Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Dr. Lively seems to be rather upset by gay push-back, the nerve of these people.

Nah, I'm sure like any other Christian Pastor would, Scott Lively openly embraced a 47 page federal lawsuit charging him with "crimes against humanity":

Soros-funded "civil rights" group in NY files huge 47-page lawsuit in federal court accusing Pastor Scott Lively of "crimes against humanity" — for pro-family speeches in Uganda!

I wonder what specifically is the context that requires a need for "pro-family speeches"? :think:
In some locations say the US Bible Belt he'd simply be preaching to the converted I suspect.
In San Francisco otoh it might be seen as a rather crass provocation or perhaps a borderline insult if directed at gays.
In Uganda however I would consider it as a deliberate encouragement for the nasty theocratic, homophobic regime there and its mindlessly bigoted persecution of homosexuals.
A country btw where AIDS is generally a straight disease.

I'd suggest that gays typically hate the idea of "ex-gay" and that Dr. Lively wilfully chooses to conflate things for his own benefit.
So people who want more out of life than disease, misery and death not to mention spending eternity in damnation, leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times homosexual desires behind so that Scott Lively will benefit from it?
STDs affect all versions of sexual intercourse aCW, a fact that you often seem to choose to disregard. As for a supposed eternal damnation, then that is just a bald evidence-free belief, not something that should be imposed on those who may well believe something else.

In any case a person who has AIDS should be ex-any kind of sexual intercourse whatever the sexual preference is. ...
Perhaps you should focus more on why those who engage in an absolutely filthy behavior that goes against God's design for the human body are disproportionately contracting AIDS.
Only I don't believe in your God/designer aCW, I believe that we are clearly evolved imperfect creatures. I have no problem with those who stick to safe sex methods or those who campaign for safer sex in general. I reject those like you who would try to use disease as an false argument against homosexuality.

In the context of sexual intercourse generally there is nothing wrong with pointing out the dangers of any unsafe sex. However it is not an argument against specifically homosexual sex and that is what gay people will object to imo.
Review my posts throughout this 3 part thread showing CDC reports on how those who engage in homosex are disproportionately contracting STD's.
That is still not an argument against all homosexuals, just those who take risks.

Yes, gay people are probably all too well aware that when specifically Lively talks about good traditional family values it's really code for claiming that gay people are without similar standards within a gay context. But nice try anyway Dr. Lively.
Explain what "traditional family values" means in a homosexual context Al.
Misdirection aCW, I actually referred to "similar standards within a gay context" not that they claimed "traditional family values"

I've got some shrimps in the fridge aCW, an abomination, right? :chew:


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I think due to the rainbow insignia it's pretty clear.


crystal clear
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Originally Posted by TracerBullet
Yeah i read about this. the problem with the claims made is that no one can identify what pride parade this was filmed at. For all we know this could have been filmed at NASCAR
If this should happen to be ID'd as from a queer parade, what would you say about this clip?

El bumpo (a little Spanish lingo there).


New member
Tracer: Put spoiler tags on the Apple insignia so it doesn't send the thread off-kilter-----and isn't Apple rainbow-lgbtq? :think:


Eeeeeee eee eeee eee
My sense of humor gives you thanks for that! A good one, CW!

Your LGBTQueer movement isn't turning out in large numbers to mock God's institution of marriage, so what's your point?
It's not my movement. But you already knew that. It's like a purity issue from the first century: certain things are regarded as impure and others as pure and should not be mixed up together.

I just believe differently, I am guessing. To me Jesus is the final disclosure of God on earth because I am a Christian. Jesus' association with those called unclean, destitute and undesirable makes barriers between gay and straight unnecessary.

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

--Paul in his letter to the Galatians.

In the words of homosexual pioneer/icon Frank Kameny:

“Bestiality is not my thing … But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should.”
I disagree.
These sorts of perversions warrant study and explanation, in my view. My conjecture is that the world might learn a lot if we could study these people in depth. Of course, the animal should never be invited into the therapy session as well!

Pedophilia and some folk's use of masturbation with people or animals might just be explored in such a way as to allow professionals the tools to work with people who do such things.

So homosexuality, incest and bestiality are now a part of God's "tasty fruit salad"?
God pronounced creation "good."
I have no quarrel with that and the universe is unfolding the way it will. I only have faith in his works (I define "faith" as "trust," which is what the word meant in Jesus' day).

Like it or not, we live in an immense orchard of God's purview and we have to pick the fruit that we can reach and that we are hunting for.
None of us can bring in the whole harvest. We are finite humans.

I sometimes use a similar metaphor of an infinite cherry orchard. This can sometimes get across to people (if they can respond to and understand metaphors) that we all cherry-pick our way through life collecting our likes and dislikes and our own thoughts and feelings.

Gay issues are not my movement. But thinking of it again, those issues are certainly part of my own personal movement: liberty and justice for all, educating oneself to become a curious and inveterate reader, standing up and with all the unfortunate people in the world and trying to pick up my own cross and follow Jesus.

And one other thing I strive for: to simply be kind.


Who do you think are responsible for the sexually transmitted diseases that are disproportionately being spread throughout our nation?

Do you think that these "quiet homosexuals" that you and annadenebetti speak of don't vote, don't financially invest in the homosexual movement and don't defend homosexuality when questioned about it?


Living so quietly that no one would ever know

It seems to me that I've heard those words once or twice in this 3 part thread.

Although I am far, far to the right of anna , you might possibly have a point. I wasn't thinking of them as investing or spreading disease.

I don't recall mzzzzzz benedetti saying that she voted for B. Hussein Obama.

OK, I apologize for saying that.

Apologize to God by repenting.


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Nah, I'm sure like any other Christian Pastor would, Scott Lively openly embraced a 47 page federal lawsuit charging him with "crimes against humanity":

Soros-funded "civil rights" group in NY files huge 47-page lawsuit in federal court accusing Pastor Scott Lively of "crimes against humanity" — for pro-family speeches in Uganda!

In Uganda however I would consider it as a deliberate encouragement for the nasty theocratic, homophobic regime there and its mindlessly bigoted persecution of homosexuals.

I know that this is going to come as a complete shock to you Al, but as I'd shown in numerous posts, Uganda recriminalized homosexuality largely because of the problem they were having with foreign homosexuals coming into the country and raping little boys.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Explain what "traditional family values" means in a homosexual context Al.

Misdirection aCW, I actually referred to "similar standards within a gay context" not that they claimed "traditional family values"

Then explain it in a "homosexual context" Al. Explain how having threesomes like Dan the doorknob licker Savage and 'whatshisname' have is "valued" in the LGBTQueer movement.


New member
In Uganda however I would consider it as a deliberate encouragement for the nasty theocratic, homophobic regime there and its mindlessly bigoted persecution of homosexuals.
I know that this is going to come as a complete shock to you Al, but as I'd shown in numerous posts, Uganda recriminalized homosexuality largely because of the problem they were having with foreign homosexuals coming into the country and raping little boys.
Hogwash aCW, this is a country that routinely accepts that "corrective" rape of lesbians is appropriate behaviour and has a long record of persecuting homosexuals, indigenous or not.

[Then explain it in a "homosexual context" Al. Explain how having threesomes like Dan the doorknob licker Savage and 'whatshisname' have is "valued" in the LGBTQueer movement.
Except I've never tried to answer for the behaviour of specific individuals and I don't intend to start now. If you have specific issues with individual people then I suggest you take it up with them. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I know that this is going to come as a complete shock to you Al, but as I'd shown in numerous posts, Uganda recriminalized homosexuality largely because of the problem they were having with foreign homosexuals coming into the country and raping little boys.

Hogwash aCW, this is a country that routinely accepts that "corrective" rape of lesbians is appropriate behaviour

I see that Al has been reading the LGBTQueer propaganda put out by homosexual activist Stephen Fry.

"Fry speaks to a young lesbian who has been subjected to "corrective rape", intended to bring her back into the heterosexual fold. The attack left her pregnant and HIV-positive - and no more attracted to men."

It's terrible that a sexually confused child was raped by an HIV infected bisexual, but that doesn't mean that the Ugandan government condones it.

and has a long record of persecuting homosexuals, indigenous or not.

Speaking of history:

"In 1886, Uganda’s king Mwanga ordered some two dozen male pages to have sex with him, and when they refused because of their Christian faith, he ordered that they be burned to death. Every year on June 3, Ugandans celebrate a national holiday honoring the Christian martyrs and deploring the pedophile king.”


The indoctrination and physical molestation of youth by homosexuals is the major reason homosexuality was recriminalized in Uganda.

"It was widely reported that the Church of Uganda supported the new law. What is the Church of Uganda's position on the new law?

We have heard many stories from youth and young adults of homosexual rape taking place in boarding schools. Once the young boy is raped, he is told that he can get money or school fees if he continues. Together with the president, parents, and other religious leaders, the Church of Uganda considers this to be "recruiting" into homosexuality and feels an obligation to defend her children from such exploitation.

We have also heard stories of people going on to university campuses promising jobs in other countries. Students struggling financially accept the offers of foreign jobs, only to reach the foreign country and find that their passports are taken and they are consigned to a life of homosexual prostitution. The Church of Uganda, together with other national leaders, considers such human trafficking to be "recruiting" into homosexuality and is steadfastly opposed to it.

We have heard stories of community leaders, teachers, and even pastors, who seduce children and adolescents of the same sex into homosexual acts in exchange for favors, passing grades, money or spiritual power. We believe such corruption and perversion to be not only immoral, but also criminal, and appreciate the Anti-Homosexuality Act for proscribing these behaviors that "recruit" others into homosexuality.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/c...homosexuality-law-117718/#Blmprgi0p5GCDz1u.99

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then explain it in a "homosexual context" Al. Explain how having threesomes like Dan the doorknob licker Savage and 'whatshisname' have is "valued" in the LGBTQueer movement.

Except I've never tried to answer for the behaviour of specific individuals and I don't intend to start now. If you have specific issues with individual people then I suggest you take it up with them.

Come on Al, those loving homosexual couples who adopt children from crack addicts or go to foreign countries to adopt physically handicapped children must have some traditional values that everyone can be proud of.



New member
I don't recall mzzzzzz benedetti saying that she voted for B. Hussein Obama.
In any conversations about cultural incidents, she is far left of me. Period. Stop harping on that crap which was explained and it's none of your business.

Apologize to God by repenting.
Are you out of your flipping mind, dude? You're lucky I was being nice enough to apologize to you (it really wasn't called for) but there is nothing to repent of here, moron. :dunce:


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I know that this is going to come as a complete shock to you Al, but as I'd shown in numerous posts, Uganda recriminalized homosexuality largely because of the problem they were having with foreign homosexuals coming into the country and raping little boys.
Hogwash aCW, this is a country that routinely accepts that "corrective" rape of lesbians is appropriate behaviour and has a long record of persecuting homosexuals, indigenous or not.
I see that Al has been reading the LGBTQueer propaganda put out by homosexual activist Stephen Fry.
Hardly aCW, I saw it originally on the BBC, while I respect Stephen Fry as an honest highly intelligent person who just happens to be gay.
Btw like many other gay males he claims not indulge in sodomy, while many heterosexuals clearly do.

In fact I rather suspect that you are availing yourself of your own legendary TOC to remind yourself of what I posted perhaps in a previous version of this thread, right?

"Fry speaks to a young lesbian who has been subjected to "corrective rape", intended to bring her back into the heterosexual fold. The attack left her pregnant and HIV-positive - and no more attracted to men."
Your source seems to be somewhat misleading aCW, I saw the whole interview with the young woman in question and as I recall she was never attracted to men sexually and certainly wasn't after being raped and given AIDS.
The upshot being that such a rape is pretty much regarded as being a man's duty in Uganda. I remember being saddened but very much impressed by her courage in the face of the terrible fate she has been saddled with simply because she was attracted sexually to other women.

It's terrible that a sexually confused child was raped by an HIV infected bisexual, but that doesn't mean that the Ugandan government condones it.
Nevertheless "corrective" rape is a part of Ugandan "culture" while oppression of homosexuality is very actively enforced by the authorities. "Corrective" rape however is at least tacitly condoned since it not actively condemned or opposed by the state.

Speaking of history:

"In 1886, Uganda’s king Mwanga ordered some two dozen male pages to have sex with him, and when they refused because of their Christian faith, he ordered that they be burned to death. Every year on June 3, Ugandans celebrate a national holiday honoring the Christian martyrs and deploring the pedophile king.”
Perhaps you think that the king was molested by a homosexual as a boy aCW?... :rolleyes:


The indoctrination and physical molestation of youth by homosexuals is the major reason homosexuality was recriminalized in Uganda.
... So yes, it's a kind of vampire thing going on then? Catching homosexuality by physical contact with the already "infected" perhaps? :rolleyes:
Why exactly you think it wouldn't more likely put off molested boys from having any more sexual encounters with males I have never seen explained, but I suppose you have to invent a daft reason to explain it, other than homosexuality just is innate in some people and is no more linked to paedophilia than heterosexuality is.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then explain it in a "homosexual context" Al. Explain how having threesomes like Dan the doorknob licker Savage and 'whatshisname' have is "valued" in the LGBTQueer movement.

Except I've never tried to answer for the behaviour of specific individuals and I don't intend to start now. If you have specific issues with individual people then I suggest you take it up with them.

Come on Al, those loving homosexual couples who adopt children from crack addicts or go to foreign countries to adopt physically handicapped children must have some traditional values that everyone can be proud of.
What individual homosexual couple may do is rather beside the point here. I'm rather sure that anything gay couples may do regarding adoption has already been done by heterosexual couples somewhere. If you want to criminalise heterosexuals then I think it's about time you concentrated on demonstrating that :
a) homosexuality is not simply innate but is a perverse choice that should be criminalised, like theft say.
b) all homosexuals deserve to be criminalised even those who remain as monogamous, law abiding and STD-free as any Christian couple.:juggle:




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that Al has been reading the LGBTQueer propaganda put out by homosexual activist Stephen Fry.

Hardly aCW, I saw it originally on the BBC, while I respect Stephen Fry as an honest highly intelligent person who just happens to be gay.

Let's learn a bit more about Stephen Fry (who "just happens to be a sodomite") :

"Fry is gay, and his outspoken nature on gay rights would probably qualify him as a liberal. Take for example his response to a proposed law in Russia that would fine anyone charged with the “spreading information that can damage the health and moral development of underage children, and make them believe that both traditional and gay relationships are normal.” Fry said:

Hell’s teeth. Something must be done to stop these fantastical monsters. Will talking about Tchaikovsky be banned?7"

It so refreshing to know that homosexual activist Stephen Fry thinks that the protection of children from moral degenerates is one big joke.

Btw like many other gay males he claims not indulge in sodomy, while many heterosexuals clearly do.

Paraphrasing the words of that brilliant pagan Rusha (aka Sandy)

"Then he's not a real homosexual".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Fry speaks to a young lesbian who has been subjected to "corrective rape", intended to bring her back into the heterosexual fold. The attack left her pregnant and HIV-positive - and no more attracted to men."

Your source seems to be somewhat misleading aCW, I saw the whole interview with the young woman in question and as I recall she was never attracted to men sexually and certainly wasn't after being raped and given AIDS.
The upshot being that such a rape is pretty much regarded as being a man's duty in Uganda. I remember being saddened but very much impressed by her courage in the face of the terrible fate she has been saddled with simply because she was attracted sexually to other women.

Other than the one case where homosexual activist Stephen Fry interviews a girl who claims* she was a victim of "corrective rape", can you show where the Ugandan government condones it?

*Because homosexual activists never lie to promote their agenda.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's terrible that a sexually confused child was raped by an HIV infected bisexual, but that doesn't mean that the Ugandan government condones it.

Nevertheless "corrective" rape is a part of Ugandan "culture" while oppression of homosexuality is very actively enforced by the authorities. "Corrective" rape however is at least tacitly condoned since it not actively condemned or opposed by the state.

When we had this conversation in Part 2 I'd shown that the rape capital of the world (corrective rape included) is that pro homosexual communist bastion of freedom: South Africa.

"South Africa, often called the Rainbow Nation, is revered globally for its post-apartheid efforts to protect against discrimination. It was the first country to constitutionally protect citizens from discrimination based on sexuality. But local organisations record multiple 'corrective rapes' every week, and impunity reigns...

South Africa is the rape capital of the world. A South African girl born today is more likely to be raped than she is to learn to read. Astoundingly, one quarter of South African girls are raped before turning 16. This has many roots: masculine entitlement (62 per cent of boys over 11 believe that forcing someone to have sex is not an act of violence), poverty, crammed settlements, unemployed and disenfranchised men, community acceptance -- and, for the few cases that are courageously reported to authorities, a dismal police response and lax sentencing

I'm sure Stephen Fry will eventually get to pro sodomy friendly South Africa to talk about the problems they have with corrective rape ey Al?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of history:

"In 1886, Uganda’s king Mwanga ordered some two dozen male pages to have sex with him, and when they refused because of their Christian faith, he ordered that they be burned to death. Every year on June 3, Ugandans celebrate a national holiday honoring the Christian martyrs and deploring the pedophile king.”

Perhaps you think that the king was molested by a homosexual as a boy aCW?...

What kind of hatred dwells inside a barbarian that burns to death 24 innocent boys who refused to be sodomized by said barbarian?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Come on Al, those loving homosexual couples who adopt children from crack addicts or go to foreign countries to adopt physically handicapped children must have some traditional values that everyone can be proud of.

What individual homosexual couple may do is rather beside the point here. I'm rather sure that anything gay couples may do regarding adoption has already been done by heterosexual couples somewhere. If you want to criminalise heterosexuals then I think it's about time you concentrated on demonstrating that :
a) homosexuality is not simply innate but is a perverse choice that should be criminalised, like theft say.
b) all homosexuals deserve to be criminalised even those who remain as monogamous, law abiding and STD-free as any Christian couple.

Come on Al, with all of the pro sodomite periodicals you've read and television shows that you've viewed, there must be at least one homosexual couple that you could point out that should be a role model for the LGBTQueer so-called "community".


He's not loyal to me, and he and I aren't afraid to disagree on some issues.

I think that "he" can speak for himself.

It's your stupidity and hypocrisy he was pointing out. :duh:

Point out the stupidity and hypocrisy of this article, which is pretty much the foundation for this 3 part thread (the role of civil government as seen through the Eyes of God).

"The Lord established three fundamental institutions for the governance of men: family, the Church, and civil government. While these three institutions are separate spheres of authority under God, they clearly have mutually supportive, interwoven functions. The performance — or lack of performance — of each inescapably influences the functioning of the other two...

Romans 13, considered the key New Testament chapter on civil government, is one of the most neglected and misread chapters in the Bible. It is for this reason that it is all the more important to develop an understanding of our Lords requirements for magistrates and governmental activity. The word of God in Romans 13 teaches very clearly that the ruler, the magistrate, is a minister. First, the ruler is ordained of God, for he is definitely a power, and "the powers that be are ordained of God" (Rom. 13:1). Just as ministers in the Church are ordained of God, so the civil governors are ordained of God."



New member
aCultureWarrior said:
*Because homosexual activists never lie to promote their agenda.
I often pointed out that both gay and feminist activists lie like horses, but you, anna, and rusha never acknowledged/agreed with it, and you joined them in labeling me a misogynist. Ha, brilliant. :plain:
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