Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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aCW: Tell me if you notice anything unusual about this man? :think:



I was unaware that all people who defend homosexuals are themselves homosexual. Glad you laid out that piece of flawless logic.

Call me anything that you want Kdall, but don't call me naïve.

I believe that God designed life, and that humans are part of the natural world. As part of the natural world, it should be expected that humans exhibit behaviors common in nature, such as homosexual behavior.

You really should pick up a Bible sometime and see what God expects of the human race (repentance of sinful behavior is a good start).

I can promise you that the God I worship never intended for anyone to be persecuted relentlessly as the result of His Word. It's people who pervert the Bible to justify their prejudices. It happened with slavery and black discrimination,

(Ah yes, comparing a perverse behavior with skin color, how many times have I heard that from homosexual activists?).

it's happened and continues to happen with fundamentalist rejection of science, and it most commonly today happens with homosexual discrimination. You see people protesting gay marriage frequently, but why are these same people not outraged at adulterers in the same way? It's a MUCH more common problem, and equally as heinous according to Old Testament law, yet it just isn't treated the same by those who claim to be acting on behalf of God. And that's because these people, like yourself, don't actually care about what God wants. They're just trying to acceptably voice their bigotry.

On a related note: Have you been "tested" lately Kdall?

If God hated gays so much, then He'd have done to San Francisco the same that He did to Sodom and Gommorah 4000 years ago. But he hasn't.

Wait a minute, didn't you say that God doesn't persecute people?

I can promise you that the God I worship never intended for anyone to be persecuted...

God abhors homosexuality and ordained civil government to deal with such behavior. That doesn't mean that people still can't repent and accept His Word as the absolute truth.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Have you (conveniently) forgotten our conversations about UK homosexual activist Dr. Christian Jessen?

Of course not. After your admitted cluelessness as to what goes on in these "therapy centres" it was me who brought his experience up, remember?

Besides viewing the propaganda put out by the homosexual activist (Christian Jessen) who indoctrinates children, have you looked into any other reparative therapy clinics?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I have noticed that you're very obsessed with keeping buggery legal.

Ah, of course. It's not homosexuality itself per se that you're obsessed with, it's homosexual men and a specific act. I have no need to be obsessed with something that's legal and will remain so regardless.

Legal in the eyes of secular humanist man, not God.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Legitimate therapy would be after consulting with a pastor or licensed therapist, what parents of the sexually confused/gender confused child think will help their child leave homosexual desires/gender identity confusion behind. (Doesn't it just tick you off to no end when those nosey parents ruin all of the fun for the pedophile faction of the LGBTQueer movement Art?).

That's not answering the questions I posed. What exactly constitutes 'legitimate therapy' and where can this be found? Feel free to provide bona fide sources if you need to.

I've linked numerous websites the last time we had our little chat about how intimidated homosexual activists are when it comes to little boys and girls getting rid of same sex desires through therapy. Review past posts and you'll find that information.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why on earth would someone want to rid themselves of natural sexual desires and replace them with perverse ones?

Again, not answering the question. Do you think it's possible for a heterosexual to 'choose' to change their attractions?

Again, why on earth would someone want to leave a perfectly healthy lifestyle and engage in something that is a perversion?

On the other hand, I've shown numerous people that were molested as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional family that received spiritual and/or psychological counseling and were able to overcome their perverse sexual desires.

God will help you Art, just ask Him.


New member

(Ah yes, comparing a perverse behavior with skin color, how many times have I heard that from homosexual activists?).
the comparison happens because homophobes and racists use the same sad and perverse justifications for their hate

God abhors homosexuality and ordained civil government to deal with such behavior. That doesn't mean that people still can't repent and accept His Word as the absolute truth.
and racists say the same thing about civil rights


I just ran across this article about the Duggar family on lifesitenews.com. The author's recommendations should apply to all sexually confused youth (i.e. 'gay youth'), not just someone like Josh Duggar.

Unfortunately in several states now, youth who suffer from same sex attractions aren't legally able to seek psychiatric help.

What to do when your own child is a sex abuser

May 29, 2015

In the wake of revelations that Josh Duggar allegedly sexually molested five minor girls – four of them his younger sisters – when in his early teens, many familiar with the evangelical Christian Duggar family and their ten-season-long TLC hit reality show “19 Kids and Counting” are inevitably putting themselves in Jim Bob and Michelle’s shoes and asking: What would I do if faced with a similar situation? What should I do?

Many parents and families are ill-equipped to respond when faced with such circumstances, leaving them frightened and uncertain about their responsibilities both to the victims, as well as as to the perpetrator of the abuse.

What, then, are parents’ moral and legal obligations, and how can they most compassionately and effectively respond to both offender and victims? These are the essential questions.

Moral obligations

“Clearly, this is the last thing that a parent wants to hear,” says Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, associate professor of psychiatry and director of the program in medical ethics at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine, speaking of parents who discover that their child has been involved in abusive behavior. But “we should take anything like this very seriously.”

In a telephone interview with LifeSiteNews, Kheriaty said parents have two moral obligations that might seem contradictory.

The first is to protect their and other people’s children from “any form of sexual abuse.” “All of us in society have a responsibility for protecting all children from any form of abuse, including of course, sexual abuse.”

The second and equally important “is to help one’s own child who may have been the perpetrator of the abuse. And the way to help them is not to try to manage the situation on one’s own.”

Parents must “bring their child to a licensed mental health practitioner” such as a child psychologist or child psychiatrist “for an evaluation to look at what’s going on with the child’s sexual development.” There is a possibility the perpetrator has himself suffered from abuse, or is “entangled in the use of pornography.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/what-to-do-when-your-own-child-is-a-sexual-abuser

Parents have a moral responsibility to seek professional help for their sexually confused child, be it a youth who abuses other youths of the opposite sex, or someone who abuses himself and others through disease ridden homosex.



New member
I just ran across this article about the Duggar family on lifesitenews.com. The author's recommendations should apply to all sexually confused youth (i.e. 'gay youth'), not just someone like Josh Duggar.

Unfortunately in several states now, youth who suffer from same sex attractions aren't legally able to seek psychiatric help.

What to do when your own child is a sex abuser

May 29, 2015

In the wake of revelations that Josh Duggar allegedly sexually molested five minor girls – four of them his younger sisters – when in his early teens, many familiar with the evangelical Christian Duggar family and their ten-season-long TLC hit reality show “19 Kids and Counting” are inevitably putting themselves in Jim Bob and Michelle’s shoes and asking: What would I do if faced with a similar situation? What should I do?

Many parents and families are ill-equipped to respond when faced with such circumstances, leaving them frightened and uncertain about their responsibilities both to the victims, as well as as to the perpetrator of the abuse.

What, then, are parents’ moral and legal obligations, and how can they most compassionately and effectively respond to both offender and victims? These are the essential questions.

Moral obligations

“Clearly, this is the last thing that a parent wants to hear,” says Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, associate professor of psychiatry and director of the program in medical ethics at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine, speaking of parents who discover that their child has been involved in abusive behavior. But “we should take anything like this very seriously.”

In a telephone interview with LifeSiteNews, Kheriaty said parents have two moral obligations that might seem contradictory.

The first is to protect their and other people’s children from “any form of sexual abuse.” “All of us in society have a responsibility for protecting all children from any form of abuse, including of course, sexual abuse.”

The second and equally important “is to help one’s own child who may have been the perpetrator of the abuse. And the way to help them is not to try to manage the situation on one’s own.”

Parents must “bring their child to a licensed mental health practitioner” such as a child psychologist or child psychiatrist “for an evaluation to look at what’s going on with the child’s sexual development.” There is a possibility the perpetrator has himself suffered from abuse, or is “entangled in the use of pornography.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/what-to-do-when-your-own-child-is-a-sexual-abuser

Parents have a moral responsibility to seek professional help for their sexually confused child, be it a youth who abuses other youths of the opposite sex, or someone who abuses himself and others through disease ridden homosex.

The Duggars said they considered this line of action, but the consequences would have been too Draconian and extreme ( a child of 14 being stigmatized as a sex offender, the mental health professional obligated by law to consult law enforcement).

(Thanks for ignoring me. I don't know what I've ever done to you except be nice. :nono: )


New member
The Duggars said they considered this line of action, but the consequences would have been too Draconian and extreme ( a child of 14 being stigmatized as a sex offender, the mental health professional obligated by law to consult law enforcement).

Of course choosing to protect a sexual predator rather than one's own daughters isn't exteam at all


New member
Of course choosing to protect a sexual predator rather than one's own daughters isn't exteam at all
They did take major steps to protect their daughters, who aren't angry at their brother. Families can heal. People can repent. I would say the same if Duggar were gay and had molested brothers.


New member
They kept a sexual predator in their home and enforced what amounts to a gag order on his victims

If they were, would they be allowed to say otherwise? I doubt it.
Well, I hope they were being honest. It would not be good if they were pressured, no.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just ran across this article about the Duggar family on lifesitenews.com. The author's recommendations should apply to all sexually confused youth (i.e. 'gay youth'), not just someone like Josh Duggar.

Of course choosing to protect a sexual predator rather than one's own daughters isn't exteam at all

They did take major steps to protect their daughters, who aren't angry at their brother. Families can heal. People can repent. I would say the same if Duggar were gay and had molested brothers.

They kept a sexual predator in their home and enforced what amounts to a gag order on his victims

I was kinda hoping that instead of talking about what the parents shoulda-woulda-coulda done, that we talk about 13 year old Josh Duggar and had the circumstances been different.

Had he had consensual sex with his sisters, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a brother, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a neighborhood boy, what action should have been taken by the parents?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just ran across this article about the Duggar family on lifesitenews.com. The author's recommendations should apply to all sexually confused youth (i.e. 'gay youth'), not just someone like Josh Duggar.

I was kinda hoping that instead of talking about what the parents shoulda-woulda-coulda done, that we talk about 13 year old Josh Duggar and had the circumstances been different.

Had he had consensual sex with his sisters, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a brother, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a neighborhood boy, what action should have been taken by the parents?
  1. Therapy for all- 5 is too young to consent to 14.
  2. Therapy for all.
  3. Minister.
by the way, I got it: Ask Mr. Religion advised you to have no personal contact with me ("Ignore him, except when he posts about a topic. He'll leave from boredom.") Got it!:Wamba: (of course I'll leave from boredom. :think: )


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I was kinda hoping that instead of talking about what the parents shoulda-woulda-coulda done, that we talk about 13 year old Josh Duggar and had the circumstances been different.

Had he had consensual sex with his sisters, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a brother, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a neighborhood boy, what action should have been taken by the parents?

[*]Therapy for all- 5 is too young to consent to 14.

[*]Therapy for all.


While I'm really interested in what TracerBullet and Art Brain have to say about this scenario, I have to ask: why in your mind would a youth who engages in consensual incest, be it hetero or homo related, require psychological therapy yet a youth who engages in consensual homosex should see a minister for spiritual counseling?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I was kinda hoping that instead of talking about what the parents shoulda-woulda-coulda done, that we talk about 13 year old Josh Duggar and had the circumstances been different.

Had he had consensual sex with his sisters, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a brother, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a neighborhood boy, what action should have been taken by the parents?

While I'm really interested in what TracerBullet and Art Brain have to say about this scenario, I have to ask: why in your mind would a youth who engages in consensual incest, be it hetero or homo related, require psychological therapy yet a youth who engages in consensual homosex should see a minister for spiritual counseling?
I'm afraid I can't answer that. :wave2:


New member
LOL...you did. Buh bye.
Oh, OK, we'll play hardball. :think:
Alrighty, homeboy from Provincetown,
you would pluck the heart of my mystery, eh?
Not bloody likely; bye and bye is easily said; it is as easy as LYING,
you who think you can hide your actions, but........
I see an angel who sees you, Karl.
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