Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of movies: The 20th annual Seattle LGBTQueer film festival will be held in October.

Perhaps you could review some of the films and show us some of the finer points of the LGBTQueer 'culture'?
I was serious. Surely you're not offended that I think that you're in tune with the LGBTQueer movement enough for me to ask you to review their "culture"?

Ah yes, comparing someone's skin color with a perversion. Where have I heard that before?
Differences are differences. They will always be hard to handle for those not used to empathy. The differences allow us to label folks as undesirables or the marginalized. Skin color and behavior were the same stumbling blocks in Jesus' day as well.

You must understand that until we as a society put evil people like you away so that amongst other things they can't hurt innocent children anymore or destroy invaluable institutions, then truth and sarcasm are my only weapons.
You lack imagination. There are many many other "weapons" in your arsenal besides being passive or fighting back. You are stuck in an "either/or" situation and don't see the diversity of choices of behavior you can easily muster.

Wouldn't it be great if we could exile all those evil people to concentration camps or herd them into some country and then simply destroy them and our problems would be over? And then we could gather all the good people around ourselves at the same time.

That line between good and evil runs down the center of every human heart. Are you willing to cut off a piece of your own heart?
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...You lack imagination...

Indeed I do. For the life of me I can't "imagine" why anyone would want to engage in such a filthy disease ridden behavior, especially when there is spiritual and psychological professionals out there that can help them leave the homosexual 'deathstyle' behind.

Nor can I "imagine "why anyone would defend the jackbooted thug/child molesting homosexual agenda.

Perhaps this thread is hitting close to home and you've sold out God for a loved one or friend who engages in homosexuality? (You wouldn't be the first one to do so aikido7, I've shown numerous people, even pastors who have sold out God and altered Holy Scripture to meet the desires of a loved one).


New member
I see four questions, which one would you like me to disregard? (ah heck, I'll answer all 4).

Let's try be clear here can we aCW?

As clear as one can be with a moral relativist atheist.
The first question was rhetorical aCW.
At least you seem to be accurate so far, but you make it seem like a bad thing.

You apparently think that homosexuals are only those people who actively engage in sodomy, yes?
If someone has same sex desires, why not act on them? Gosh, it's not like you have to worry about contracting all kinds of deadly STD's or anything. (Sorry Al, but I had to answer your question with a question).
No, I still can't detect a responsive answer, just an answer. How about a yes or a no?
You can act on sexual desires with a partner without involving sodomy you know. :duh:

It doesn't matter what gender may sexually stimulate a person, for you it's the act of sodomy that makes someone homosexual?
In the case of Stephen Fry (who admits that he is a homosexual) it would be his admission and the fact that he promotes and defends the LGBTQueer movement.
So you think that by declaring yourself gay makes it so even if you have never sodomised anyone?
Perhaps then in your mind someone like you can be heterosexual because you claim to be, right?

If Stephen Fry, who is sexually attracted to males, has never actually sodomised anyone then what is he? Heterosexual, homosexual, neither?
Again, that makes homosexual activist Stephen Fry, who you state is abstinent yet is attracted to people of the same sex, a cross between a chicken and a wise man.
He doesn't claim to be abstinent from gay sexual intercourse since he has a gay partner iirc, why couldn't they share sex together without sodomy, as apparently many gay couples do aCW? :think:
Btw Fry isn't a gay activist he is a writer and celeb on the TV who happens to be gay.:plain:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Again, that makes homosexual activist Stephen Fry, who you state is abstinent yet is attracted to people of the same sex, a cross between a chicken and a wise man.

He doesn't claim to be abstinent from gay sexual intercourse since he has a gay partner iirc, why couldn't they share sex together without sodomy, as apparently many gay couples do aCW? :think:
Btw Fry isn't a gay activist he just happens to be a gay celeb on the TV.:plain:

Surprise surprise, Stephen Fry likez em young.

Stephen Fry dumps long-term partner for young actor as love life becomes Quite Interesting

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1294470/Stephen-Frys-Quite-Interesting-love-life.html

Regarding the rest of your post:

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it appears that you agree with the people at the CDC and other medical professionals who state that homosexuality is bad for your health.


New member
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it appears that you agree with the people at the CDC and other medical professionals who state that homosexuality is bad for your health.
Like most people I simply accept that sodomy carries extra risk, whether or not it is done by gay or straight people. You cannot define gay people by acts of sodomy. :nono:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it appears that you agree with the people at the CDC and other medical professionals who state that homosexuality is bad for your health.

Like most people I simply accept that sodomy carries extra risk, whether or not it is done by gay or straight people.

As I've shown numerous times: the "extra risk" takes place when two people of the same sex engage in anal and/or oral sex.

It's really quite sad that sexually confused people have to abstain from sexual relationships for fear of contracting an incurable deadly disease and other STD's that run rampant in the behavior that you defend, when they could get spiritual and/or psychological help and enjoy God's gift of human sexuality as He intended it to be.





I see the world advancing in the direction of more openness and freedom and offering human dignity and liberty and justice for all people. Those who have been shut out of society will be brought back in. The sinner will be welcome, the undesirables. the poor and the homeless will be included and those captive in their sins will be freed.

Salvation, healing and forgiveness for all is Jesus' Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.


Indeed I do. For the life of me I can't "imagine" why anyone would want to engage in such a filthy disease ridden behavior, especially when there is spiritual and psychological professionals out there that can help them leave the homosexual 'deathstyle' behind.

Nor can I "imagine "why anyone would defend the jackbooted thug/child molesting homosexual agenda.

Perhaps this thread is hitting close to home and you've sold out God for a loved one or friend who engages in homosexuality? (You wouldn't be the first one to do so aikido7, I've shown numerous people, even pastors who have sold out God and altered Holy Scripture to meet the desires of a loved one).
If you cannot imagine that other human beings feel, think and decide differently than yourself I wonder what your early family life was like.

It seems clear that you were lacking in feelilng a sense of caring, respect and fairness because your parents were probably a bit inattentive to your needs.

We tend to treat others the way that we ourselves have been treated

If we are not sufficiently aware of what we were lacking in childhood and how we often felt and reacted about it, we will be unable to stop ourselves from acting out our early dysfunctions on other people as adults.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps this thread is hitting close to home and you've sold out God for a loved one or friend who engages in homosexuality? (You wouldn't be the first one to do so aikido7, I've shown numerous people, even pastors who have sold out God and altered Holy Scripture to meet the desires of a loved one).

If you cannot imagine that other human beings feel, think and decide differently than yourself I wonder what your early family life was like.

It seems clear that you were lacking in feelilng a sense of caring, respect and fairness because your parents were probably a bit inattentive to your needs.

We tend to treat others the way that we ourselves have been treated.

If we are not sufficiently aware of what we were lacking in childhood and how we often felt and reacted about it, we will be unable to stop ourselves from acting out our early dysfunctions on other people as adults.

Thank you for the $.99 psych evaluation. That being said: who do you think that you're protecting by wanting to keep homosexuality decriminalized: a loved one or a close friend?

Now that you've speculated about my childhood and belittled my loving parents, let's talk about your family:

If one of them were engaging in homosexuality,

a behavior that is as destructive if not more than recreational drug use, why wouldn't you seek therapy for him or her?
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps this thread is hitting close to home and you've sold out God for a loved one or friend who engages in homosexuality? (You wouldn't be the first one to do so aikido7, I've shown numerous people, even pastors who have sold out God and altered Holy Scripture to meet the desires of a loved one).
The desires I recognize are the desires of other human beings to be treated with respect and fairness. Since most gays seem to prefer hiding in the closet, I can bet there are many friends and family members I have who are secretly gay.

Thank you for the $.99 psych evaluation. That being said: who do you think that you're protecting by wanting to keep homosexuality decriminalized: a loved one or a close friend?
When I protect myself I am protecting everyone.


No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

--John Donne

Now that you've speculated about my childhood and belittled my loving parents, let's talk about your family:
What, specifically, would you like to talk about? Be direct and come on out and ask me and we can go over your questions together.

If one of them were engaging in homosexuality,

a behavior that is as destructive if not more than recreational drug use, why wouldn't you seek therapy for him or her?
I have erroneously tried to change others in my past and it doesn't work. You cannot "force" anyone to counseling or therapy. It has to be their personal decision.

I will certainly research possible choices and alternatives, but it is always up to the individual to make those decisions on their own.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps this thread is hitting close to home and you've sold out God for a loved one or friend who engages in homosexuality? (You wouldn't be the first one to do so aikido7, I've shown numerous people, even pastors who have sold out God and altered Holy Scripture to meet the desires of a loved one).

The desires I recognize are the desires of other human beings to be treated with respect and fairness. Since most gays seem to prefer hiding in the closet, I can bet there are many friends and family members I have who are secretly gay.

See if you recognize any of them hiding in this very big closet:


Thank you for the $.99 psych evaluation. That being said: who do you think that you're protecting by wanting to keep homosexuality decriminalized: a loved one or a close friend?

When I protect myself I am protecting everyone.


No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

--John Donne

Have you ever sought or considered seeking psychiatric care?

Now that you've speculated about my childhood and belittled my loving parents, let's talk about your family:

What, specifically, would you like to talk about? Be direct and come on out and ask me and we can go over your questions together.

Let's just say that based on my experience in dealing with drug addicts, I have sympathy for your family.

If one of them were engaging in homosexuality,

a behavior that is as destructive if not more than recreational drug use, why wouldn't you seek therapy for him or her?

I have erroneously tried to change others in my past and it doesn't work. You cannot "force" anyone to counseling or therapy. It has to be their personal decision.

I will certainly research possible choices and alternatives, but it is always up to the individual to make those decisions on their own.

That's why we have laws, to protect people from themselves and to protect society from people who have no desire to change when it comes to their destructive behaviors and intolerant, child molesting agendas.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps this thread is hitting close to home and you've sold out God for a loved one or friend who engages in homosexuality? (You wouldn't be the first one to do so aikido7, I've shown numerous people, even pastors who have sold out God and altered Holy Scripture to meet the desires of a loved one).

See if you recognize any of them hiding in this very big closet:


Thank you for the $.99 psych evaluation. That being said: who do you think that you're protecting by wanting to keep homosexuality decriminalized: a loved one or a close friend?

Have you ever sought or considered seeking psychiatric care?

Now that you've speculated about my childhood and belittled my loving parents, let's talk about your family:

Let's just say that based on my experience in dealing with drug addicts, I have sympathy for your family.

If one of them were engaging in homosexuality,

a behavior that is as destructive if not more than recreational drug use, why wouldn't you seek therapy for him or her?

That's why we have laws, to protect people from themselves and to protect society from people who have no desire to change when it comes to their destructive behaviors and intolerant, child molesting agendas.
Tyrannical dictators and tyrannical governments are fond of throwing people into mental hospitals. They often cover up this immoral action by saying "Have you ever considered psychiatric care?"

You may be flummoxed by poetry. This might be the cause of your being unable to summon up much empathy for other people. You are one of those who is like "Peter Bell" in the poem of the same name by Wordsworth:

"A primrose by a river's brim
A yellow primrose was to him,
And it was nothing more."

You see nothing more than logic and rationality. You may be unable to respond to the great pattern of Creation which connects us all.

I think that is why you accused me of insanity when I offered up John Donne's poem.

It's too bad, because our sacred Bible and the New Testament is filled with metaphor and parable. You might respond easier to propositional theology--something Jesus never mentioned.

Still waiting for you to be accountable, step up to the plate and ask me about my own family.


Tyrannical dictators and tyrannical governments are fond of throwing people into mental hospitals. They often cover up this immoral action by saying "Have you ever considered psychiatric care?"

I spent quite a bit of time exposing this homosexual who was a master at tyranny.


You may be flummoxed by poetry. This might be the cause of your being unable to summon up much empathy for other people. You are one of those who is like "Peter Bell" in the poem of the same name by Wordsworth:

"A primrose by a river's brim
A yellow primrose was to him,
And it was nothing more."

You see nothing more than logic and rationality. You may be unable to respond to the great pattern of Creation which connects us all.

I think that is why you accused me of insanity when I offered up John Donne's poem.

Your unstable mental condition was noted long ago.

It's too bad, because our sacred Bible and the New Testament is filled with metaphor and parable. You might respond easier to propositional theology--something Jesus never mentioned.

I do look forward to the day when people like you get the help that they so desperately need. Oh and aikido7, that day will come.

Still waiting for you to be accountable, step up to the plate and ask me about my own family.

Your post talking about your family was not only way too depressing, but revealing. I'd rather not discuss it , but do take this time to reflect so that hopefully you'll "find that good place inside of you."

One more question: Why do you want others to go through the hell that your family has been through by promoting unrighteous legislation and cultural mores'?
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What's your point Stan? Is legislating righteous laws against homosexuality, incest and bestiality acts of hate?

Is encouraging those who engage in such acts to seek spiritual and psychological counseling so that they'll overcome their sexual confusion considered an act of hate?

It was well established in Part 1 that you represent the 'gay' christian movement Stan. Your little "haters gonna hate" LGBTQ chant is nothing new, you're just putting a different spin on it by pretending that you believe in God.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it appears that you agree with the people at the CDC and other medical professionals who state that homosexuality is bad for your health.
Like most people I simply accept that sodomy carries extra risk, whether or not it is done by gay or straight people. You cannot define gay people by acts of sodomy. :nono:
As I've shown numerous times: the "extra risk" takes place when two people of the same sex engage in anal and/or oral sex.
But what you continually fail to show aCW is that those same risks are somehow not also present in heterosexual sex.
All you are interested in is misleading arguments against a subsection of humanity that you hate for actually being what they are, for not repressing it as you would have them do. As you do? :plain:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown numerous times: the "extra risk" takes place when two people of the same sex engage in anal and/or oral sex.
But what you continually fail to show aCW is that those same risks are somehow not also present in heterosexual sex.

Need I pull up the CDC reports again on HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea as well as showing the outbreak of meningitis and ocular syphilis amongst those who engage in homosex?

Need I pull up the latest (politically correct) FDA blood donation regulation showing that homosexuals must abstain from homosex for a year if they want to donate blood?

All you are interested in is misleading arguments against a subsection of humanity that you hate for actually being what they are, for not repressing it as you would have them do. As you do? :plain:

The disease aspect is only one of the reasons for showing why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized. If I were a hater like 'gay' Christians* aikido7 and StanJ claim I am, I wouldn't be promoting therapy to help these lost souls find a better way.

*Not to be confused with incestuous, bestial or adulterous christians.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown numerous times: the "extra risk" takes place when two people of the same sex engage in anal and/or oral sex.

Need I pull up the CDC reports again on HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea as well as showing the outbreak of meningitis and ocular syphilis amongst those who engage in homosex?

Need I pull up the latest (politically correct) FDA blood donation regulation showing that homosexuals must abstain from homosex for a year if they want to donate blood?
I accept that your last paragraph is true since that seems to be how it is here in the UK too. In fact until quite recently no homosexuals were permitted to give blood, but that has now changed to the 1 year rule. However that doesn't change the fact that some forms of sexual intercourse, if combined with a certain gay lifestyle of having many partners, tend to have more associated risk attached than others. There is nothing inherently more unsafe about homosexual sex that cannot be made reasonably safe with some due care, as indeed many gay people are able to do successfully. But of course you don't want to know about that, your agenda is done no favours if more gays were having safer sex. :nono:

The disease aspect is only one of the reasons for showing why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized. If I were a hater like 'gay' Christians* aikido7 and StanJ claim I am, I wouldn't be promoting therapy to help these lost souls find a better way.

*Not to be confused with incestuous, bestial or adulterous christians.
Clearly aCW some people don't intend to be told what they mustn't do and be forced instead to do what you say they must do, or get locked up.
Just who do you think you are aCW, God? :think:
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