Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You didn't have time to read all three commentaries, but that's insignificant when it comes to what I'm about to say (listen very carefully Art).

When it comes to someone who SPITS on God's Word regarding His design for human sexuality, I don't discuss other aspects of Holy Scripture with that person, especially when that person has no desire to learn the Truth taught in that wonderful Book.

Now that you've had your fun here, go "get tested".

Moving on...

Unlike you I must be a fast reader then and it seems pretty apparent that you hadn't actually read any of them yourself as I'd suggested. If you had you'd have realized that there wasn't anything out of context where it came to my question which you're still having difficulty in answering for some reason?

I mean, does the bible condone lies and lurid innuendo or not? Surely you can answer that?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I were to disregard all of the evidence shown in this 3 part thread (homosexual pedophilia/pederasty in the Catholic Church, in the Boy Scouts; pedophile/pederast organizations founded by homosexuals; quotes praising pedophilia/pederasty by homosexual icons; underage lovers of well known homosexuals: Milk, Bean, etc.), then yes, we could agree.

But you have simply piled up stuff where homosexuals are involved, you never seem to consider being balanced and fair, or accept that heterosexuals can be just as culpable.

Keep in mind that we're dealing with 1-2% of the population here Al*, so it's not difficult to document their moral doctrine, their behavior and their culture.

If there is anything untrue that needs to be addressed, by all means let me know and I will gladly amend any posts/information once you've done so.

*7 and 8 year olds convinced that they have same sex desires by adult perverts are not included in that percentage.


but you don't, you just lie about it

I've been meaning to ask you:

When you and your...ahem...spouse adopted, did you get a handicapped child out of Russia before the initial ban or did you go to a more friendly LGBTQ country?

I see that the Russians are getting even stricter when it comes to protecting the innocence of children.

Russia Expands Adoption Ban

Targets single people of any orientation in countries where gay marriage is legal


Here is the reason for the initial ban:


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I were to disregard all of the evidence shown in this 3 part thread (homosexual pedophilia/pederasty in the Catholic Church, in the Boy Scouts; pedophile/pederast organizations founded by homosexuals; quotes praising pedophilia/pederasty by homosexual icons; underage lovers of well known homosexuals: Milk, Bean, etc.), then yes, we could agree.

Keep in mind that we're dealing with 1-2% of the population here Al*, so it's not difficult to document their moral doctrine, their behavior and their culture.

If there is anything untrue that needs to be addressed, by all means let me know and I will gladly amend any posts/information once you've done so.

*7 and 8 year olds convinced that they have same sex desires by adult perverts are not included in that percentage.
I don't know why you guys get so worked up about 1-2% of the population?
Why not concentrate more on heterosexual reprobates?


I don't know why you guys get so worked up about 1-2% of the population?

It's amazing how such a small percent of the population can cause so much destruction.

Why not concentrate more on heterosexual reprobates?

But then that 1-2% wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the assistance of "heterosexual reprobates" (i.e. "allies", the "A" in the LGBTQIQ&A acronym).


I spent quite a bit of time exposing this homosexual who was a master at tyranny.
Master is right.

His tyrannical rule denounced and destroyed Jews, homosexuals, Communists, the mentally retarded and other folks whose very existence he saw as a virus. This is what tyrants and tyrannies do.
The cannot handle variance and multiplicity.

The best of the scholarly studies and biographies of Adolf Hitler do not even mention his possible homosexuality. There is evidence that he had romantic encounters with a number of women during his lifetime, as well as evidence of his antipathy to homosexuality. And no factual evidence of any homosexual encounters.

Your unstable mental condition was noted long ago....
I do look forward to the day when people like you get the help that they so desperately need. Oh and aikido7, that day will come.

Not another adolescent mocking comment! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during your family dynamics as a little kid. You seem to have learned from the best. You have seemingly forgotten any urge to be kind to others.

Your post talking about your family was not only way too depressing, but revealing. I'd rather not discuss it , but do take this time to reflect so that hopefully you'll "find that good place inside of you."
I read the link before.

I think we all need to come to terms with what is both depressing and revealing, don't you think?

If we were not raised with caring, fairness and respect then our only choice is to go back to the "scene of the crime" and fully feel the anger, torment, depression and any of the other slings and arrows of our childhood. Only by fully feeling that pain can we even HOPE to learn to not pass on that pain to other folks in our adult lives.

The tenor and tone of your comments as well as the topic you have no compunction of spreading like the plague shows me you have a lot of self-work to do.

One more question: Why do you want others to go through the hell that your family has been through by promoting unrighteous legislation and cultural mores'?
I don't see the "unrighteousness" your little toe-hold on Christianity tells you about.

"...that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

--Matthew 5:45


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I spent quite a bit of time exposing this homosexual [Adolf Hitler]who was a master at tyranny.

Master is right.

His tyrannical rule denounced and destroyed Jews, homosexuals, Communists, the mentally retarded and other folks whose very existence he saw as a virus. This is what tyrants and tyrannies do.
The cannot handle variance and multiplicity.

The best of the scholarly studies and biographies of Adolf Hitler do not even mention his possible homosexuality. There is evidence that he had romantic encounters with a number of women during his lifetime, as well as evidence of his antipathy to homosexuality. And no factual evidence of any homosexual encounters.

Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).

In any event, the reason for bringing up Hitler (thank you Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams for the excellent documentation in your book "The Pink Swastika") was to not only show what happens when sexual degenerates get into powerful positions, but to show the parallel between Hitler's SS and the modern day 'gay' rights movement, i.e. "gaystapo".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your unstable mental condition was noted long ago....
I do look forward to the day when people like you get the help that they so desperately need. Oh and aikido7, that day will come.

Not another adolescent mocking comment! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during your family dynamics as a little kid. You seem to have learned from the best. You have seemingly forgotten any urge to be kind to others.

Please understand that when I say these things in an internet forum, that I would tell you the same thing in person (I'd be two inches from your face when I told you, without batting an eye).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your post talking about your family was not only way too depressing, but revealing. I'd rather not discuss it , but do take this time to reflect so that hopefully you'll "find that good place inside of you."

I read the link before.

I think we all need to come to terms with what is both depressing and revealing, don't you think?

I deal regularly with drug addicts, even more so than I do with homosexuals (although a disproportionate amount of homosexuals are drug addicts). Trust me when I say that they will lie, steal and sell their own mother if it means getting their next fix. Yes aikido7, they are literally the scum of the earth.

If we were not raised with caring, fairness and respect then our only choice is to go back to the "scene of the crime" and fully feel the anger, torment, depression and any of the other slings and arrows of our childhood. Only by fully feeling that pain can we even HOPE to learn to not pass on that pain to other folks in our adult lives.

The tenor and tone of your comments as well as the topic you have no compunction of spreading like the plague shows me you have a lot of self-work to do.

The more I read that sad sad post about your family and the more I get to know you via TOL, Galatians 6:7 comes to mind.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
One more question: Why do you want others to go through the hell that your family has been through by promoting unrighteous legislation and cultural mores'?

I don't see the "unrighteousness" your little toe-hold on Christianity tells you about.

"...that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

--Matthew 5:45

I've had enough of you filthy pagans misquoting Scripture, give it a rest.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).

Hmm, aCW's idea of "irrefutable evidence" seems to consist of one particular book that says everything he wants to hear, and not in fact the annuls of accepted, academic and scholarly research on the topic. Is anyone else shocked by this or is it just in fact nobody...?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Unlike you I must be a fast reader then and it seems pretty apparent that you hadn't actually read any of them yourself as I'd suggested. If you had you'd have realized that there wasn't anything out of context where it came to my question which you're still having difficulty in answering for some reason?

I mean, does the bible condone lies and lurid innuendo or not? Surely you can answer that?

Seriously aCW, this surely can't be that difficult for you to answer...can it?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Please understand that when I say these things in an internet forum, that I would tell you the same thing in person (I'd be two inches from your face when I told you, without batting an eye).

Whoa Aikido, best to just back off now - internet tough guy alert with the above and there's nothing much less more impressive than that...

Any second now he'll be telling you how much he weighs and how manly he is, and none of us want that...



Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
Unlike you I must be a fast reader then and it seems pretty apparent that you hadn't actually read any of them yourself as I'd suggested. If you had you'd have realized that there wasn't anything out of context where it came to my question which you're still having difficulty in answering for some reason?

I mean, does the bible condone lies and lurid innuendo or not? Surely you can answer that?

Seriously aCW, this surely can't be that difficult for you to answer...can it?


When it comes to a 44 year old male who

1). Incessantly defends sexual perversion on an internet forum, (who in essence is an amateur mouthpiece for the LGBTQueer movement), who disregards all of the reasons that homosexuality should be outlawed.

2). Has never married nor has ever talked about having a girlfriend...

Who needs sleazy innuendos when the evidence speaks for itself?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
When it comes to a 44 year old male who

1). Incessantly defends sexual perversion on an internet forum, (who in essence is an amateur mouthpiece for the LGBTQueer movement), who disregards all of the reasons that homosexuality should be outlawed.

Well, you've got about as much right there as you have my actual age, which is to say none. Strike one...

2). Has never married nor has never talked about having a girlfriend...

Well, I've sure not talked about any of that with you so once again, you have no idea about my personal life apart from your lurid little imaginings. You make statements as fact when you have no actual knowledge and won't. Strike two...

Who needs sleazy innuendos when the evidence speaks for itself?

Hmm, you do apparently, and yet can't even answer a simple question as to whether the bible would condone such lies and innuendo. Why so difficult to answer?

Strike three and counting...

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New member
It's amazing how such a small percent of the population can cause so much destruction.
What is amazing is the hatred you show for them by your every sneering comment and fabrication.:plain:

But then that 1-2% wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the assistance of "heterosexual reprobates" (i.e. "allies", the "A" in the LGBTQIQ&A acronym).
Hardly, it was outwardly straight people who managed to have homophobic civil laws in place to keep gays out of sight and out of mind for many years. Some morons even want to go back to those times it seems.:plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's amazing how such a small percent of the population can cause so much destruction.

What is amazing is the hatred you show for them by your every sneering comment and fabrication.:plain:

Paraphrasing the words of homosexualist StanJ:

"You Christians aught to be DEALT WITH".

Luke 22:36, if Christians haven't already done so.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I spent quite a bit of time exposing this homosexual [Adolf Hitler]who was a master at tyranny.

Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).
The "evidence" has been refuted. Rohm and others were homosexual but Hitler was definitely not. As I said, he had many sexual relationships with women.

In any event, the reason for bringing up Hitler (thank you Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams for the excellent documentation in your book "The Pink Swastika") was to not only show what happens when sexual degenerates get into powerful positions, but to show the parallel between Hitler's SS and the modern day 'gay' rights movement, i.e. "gaystapo".

There is a document on the web called "the Annotated Pink Swastika"
that plainly shows numerous errors in the book. There are instances where the book cites sources, but when you go and read those sources, the sources don't say what the Pink Swastika claims they say.


Please understand that when I say these things in an internet forum, that I would tell you the same thing in person (I'd be two inches from your face when I told you, without batting an eye).

I deal regularly with drug addicts, even more so than I do with homosexuals (although a disproportionate amount of homosexuals are drug addicts). Trust me when I say that they will lie, steal and sell their own mother if it means getting their next fix. Yes aikido7, they are literally the scum of the earth.
I worked as a drug/alcohol counselor at an adolescent treatment center. I am more than aware of the labeling and denigrating language people use (i.e., "scum") to make sure "We" are not at all like "Them."

The more I read that sad sad post about your family and the more I get to know you via TOL, Galatians 6:7 comes to mind.
Sorry, I just don't see the relevancy.

I've had enough of you filthy pagans misquoting Scripture, give it a rest.
How, specifically, did I misquote it? I took the passage from the NIV translation. It is not a misquote according to that standard.

And "filthy pagans" is immature name-calling. You can actually disagree with someone without being disagreeable. Even if such behavior is a deep-seated family pattern, you can still change it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I spent quite a bit of time exposing this homosexual [Adolf Hitler]who was a master at tyranny.

Feel free to review the table of contents from Part 1 showing the irrefutable evidence about Hitler and his SS's homosexuality (I have no need nor desire to repeat what's been already established).

The "evidence" has been refuted. Rohm and others were homosexual but Hitler was definitely not. As I said, he had many sexual relationships with women.

There is a document on the web called "the Annotated Pink Swastika"
that plainly shows numerous errors in the book. There are instances where the book cites sources, but when you go and read those sources, the sources don't say what the Pink Swastika claims they say.

Quotes from the left wing HATE group Southern Poverty Law Center?

Bryan Fischer was fired from the American Family Association? (aikido7 hasn't been paying attention to fag rags like The Advocate).

You really need to work on your rebuttals instead of relying on some lame Wikipedia article.

Why are homosexualists so threatened by the truth when it comes to the homosexuality of Adolf Hitler?

Oh and aikido7:

While you're down there, say hello to Art Brain for me.

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