Why marriage matters


Well-known member
Incorrect. I don't apologize for liberals. It is not their judgment, it is their patriotism.

The political left wants a ruling class and a working class. And to them they are the only ones who can be the ruling class. And no middle class in their world. You don't get to keep your income, they will decide who gets what. You can invent any name you want, or hide the intentions, it is always the same. Socialism hides under the umbrella of corporate globalism these days. Facebook, twitter, Google/youtube and Apple all supported Hillary to keep the machine going.

You may be right.

Maybe I am naive. I can't help but suspect that not quite all liberals have malevolent intentions. Some seem to actually want to do good. They just go about it all wrong.


Well-known member
You don't understand how beneficial traditional marriage is to society do you? You don't realize how damaging to society it is when traditional marriage is weak in society and it's numbers decline? Do you?

So..... Promote Marriage....
And whilst doing that why not just leave SSM alone?


New member
One voice is puny in the onslaught of MSM and Hollywood and the schools. I could possibly be prosecuted for a hate crime.

Most people today see no value in marriage other than what it does for them.

The best thing we can do to promote traditional marriage is to start with our young. Take them out of public schools. Provide tax credits for homeschooling. Turn off the TV and only allow traditional family programming.

For the adults:. Train them to truly understand the importance of traditional marriage and the harm that comes when that institution is weak and deligitimised in society.

Really, a whole separate culture needs to be created and the government should not persecute it.


Well-known member
...........to start with our young. Take them out of public schools. Provide tax credits for homeschooling.
Is homeschooling all about parent teaching at home? If so, it's not a great idea. One of the big problems with home-parent-teaching is that the child does not learn how to cope in general society. Unsocialised children can have very great difficulties in life.

Turn off the TV and only allow traditional family programming.
No..... children need to see the World that they will enter, otherwise they just won't be prepared for it.

For the adults:. Train them to truly understand the importance of traditional marriage and the harm that comes when that institution is weak and deligitimised in society.
That looks like Institutionalised Indoctrination.

Really, a whole separate culture needs to be created and the government should not persecute it.
Well, SSM is a new culture and it sure looks like some folks want to persecute that.


New member
This is nothing but a tired rehashing of all the specious arguments against same sex marriage . There is not one shred of evidence that being raised by gay parents is in any way harmful to children, as long as they are good parents, which most are . Or that it puts them at risk of being molested or "becoming gay .' after all, most gay people had straight parents , and kids raised by gay parents have for the most part turned out to be heterosexual .
Gay marriage does not interfere with heterosexual marriage in any way , does not violate anyone's rights, and does not stop heterosexual couples from getting married and having children .
So many children have been sexually abused by their heterosexual parents . So the chances of being sexually abused by gay parents is no greater .
Long ago, so many white people, particularly in the south, were horrified by the idea of allowing black people to vote . This was against God's will to them, and a terrible sin . It was the same with the question of allowing women to vote .
But did all t his interfere with the voting rights of white males ? Hardly .
If you don't like same sex marriage , don't marry someone of the same sex . Nobody is forcing you to do this .


Did you forget where you are posting Horn?

The Horn

Evidence? Reasoning ? Logic ? I don't need to show any evidence . Everything I said here is self evident and common knowledge . You can google everything I said yourself . I never make things up on the internet .
If you think there's no "logic or reasoning" in my post, this is your problem, not mine .

The Horn

Same sex marriage is no more having an adverse effect on "traditional marriage " than allowing blacks and women to vote in the past had an adverse effect on the voting rights of white males or
repealing miscegenation laws had an adverse effect on marriage . Don't be fooled by all the hysterical right-wing fear and hate mongering .
the lack of fathers among blacks is not due to any changes in marriage laws . It is due to the rampant poverty, unemployment and hopelessness caused by the Republican , really repugnican party .
In general, it's become harder and harder for people to get married , have children and support them decently and to live stable lives than ever before .
The Republicans who complain about the "breakup of the family " in congress are to blame for it .


Well-known member
What makes you think I have done anything to SSM people?

You are clearly set against the acceptance of SSM, and support the existing policies of the 41 States.
Your OP is hard set against SSM, even blaming it's acceptance as:-

Redefining marriage is also a direct and demonstrable threat to religious freedom because it marginalizes those who affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Now.... which part of my suggestion are you having difficulty in understanding?
SSM does not marginalise Hetrosexual marriages, it simply bonds and protects two women or two men together in a physically and legally secure way. Many marriages do not produce children, and at this time that is a great blessing for the World. We are over-populated, you know.


Well-known member
Yes. Answer the question.

I have never done a single thing to SSM people.

Let me answer for [MENTION=18336]MrDante[/MENTION] , by writing your OP you 'done' a very definite 'thing' to/against the promotion of SSM.

......... or... put me right.... just tell me that you would support SSM in your whole country, in all of it's States. OK?