Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Oh, OK, we'll play hardball. :think:
Alrighty, homeboy from Provincetown,
you would pluck the heart of my mystery, eh?
Not bloody likely; bye and bye is easily said; it is as easy as LYING,
you who think you can hide your actions, but........
I see an angel who sees you, Karl.

GFR7: Yet another reason why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized! (so that mentally ill/morally confused people will get the help that they so desperately need).

patrick jane

GFR7: Yet another reason why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized! (so that mentally ill/morally confused people will get the help that they so desperately need).

true. all too often, homosexual predators prey on the mentally deficient and mentally ill. they manipulate and pretend to care, when it's all about gay sex -


New member
true. all too often, homosexual predators prey on the mentally deficient and mentally ill. they manipulate and pretend to care, when it's all about gay sex -
My good man, even though what you're saying is true, please be aware that this idiot (aCW) is playing head games with me, and is aiming all this derogatory talk at me. He is too dumb to grasp my literary references, and he is being so obnoxious that I really and truly am finished with him now. Please don't feed his pathetic, twisted ego at my expense. :wave2:

The Horn

Gay people and public schools aren't "indoctrinating " kids with homosexuality . They are trying to teach kids to be TOLERANT of gay people, to respect them, leave them alone , not to say vicious and ugly things about them, not to bully , harass, beat or do any violence to gay people .
On the contrary , it is PREACHERS and parents who are indoctrinating kids with anti-gay bigotry , brainwashing them with
the ludicrous claim that they are doomed to a non-existent hell , that
gays are a threat to children and are out toget them etc.
No one is born a homophobic bigot . You have to be taught this from childhood . Public schools are trying to undo this brainwashing .


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I was kinda hoping that instead of talking about what the parents shoulda-woulda-coulda done, that we talk about 13 year old Josh Duggar and had the circumstances been different.

Had he had consensual sex with his sisters, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a brother, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a neighborhood boy, what action should have been taken by the parents?

While I'm really interested in what TracerBullet and Art Brain have to say about this scenario, I have to ask: why in your mind would a youth who engages in consensual incest, be it hetero or homo related, require psychological therapy yet a youth who engages in consensual homosex should see a minister for spiritual counseling?

A 13 year old can't engage in consensual sex.

The Horn

Once again, you're assuming I'm gay just bcause I believe in gay rights . Well, I'm against cruelty to animals, so I guess this makes me a cat . Ridiculous !


New member
true. all too often, homosexual predators prey on the mentally deficient and mentally ill. they manipulate and pretend to care, when it's all about gay sex -

go back 50 or 60 years and there were those saying pretty much the same thing about black men. It was a sick and disgusting thing to say about anyone back then and it still is today.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I was kinda hoping that instead of talking about what the parents shoulda-woulda-coulda done, that we talk about 13 year old Josh Duggar and had the circumstances been different.

Had he had consensual sex with his sisters, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a brother, what action should have been taken by the parents?

Had he had consensual sex with a neighborhood boy, what action should have been taken by the parents?

A 13 year old can't engage in consensual sex.

Legally (but adhering to age of consent laws has never been a strong point of your LGBTQueer movement has it TB?).

What action should parents that find their underage teenager engaging in incest or homosexuality take?


go back 50 or 60 years and there were those saying pretty much the same thing about black men. It was a sick and disgusting thing to say about anyone back then and it still is today.

As I'd shown in an earlier post in Part 3 with an article from Peter LaBarbera, racism is huge in the LGBTQueer so-called "community".

This video (which I've shown excerpts of before regarding homosexuality and child molestation), gives people an idea how racist homosexuals really are.

Thank you Ryan Sorba for yet another great uncover investigation!

Racist undercover footage: Barney Frank "husband"



New member
Legally (but adhering to age of consent laws has never been a strong point of your LGBTQueer movement has it TB?).
As you know gays and lesbians have a long history of working for consistent application of age of consent laws...not that you would ever be honest enough to acknowledge that


New member
As I'd shown in an earlier post in Part 3 with an article from Peter LaBarbera, racism is huge in the LGBTQueer so-called "community".

This video (which I've shown excerpts of before regarding homosexuality and child molestation), gives people an idea how racist homosexuals really are.

Thank you Ryan Sorba for yet another great uncover investigation!

Racist undercover footage: Barney Frank "husband"


More stuff from Porno Pete? Is he your boyfriend or something?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Legally (but adhering to age of consent laws has never been a strong point of your LGBTQueer movement has it TB?).

As you know gays and lesbians have a long history of working for consistent application of age of consent laws...not that you would ever be honest enough to acknowledge that

Yes, HRC founder and accused pederast/rapist Terry Bean did a lot of that "work" at home from what I hear.


On that note: Darn TracerBullet, the last part of my post must have magically disappeared.

Here it is again:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

What action should parents that find their underage teenager engaging in incest or homosexuality take?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Besides viewing the propaganda put out by the homosexual activist (Christian Jessen) who indoctrinates children, have you looked into any other reparative therapy clinics?

Yes, and given that such "clinics" are now outlawed for the most part there's nothing to suggest that the documentary was an exaggeration or propaganda. You may think it's 'therapeutic' for kids to be told they're disgusting and made to imbibe liquids that induce vomiting etc but I don't and nor should that kind of abuse be allowed.

Legal in the eyes of secular humanist man, not God.

Well boo hoo. Sorry we don't live in an OT theocracy anymore. Considering your other "far right" brethren think gays should be put to death you'd hardly be too popular for your 'fanatical' views either.

I've linked numerous websites the last time we had our little chat about how intimidated homosexual activists are when it comes to little boys and girls getting rid of same sex desires through therapy. Review past posts and you'll find that information.

Nope, you don't get to just deflect around this. What exactly constitutes 'legitimate therapy' and where can this be found? Surely it can't be difficult for you to actually answer this? Or is it?


Again, why on earth would someone want to leave a perfectly healthy lifestyle and engage in something that is a perversion?

On the other hand, I've shown numerous people that were molested as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional family that received spiritual and/or psychological counseling and were able to overcome their perverse sexual desires.

God will help you Art, just ask Him.

Which once again is not an answer to the question asked. Are you straight? If so could you choose to start changing your attractions? I'm not talking about behaviour here but simply attraction.

As you should be more than aware by now, gay people can simply have a latent attraction to their own gender without any sort of other factors coming into play.

Your last comment could either be inadvertent projection on your part or deliberate trolling once again. I ain't gay or bi no matter how much you may wish that to be the case...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Besides viewing the propaganda put out by the homosexual activist (Christian Jessen) who indoctrinates children, have you looked into any other reparative therapy clinics?

Yes, and given that such "clinics" are now outlawed for the most part there's nothing to suggest that the documentary was an exaggeration or propaganda.

Would you please share those articles/documentaries that you viewed, as I'd like to see who is behind them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Legal in the eyes of secular humanist man, not God.

Well boo hoo. Sorry we don't live in an OT theocracy anymore. Considering your other "far right" brethren think gays should be put to death you'd hardly be too popular for your 'fanatical' views either.

Society has to go by some moral code, either God's or secular humanist man's. How are we doing with secular humanist man's moral code Art?


I've linked numerous websites the last time we had our little chat about how intimidated homosexual activists are when it comes to little boys and girls getting rid of same sex desires through therapy. Review past posts and you'll find that information.

Nope, you don't get to just deflect around this. What exactly constitutes 'legitimate therapy' and where can this be found? Surely it can't be difficult for you to actually answer this? Or is it?

Gosh Art, you act like therapy for sexually confused people just made a recent landing from the Planet Mars. Therapy has been around for a very long time and has been very successful in helping people overcome unnatural/perverse sexual desires.

Again, why on earth would someone want to leave a perfectly healthy lifestyle and engage in something that is a perversion?

On the other hand, I've shown numerous people that were molested as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional family that received spiritual and/or psychological counseling and were able to overcome their perverse sexual desires.

God will help you Art, just ask Him.

Which once again is not an answer to the question asked. Are you straight? If so could you choose to start changing your attractions? I'm not talking about behaviour here but simply attraction.

As you should be more than aware by now, gay people can simply have a latent attraction to their own gender without any sort of other factors coming into play.

(The things I learn about Art Brain from his posts). If it's a natural attraction and something that shouldn't be outlawed, why not follow through with that attraction Art?

Your last comment could either be inadvertent projection on your part or deliberate trolling once again. I ain't gay or bi no matter how much you may wish that to be the case...

You're definitely not gay as in happy Art, as you're a very angry person.

BTW: What action should parents that find their underage teenager engaging in incest or homosexuality take?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Would you please share those articles/documentaries that you viewed, as I'd like to see who is behind them.

I believe TB referenced a fair few earlier in the thread. I'm sure you can access them via your beloved table of contents?

Society has to go by some moral code, either God's or secular humanist man's. How are we doing with secular humanist man's moral code Art?

Well, a coupla hundred years ago we had women and children with no voice whatsoever where all manner of abuse could happen (and did), racial segregation and discrimination so I'd say things have improved greatly since that point, wouldn't you? Child labour laws being introduced, women being allowed the vote and blacks being treat as actual human beings etc instead of third class "citizens". Doing away with anti homosexual "legislation" was simply the next obvious step. Don't like it then bog off somewhere else.

Gosh Art, you act like therapy for sexually confused people just made a recent landing from the Planet Mars. Therapy has been around for a very long time and has been very successful in helping people overcome unnatural/perverse sexual desires.

Once again you still haven't answered what this "legitimate therapy" comprises of and where it can be found. Why on earth is that? Surely you must know?

On the other hand, I've shown numerous people that were molested as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional family that received spiritual and/or psychological counseling and were able to overcome their perverse sexual desires.

God will help you Art, just ask Him.

No you haven't. You've linked to a myriad pieces of propaganda from whacked out blogs and the like which ain't the same thing.

You're definitely not gay as in happy Art, as you're a very angry person.

Coming from you this borders on the hysterical. I think you're a very frustrated individual who could well be in the closet, and this silly little blog of yours is your only "real" outlet to vent and project it out. Once again, are you straight, and do you think you could choose to change that sexual attraction?

BTW: What action should parents that find their underage teenager engaging in incest or homosexuality take?

Well it certainly wouldn't be "therapy centres". Then what do you care? You think there's nothing wrong with 15 year old girls being wedded and bedded remember?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you please share those articles/documentaries that you viewed, as I'd like to see who is behind them.

I believe TB referenced a fair few earlier in the thread. I'm sure you can access them via your beloved table of contents?

But in answering my question you said that you had investigated therapy clinics for sexually confused people. I'd like to know which ones you looked into.

Well, a coupla hundred years ago we had women and children with no voice whatsoever where all manner of abuse could happen (and did), racial segregation and discrimination so I'd say things have improved greatly since that point, wouldn't you? Child labour laws being introduced, women being allowed the vote and blacks being treat as actual human beings etc instead of third class "citizens". Doing away with anti homosexual "legislation" was simply the next obvious step. Don't like it then bog off somewhere else.

Yet none of those things have to do with an unnatural disease ridden yet changeable behavior.

Once again you still haven't answered what this "legitimate therapy" comprises of and where it can be found. Why on earth is that? Surely you must know?

I guess I haven't logged the post that dealt with numerous therapy centers when we talked about them earlier Art.

Here's one.

Let me know how your visit goes.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW: What action should parents that find their underage teenager engaging in incest or homosexuality take?

Well it certainly wouldn't be "therapy centres".

What should parents do Art?

(My bad, I'm talking to the guy who told young children that anything goes "as long as people love each other".)

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
But in answering my question you said that you had investigated therapy clinics for sexually confused people. I'd like to know which ones you looked into.

Why? You didn't even care about the sources that I and TB had linked to already here so care to inform people about the "legitimate therapy" centres that actually don't involve abusive "techniques" as you've been made aware?

Yet none of those things have to do with an unnatural disease ridden yet changeable behavior.

Without an attraction there is no behaviour associated. Do you really need to be spoon fed on this or are you just utterly dumb?

I guess I haven't logged the post that dealt with numerous therapy centers when we talked about them earlier Art.

Well maybe you should pay more attention to your table of bollocks then?

Here's one.

Let me know how your visit goes.

I have no need to visit such a place so once again your homosexual fantasies projected onto other posters are duly noted. How about you let folk know what actually goes on in the place?

What should parents do Art?

(My bad, I'm talking to the guy who told young children that anything goes "as long as people love each other".

Please quote me on that because I've done no such thing, as you well know.

Also still waiting on whether it's possible for heterosexuals to "choose" to change their attractions but no rush...
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