as his only "response," and is a deceitful clown, like you, based upon your approval of this weasel.

Now-take your seat.

Good post.


Well-known member
It's so easy for someone like you to call someone who's a stranger on a forum a name, isn't it? I mean, you can't look me in the eye, you don't know who you're dealing with? Would you call someone a "Fool" to their face? Would you really have the gall or guts to do so? Calling posters names on the Internet doesn't really make you a brave sort of guy. Actually, it makes you look very small in the eyes of others. Just some "Food for thought." Next time, why not ask yourself: "Would I call this guy, I don't even know, a fool to his face?" If ya have the willingness, try it someday, just walk up to a stranger and call him or her a, fool! Then, see what happens? You may learn a lesson in life?

If he's convinced from God's Word that GOD HIMSELF considers us fools for what we believe, my humble suggestion is to let him say what he wants. The Day will reveal who is who.


Well-known member
It's so easy for someone like you to call someone who's a stranger on a forum a name, isn't it? I mean, you can't look me in the eye, you don't know who you're dealing with? Would you call someone a "Fool" to their face? Would you really have the gall or guts to do so? Calling posters names on the Internet doesn't really make you a brave sort of guy. Actually, it makes you look very small in the eyes of others. Just some "Food for thought." Next time, why not ask yourself: "Would I call this guy, I don't even know, a fool to his face?" If ya have the willingness, try it someday, just walk up to a stranger and call him or her a, fool! Then, see what happens? You may learn a lesson in life?

After 3K posts here, and lists of things like 10 propositions about NT eschatology, you can't find a specific to answer, so you insult me by telling me I'm no apostle, which is an insult you generate from my saying 'there is a high degree of similarity between Paul's adversaries and D'ism.' That similarity is YOUR problem. Not that I said that your dismissing me was foolish.

Go grasp Jn 12:34 yourself. It was 'darkness' to think a restored kingdom was coming and it slips off the screen in Acts 1, never to be heard of again. It was 'light' to embrace and proclaim that Christ crucified was the capstone of God's redemption.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
After 3K posts here, and lists of things like 10 propositions about NT eschatology, you can't find a specific to answer, so you insult me by telling me I'm no apostle, which is an insult you generate from my saying 'there is a high degree of similarity between Paul's adversaries and D'ism.' That similarity is YOUR problem. Not that I said that your dismissing me was foolish.

Go grasp Jn 12:34 yourself. It was 'darkness' to think a restored kingdom was coming and it slips off the screen in Acts 1, never to be heard of again. It was 'light' to embrace and proclaim that Christ crucified was the capstone of God's redemption.

Believe me, when I say, "You are NO Apostle Paul." I hope you get it this time around? I have a feeling I'm speaking to an unplugged Toaster.


Well-known member
What does Gal 3:17 mean?

What does Jn 12:34 mean?

You're the unplugged toaster. Like Danoh, you know how to insult and love it, but don't demonstrate any awareness that this thread-forum is about solving exegetical details!

Why, then, are you here?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What does Gal 3:17 mean?

What does Jn 12:34 mean?

You're the unplugged toaster. Like Danoh, you know how to insult and love it, but don't demonstrate any awareness that this thread-forum is about solving exegetical details!

Why, then, are you here?

I take the fifth. I hope that doesn't bother you too much? I'd hate to see you have a complete mental/emotional breakdown?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I see, you're here to declare certain people boring and others not. Got it.

What does Gal 3:17 mean?

What does Jn 12:34 mean?

To be honest with you, I don't like you. How can I be clearer? I think I'll be ignoring you from now on? I don't find you in the least bit, interesting or worth posting with. Know what I mean? Catch my drift pal? From now on you'll have to get through life without my assistance. No offense intended.
It's so easy for someone like you to call someone who's a stranger on a forum a name, isn't it? I mean, you can't look me in the eye, you don't know who you're dealing with? Would you call someone a "Fool" to their face? Would you really have the gall or guts to do so? Calling posters names on the Internet doesn't really make you a brave sort of guy. Actually, it makes you look very small in the eyes of others. Just some "Food for thought." Next time, why not ask yourself: "Would I call this guy, I don't even know, a fool to his face?" If ya have the willingness, try it someday, just walk up to a stranger and call him or her a, fool! Then, see what happens? You may learn a lesson in life?

Have you guys noticed how it is that those with the worst, and most deceptive, theology are so quick to speak condemning evil against others? Like in the other forum the charismatics threatening people with God's judgment or subscribing to Satan, if you don't subscribe to their exclusive behaviors and religion? I was just recently studying James 4:11, and, when you think about it, no other person can bestow or take away any Christian's reward, or judge any other person in an eternal sense, so what is this vanity of threatening people with evil, when the Lord Jesus, and solely the Lord Jesus, is empowered to judge, John 5:22? It's always a tell to me, many charismatics showing how, like that emotional mire they base their worship on, there are these anger management issues, reflective of emotional immaturity, to where they feel the need to throw lightening bolts at others or the like. And likewise those with false theology, generally, vain and very quick to say another person has a devil, or is a fool, boast how they have a lease on knowledge, my way or the highway: there are all these little tells of a spirit, other than the Holy Spirit, at work. Bad doctrine and bad behavior, as if Siamese twins of the tare. Interesting how you'd even expect these go hand in hand, isn't it? I believe these are important things to note, when considering whether a person should be taken seriously.

Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

As to Preterism, around 500 of 1,000 Bible prophecies have already been, literally, fulfilled. In that same scripture, with prophecy not yet fulfilled, you'd have to believe a swap is made from literal to figurative, often between verses, that the Bible meant what it says, consistently, for a few thousand years, but turned to Nostradamus, with regard to everything of the future. You'd have to believe that God didn't know He should have stopped saying Israel, should have said church, as if the Almighty went senile (between verses and chapters!) and needs a dictionary or something. Hundreds of very literal references, down to specific, huge portions of the population dead in the apocalypse, a rise in homosexuality, grass burned up, every creature dying in the sea, huge earthquakes, antichrist controlling all peoples, antichrist setting up shop in a temple at Jerusalem, armies of the nations of the world coming against Jerusalem, with the Lord, Himself, coming from heaven to battle them: those most literal references that never happened, well, that's because the Bible ceased to mean what it says. God writes scripture that selectively turned unfathomable, into gobbledygook, we simply must assign our own values to, just like Nostradamus, when my Bible says, 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Preterism is lala land, silliness. The next 500 unfulfilled prophecies are also going to be literally fulfilled, like the previous 500, simple common sense proving this true, as sure as you can, with all confidence, postulate the sun coming up in the morning. One must suppose the Preterist would have to stand on the likes of, like they do Israel, that, no, the sun will not come up in the morning: the sun ceased in 70 AD, and we must not believe our lying eyes. (And you can pretty much forget the notion of ever having a profitable, reality-based eschatological conversation with a Preterist.)