Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown numerous times: the "extra risk" takes place when two people of the same sex engage in anal and/or oral sex.

Need I pull up the CDC reports again on HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea as well as showing the outbreak of meningitis and ocular syphilis amongst those who engage in homosex?

Need I pull up the latest (politically correct) FDA blood donation regulation showing that homosexuals must abstain from homosex for a year if they want to donate blood?

I accept that your last paragraph is true since that seems to be how it is here in the UK too. In fact until quite recently no homosexuals were permitted to give blood, but that has now changed to the 1 year rule.

You don't seem to understand Al that homosexuals can still enjoy partaking in homosexual culture (hanging out at playgrounds eyeballing the little boys, cross dressing and attending pornographic film festivals), but according to FDA guidelines, they can't partake in the sex act for an entire year before donating blood. As I pointed out in the thread talking about the risky new guidelines: Homosexuals can't be homosexuals if they want to donate blood (and there are no stipulations, i.e. if you're in a monogamous relationship).

However that doesn't change the fact that some forms of sexual intercourse, if combined with a certain gay lifestyle of having many partners, tend to have more associated risk attached than others.

Without a doubt God's unchanging design for human sexuality (one man, one woman united in matrimony) is the safest sexual practice, and as we've seen when done out of wedlock things like abortion occur (thank you consensual moralists Art Brain and Rusha), but compared to homosexuality, STD's are nowhere near the problem amongst heterosexuals.

There is nothing inherently more unsafe about homosexual sex that cannot be made reasonably safe with some due care, as indeed many gay people are able to do successfully. But of course you don't want to know about that, your agenda is done no favours if more gays were having safer sex.

Need I pull up the CDC reports again on HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea as well as showing the outbreak of meningitis and ocular syphilis amongst those who engage in homosex?

Need I pull up the latest (politically correct) FDA blood donation regulation showing that homosexuals must abstain from homosex for a year if they want to donate blood?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The disease aspect is only one of the reasons for showing why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized. If I were a hater like 'gay' Christians* aikido7 and StanJ claim I am, I wouldn't be promoting therapy to help these lost souls find a better way.

*Not to be confused with incestuous, bestial or adulterous christians.

Clearly aCW some people don't intend to be told what they mustn't do and be forced instead to do what you say they must do, or get locked up.
Just who do you think you are aCW, God?

God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man (the Church and the family being the other two). A righteous government makes legislation to keep moral degenerates from not only hurting themselves, but from organizing and destroying invaluable institutions like we're seeing in today's society.


New member
What's your point Stan? Is legislating righteous laws against homosexuality, incest and bestiality acts of hate?

Is encouraging those who engage in such acts to seek spiritual and psychological counseling so that they'll overcome their sexual confusion considered an act of hate?

It was well established in Part 1 that you represent the 'gay' christian movement Stan. Your little "haters gonna hate" LGBTQ chant is nothing new, you're just putting a different spin on it by pretending that you believe in God.

Christianity cannot be legislated, Jesus said that Himself. Democracy if for ALL citizens, not just YOU. Democracy is not bigoted like you.
My admonition is from the Bible where Jesus said to pray for those who use you. You do nothing buy vilify your PERCEIVED enemy so I cannot help but think somewhere in your past you were accosted by a homosexual. I suggest you ask God to heal you and stop spreading hatred and giving Christians a bad name.


New member
You don't seem to understand Al that homosexuals can still enjoy partaking in homosexual culture (hanging out at playgrounds eyeballing the little boys, cross dressing and attending pornographic film festivals), but according to FDA guidelines, they can't partake in the sex act for an entire year before donating blood. As I pointed out in the thread talking about the risky new guidelines: Homosexuals can't be homosexuals if they want to donate blood (and there are no stipulations, i.e. if you're in a monogamous relationship).
Your understanding of homosexuals is absurd aCW if you really do think that your description here is in anyway typical of homosexuality.:rolleyes:

Without a doubt God's unchanging design for human sexuality (one man, one woman united in matrimony) is the safest sexual practice, and as we've seen when done out of wedlock things like abortion occur (thank you consensual moralists Art Brain and Rusha), but compared to homosexuality, STD's are nowhere near the problem amongst heterosexuals.
You are simply refusing to accept that any STD, including HIV, transmission can be prevented by taking proper precautions. HIV/AIDS is not a punishment from God it is just one of many sexually transmitted diseases that are a risk factor whichever way you happen to be sexually oriented.

God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man (the Church and the family being the other two). A righteous government makes legislation to keep moral degenerates from not only hurting themselves, but from organizing and destroying invaluable institutions like we're seeing in today's society.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What's your point Stan? Is legislating righteous laws against homosexuality, incest and bestiality acts of hate?

Is encouraging those who engage in such acts to seek spiritual and psychological counseling so that they'll overcome their sexual confusion considered an act of hate?

It was well established in Part 1 that you represent the 'gay' christian movement Stan. Your little "haters gonna hate" LGBTQ chant is nothing new, you're just putting a different spin on it by pretending that you believe in God.

Christianity cannot be legislated,

Yet our once great nation's legal system was once based on Judeo-Christian legislation...

and then we allowed you secular humanists to take over.

Jesus said that Himself. Democracy if for ALL citizens, not just YOU. Democracy is not bigoted like you.
My admonition is from the Bible where Jesus said to pray for those who use you. You do nothing buy vilify your PERCEIVED enemy so I cannot help but think somewhere in your past you were accosted by a homosexual. I suggest you ask God to heal you and stop spreading hatred and giving Christians a bad name.

The good people that created this website did it with people like you in mind.



People of faith aren't going to allow you and your LGBTQ movement to steal this invaluable institution (the Church) like you've stolen others.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
You don't seem to understand Al that homosexuals can still enjoy partaking in homosexual culture (hanging out at playgrounds eyeballing the little boys, cross dressing and attending pornographic film festivals), but according to FDA guidelines, they can't partake in the sex act for an entire year before donating blood. As I pointed out in the thread talking about the risky new guidelines: Homosexuals can't be homosexuals if they want to donate blood (and there are no stipulations, i.e. if you're in a monogamous relationship).

Your understanding of homosexuals is absurd aCW if you really do think that your description here is in anyway typical of homosexuality.

Then I'll ask you for the umpteenth time to have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come into the thread and correct my absurd understanding.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Without a doubt God's unchanging design for human sexuality (one man, one woman united in matrimony) is the safest sexual practice, and as we've seen when done out of wedlock things like abortion occur (thank you consensual moralists Art Brain and Rusha), but compared to homosexuality, STD's are nowhere near the problem amongst heterosexuals.

You are simply refusing to accept that any STD, including HIV, transmission can be prevented by taking proper precautions. HIV/AIDS is not a punishment from God it is just one of many sexually transmitted diseases that are a risk factor whichever way you happen to be sexually oriented.

As much as you would love to steal away your fellow Brit's Queen of Denial title, Art Brain worked very hard for it. Perhaps you'll settle for an honorable mention come next January's awards?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man (the Church and the family being the other two). A righteous government makes legislation to keep moral degenerates from not only hurting themselves, but from organizing and destroying invaluable institutions like we're seeing in today's society.

(Al is speechless).


New member
What's your point Stan? Is legislating righteous laws against homosexuality, incest and bestiality acts of hate?

No, your rants are. Those are acts of prejudice, which are happening less and less these days thank God.

Is encouraging those who engage in such acts to seek spiritual and psychological counseling so that they'll overcome their sexual confusion considered an act of hate?

You don't encourage anyone excerpt to hate pal. If you REALLY want to encourage get off you fat behind and go encourage them on the street.

It was well established in Part 1 that you represent the 'gay' christian movement Stan. Your little "haters gonna hate" LGBTQ chant is nothing new, you're just putting a different spin on it by pretending that you believe in God.

LOL according to you, Jesus represents the gay Christian movement, so I'm in good company. Get a life fool.

People of faith aren't going to allow you and your LGBTQ movement to steal this invaluable institution (the Church) like you've stolen others.

As you're not one of them, how would you know one if you met one?

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I came across this article on WND this morning and thought that I should warn the NAMBLA faction of the LGBTQueer movement about what Dr. Judith Reisman said in her article entitled:

Gay-on-gay 'hate crimes'

"...The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs..."

Meet a walking time bomb:

Ex-Boy Scout: I killed troop leader who raped me

Court breaks into applause after man recounts stabbing

June 18, 2015

A former Boy Scout confessed in emotionally charged court testimony to killing his former troop leader, but said it was due to the repeated sexual abuse and rape he suffered at the hands of the man, beginning at the tender age of 8.

“From the time I was 8 years old until I was 12, I was sexually assaulted and raped by Dennis Pegg,” said Clark Fredericks, a former scout who spoke in a tense Newton, New Jersey, courtroom about the reasons for his killing.

Pegg also served as a Sussex sheriff’s officer, NBC New York reported. He was killed three years ago and Fredericks admitted to the crime.

Fredericks said he kept silent about the rapes, despite the fact his best friend, Jeff, was allegedly one of Pegg’s victims, too. Jeff committed suicide in 1983, Fredericks said, the news outlet reported.

Part of the reason Fredericks said he kept silent was because he didn’t think anyone would believe him, due to Pegg’s police badge, and part was due to fear.

“Dennis Pegg controlled me by torturing and killing animals in front of me, saying he would do the same to me if I told anyone about our secret,” Fredericks said.

It was while watching the rape and sexual abuse trial of Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky in 2012 that Fredericks said he “cracked,” NBC New York reported.

He told the court the next day he drank alcohol, snorted cocaine and grabbed a hunting knife Pegg had given him as a gift in the Boy Scouts, and headed with a friend, Bob Reynolds, to Pegg’s home.

“I started stabbing Dennis,” Fredericks said. “I said, ‘How does it feel raping little kids now. It’s not so fun raping little kids now, is it?’ At the end, I...”

The courtroom broke into applause after Fredericks finished testifying, shocking the prosecutor, NBC New York reported.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/ex-boy-scout-i-killed-troop-leader-who-raped-me/#d2IUcf07HxZdGZjv.99


Former Boy Scout Clark Fredericks told court troop leader Dennis Pegg raped him when he was a child.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/ex-boy-scout-i-killed-troop-leader-who-raped-me/#d2IUcf07HxZdGZjv.99

For all of you homosexuals that are just licking your disease ridden chops at the thought of being allowed to openly be a Scout Master (you're already allowed in every major youth mentor organization), remember the above article and the words...

"walking time bomb".


In child rape "man boy love" news from across the water (5 year old article)

Gay actor opposes pedophile background checks
Feb. 2010

According to a report by Starpulse, Lord of the Rings star the homosexual activist Ian McKellen is on the record opposing background checks of pedophiles.

Ian McKellen has spoken out against Britain’s new anti-pedophile database, insisting the new scheme will dissuade amateur theaters from casting children. The Lord of the Rings star fears the Vetting and Barring Scheme, which requires any adult working with children to register and submit a background check, will result in limited roles for young performers.


Adults who don’t comply face a fine of up to $8,000 and a criminal record, which McKellen maintains is unnecessary in the world of amateur theater.

He says, “People are all there for the love of it – that’s what amateur means. It’s a very family atmosphere and there has never in the last 50 years been any hint of wrongdoing, and so it’s trying to put right a problem that doesn’t really exist. If children are no longer allowed, as it were, to perform with amateur groups the loss is everybody’s.”

McKellen claims small companies are struggling to cope with the costs and extensive paperwork, adding, “There are so many people who seem to have an input into this new legislation that have been consulted, and people who haven’t yet been consulted are the people whom it’s going to directly affect.”



That's right Ian, stick up for the P.I.E. (pedophile information exchange) faction of your so-called "community".

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hmm, being that I knew the monetary value of a penny (shiny or otherwise) as a kid I fail to see any relevance with this somewhat bizarre comparison. How am I taking this verse out of context exactly? I'm simply asking if it's all okay to lie and use all sorts of smutty innuendo (as you do) so how come you won't answer? I mean, I would have thought that if somebody had a righteous campaign there'd be no need for any of that but it is actually looked on favourably to lie and make up sleaze as you do is it? Pretty straightforward question aCW.

It surely can't be the case that your sleaze and lies aren't condoned?


Oh, I'm well aware that Jesus wasn't all "nicey nice" and could be harsh with those who were abusing their authority etc, but I don't ever recall Him using lies and sexual innuendo in order to get His point across, do you?


Being that I'm not guilty of any of the stuff you've described above it's again, rather irrelevant.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
You don't seem to understand Al that homosexuals can still enjoy partaking in homosexual culture (hanging out at playgrounds eyeballing the little boys, cross dressing and attending pornographic film festivals), but according to FDA guidelines, they can't partake in the sex act for an entire year before donating blood. As I pointed out in the thread talking about the risky new guidelines: Homosexuals can't be homosexuals if they want to donate blood (and there are no stipulations, i.e. if you're in a monogamous relationship).

Then I'll ask you for the umpteenth time to have a proud and unrepentant homosexual come into the thread and correct my absurd understanding.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Without a doubt God's unchanging design for human sexuality (one man, one woman united in matrimony) is the safest sexual practice, and as we've seen when done out of wedlock things like abortion occur (thank you consensual moralists Art Brain and Rusha), but compared to homosexuality, STD's are nowhere near the problem amongst heterosexuals.

As much as you would love to steal away your fellow Brit's Queen of Denial title, Art Brain worked very hard for it. Perhaps you'll settle for an honorable mention come next January's awards?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man (the Church and the family being the other two). A righteous government makes legislation to keep moral degenerates from not only hurting themselves, but from organizing and destroying invaluable institutions like we're seeing in today's society.

(Al is speechless).

Hmm, I think Al could care about as much as I do about your gormless little "awards" aCW. That being said, I was wondering if perhaps my above got "lost" in your little posting flurry of late? I'd be rather interested to get an actual honest response on this...(if at all possible of course)



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As much as you would love to steal away your fellow Brit's Queen of Denial title, Art Brain worked very hard for it. Perhaps you'll settle for an honorable mention come next January's awards?

Hmm, I think Al could care about as much as I do about your gormless little "awards" aCW. That being said, I was wondering if perhaps my above got "lost" in your little posting flurry of late? I'd be rather interested to get an actual honest response on this...(if at all possible of course)


I was hoping that you'd share 1 Corinthians 13 with a couple of 'gay' christians* so that they too would be aware of their use of sleazy innuendos.

*Not to be confused with incestuous, adulterous or bestial christians.

If you cannot imagine that other human beings feel, think and decide differently than yourself I wonder what your early family life was like.

It seems clear that you were lacking in feelilng a sense of caring, respect and fairness because your parents were probably a bit inattentive to your needs...

...I cannot help but think somewhere in your past you were accosted by a homosexual...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As much as you would love to steal away your fellow Brit's Queen of Denial title, Art Brain worked very hard for it. Perhaps you'll settle for an honorable mention come next January's awards?

I was hoping that you'd share 1 Corinthians 13 with a couple of 'gay' christians* so that they too would be aware of their use of sleazy innuendos.

*Not to be confused with incestuous, adulterous or bestial christians.



Ah, so no actual proper answer at all then. Your initial silence was pretty much an 'answer' in itself but this just kinda confirms it, unless you want to try again, without the deflection?


Ah, so no actual proper answer at all then. Your initial silence was pretty much an 'answer' in itself but this just kinda confirms it, unless you want to try again, without the deflection?

Let me put it this way Art:

Even though there is thick layer of lisp spray covering the inside of my computer's monitor, I can still see the hypocrisy of a drama queen crystal clear.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let me put it this way Art:

Even though there is thick layer of lisp spray covering the inside of my computer's monitor, I can still see the hypocrisy of a drama queen crystal clear.

I'm sure you can - on the reflection of your monitor.

I wonder why you can't address and justify your own sleaze and lies? How come?


aCW at bedtime...

If you play your cards right Stan, you too can join the forefaires of the 'gay' christian* movement and be in the Gay Christian Movement Watch "False Teacher Hall of Shame".

*Not to be confused with incestuous, adulterous or bestial christians.


Dean Gary Hall of the Washington National Cathedral for claiming that opposing homosexuality is a sin.

Rev Irene Monroe for selling out the black church to white gay activists in exchange for 30 minutes of video infamy.(2013)

Rev. Troy Perry for founding the abominable gay christian movement. (2014)

Justin Lee, soft spoken false teacher and founder of the Gay christian network which presupposes the errant ideology that Christians can live sexually immoral lives without repentance. (2011)

Rev. Jim Wallis Sojourners founder for accepting money a left wing gay political group to change his tune on homosexual marriage. (2013)

Rev. Oliver White, the African American UCC pastor for attempting to force his congregation to accept homosexuality by claiming that “Jesus didnt know it all”. Thankfully, they deserted him. (2013)

Matthew Vines, the childish founder of Reformation Project who’s two year study of the bible and progay theologians prompted him to declare 2,000 of proven truth to be wrong.

Rev. Kittredge Cherry of the gay MCC denomination, fills her perverted mind with erotic images of Jesus whom she prays to help her honor the gay flag.

Revs Dennis and Christine Wiley of Washington DC for pridefully boasting of being the first black church to perform homosexual weddings in the nation’s capital.

Dr. James Forbes of New York for bragging that he’s officiated homosexual weddings for 15 years.

Brian McLauren, the “emerging church” heretic for using his gay son to promote false teaching that homosexuality is not a sin. (2012)

Bishop Jim Swilley, former pastor of Atlanta’s Church in the Now for using the guise of curtailing “gay teen suicide” to announce his own homosexuality. Thankfully, his church no longer exists.(2010)

Bishop Carlton Pearson, former pentecostal preacher for his advocacy of the false and demonic inclusion doctrine. (2007)

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