Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not that I couldn't patiently wait for TOL's Queen of Denial to come up with some information about Adolf Hitler's childhood, but I decided to do a little research myself:

Journal reveals Hitler's dysfunctional family
Beaten by his father, the future dictator used to bully his sister


What Causes Homosexual Desires?

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father


There's no need to talk about yourself like that Connie. Hopefully some day you'll be more comfortable within yourself and will recognize the difference between proper academic research, revisionist garbage and blog bites...


New member
Not that I couldn't patiently wait for TOL's Queen of Denial to come up with some information about Adolf Hitler's childhood, but I decided to do a little research myself:

Journal reveals Hitler's dysfunctional family
Beaten by his father, the future dictator used to bully his sister


What Causes Homosexual Desires?

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father

So Hitler wasn't exactly right in the head then, well spotted Einstein.
Repressed homosexuals apparently want to rule the world? :idunno:


So Hitler wasn't exactly right in the head then, well spotted Einstein.

The point being: a loving mom and dad play a huge role in the development of a well adjusted child.

Repressed homosexuals apparently want to rule the world? :idunno:

Being that Hitler engaged in homosexual behavior, I believe the word you're looking for is "closeted", not repressed.

And apparently that homosexual did want to rule the world.


Well-known member
So Hitler wasn't exactly right in the head then, well spotted Einstein.
Repressed homosexuals apparently want to rule the world? :idunno:

Yes, we see ACW would like to rule the by jailing all the people he considers as sexual deviants. I'm wondering how far he would take that political philosophy. Hitler did not expose the full extent of his agenda when he first grabbed power.


Yes, we see ACW would like to rule the by jailing all the people he considers as sexual deviants. I'm wondering how far he would take that political philosophy. Hitler did not expose the full extent of his agenda when he first grabbed power.

Now that you've gotten one of the LGBTQueer scare tactics out of your system nog, I was kinda hopin that we could talk about your rant from yesterday: Legal positivism.

Legal positivism is often contrasted with Natural Law. According to the natural law school of jurisprudence, all written laws must be informed by, or made to comport with, universal principles of morality, religion, and justice, such that a law that is not fair and just may not rightly be called "law."


Call me a country hick nog, but I'm a big fan of those moral absolutes that say:

1). Thou shalt not murder
2). Thou shalt not commit adultery (or sodomize what'shisname in a public restroom toilet stall).

Etc. etc. etc.



New member
The point being: a loving mom and dad play a huge role in the development of a well adjusted child.
Yes, if only that could be true for everyone, but we seem to live in a naturalistic world where bad things happen to otherwise good people.
If only we had a loving God to look after us? :think:

Being that Hitler engaged in homosexual behavior, I believe the word you're looking for is "closeted", not repressed.

And apparently that homosexual did want to rule the world.
I tend to suspect that you are right about Hitler, but you equally have no specific evidence that Hitler ever had homosexual intercourse and that he was not simply repulsed by his own repressed sexuality and therefore took his bitterness out on the whole world. You however can only manage an internet forum it seems. :D


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The point being: a loving mom and dad play a huge role in the development of a well adjusted child.

Yes, if only that could be true for everyone, but we seem to live in a naturalistic world where bad things happen to otherwise good people.
If only we had a loving God to look after us?

A loving mom and dad is a good model that society should embrace. Top it off with a loving Christian environment and it's the making of a very happy family.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that Hitler engaged in homosexual behavior, I believe the word you're looking for is "closeted", not repressed.

And apparently that homosexual did want to rule the world.

I tend to suspect that you are right about Hitler,

Shhhh, Art Brain might hear you.

but you equally have no specific evidence that Hitler ever had homosexual intercourse and that he was not simply repulsed by his own repressed sexuality and therefore took his bitterness out on the whole world. You however can only manage an internet forum it seems.

That's why we have historians Al (legitimate ones that aren't politically correct and have no problem telling the truth).

There is plenty of evidence in the segment on Hitler (Part 1) showing that he was caught engaging in homosexuality.


New member
There is plenty of evidence in the segment on Hitler (Part 1) showing that he was caught engaging in homosexuality.
Direct me to your most convincing evidence that Hitler even had a boyfriend then, but I suspect it won't amount to a propagandist's hill of beans.
Hitler's life has already been documented rather too thoroughly by reputable historians to be of any use to you imo.
Perhaps if Hitler had had some reparative therapy he might have learned how not to be gay without all the trashing the world and the loss of so many lives? :think:


Well-known member
Call me a country hick nog, but I'm a big fan of those moral absolutes that say:

1). Thou shalt not murder

I am simply noting your strategy. I have seen some claim that killing the unrighteous is supported in the Bible. I have seen you twist reality in many ways, so I assume twisting scripture is not off limits to you.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There is plenty of evidence in the segment on Hitler (Part 1) showing that he was caught engaging in homosexuality.

Direct me to your most convincing evidence that Hitler even had a boyfriend then, but I suspect it won't amount to a propagandist's hill of beans.

Anonymous sexual encounters, boyfriends and boy prostitute for the "chicken hawks" who likez em young.

"...According to Wilfried Daim, Frau Elsa Schmidt-Falk of the Nazi Genealogy Office of Munich observed that Hitler was so enraptured by the ‘maennerbuendleische’ (the young male students) on parade, that on this fact alone she concluded that Hitler was at least unconsciously homosexual (Daim:41). Desmond Seward, in Napoleon and Hitler, quotes Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, who referred to Hitler as “that horrible sexual degenerate” (Seward:148). He also reports that “the files of the Viennese police list him [Hitler] as a homosexual” (Seward:299). Writer Charlotte Wolff, M.D. quotes Magnus Hirschfeld about Hitler in her book Magnus Hirschfeld. (Hirschfeld, you will remember, was Director of the Sex Research Institute of Berlin which was destroyed by Hitler in 1934.

About three years before the Nazis came to power we had a patient at the Institute who had a liaison with Roehm. We were on good terms with him, and he told us a good deal of what happened in his circle...He also referred to Adolf Hitler in the oddest possible manner. ‘Afi is the most perverted of us all. He is very much like a soft woman, but now he makes great propaganda in the heroic morale’” (Wolff:438).

Adolf, the Boy Prostitute

In Germany’s National Vice, Samuel Igra wrote that as a young man Hitler “had been a male prostitute in Vienna and Munich” (Igra:67). Lending credence to this is the fact that for quite a long time Hitler “chose to live in a Vienna flophouse known to be inhabited by many homosexuals” (Langer:192). That “flophouse” was the Meldemannstrasse Hostel. Hitler’s long-time “gay” friend Ernst Hanfstaengl identified this residence as “a place where elderly men went in search of young men for homosexual pleasures” (Machtan:56). “It was an open secret at the beginning of the 20th century,” adds Machtan, “that municipal hostels for homeless males were hubs of homosexual activity...[where many young men] kept themselves afloat by engaging in prostitution. Hitler spent over three years in this environment” (Machtan:51).
This would help to explain Hitler’s close relationships to his purportedly homosexual patrons Dietrich Eckart and Karl Haushofer. Rector writes that, as a young man, Hitler was often called “Der Schoen Adolf” (“the handsome Adolf”) and that later his looks “were also to some extent helpful in gaining big-money support from Ernst Roehm’s circle of wealthy gay friends” (Rector:52).
But Hitler was apparently not involved with homosexuality solely to survive financially. Even in his pre-Nazi years, most of Hitler’s reputed homosexual encounters were consensual meetings in which no money changed hands. Machtan suggests that each of Hitler’s longer-term relationships in his youth -- with Reinhold Hanisch, August Kubizek, Rudolf Hausler and Ernst Hanfstaengl -- were homosexual “love affairs.”
There are numerous other incidents (“one night stands”) in which Hitler was purported to have been the solicitor and not the solicited one. Eugen Dollman, former member of Himmler’s staff and one-time Hitler interpreter, cited testimonies from the files of the Munich vice squad in which a series of young men identified Hitler as the man who had “picked them up” on the streets for homosexual relations (Machtan:135ff). Dollman himself was also homosexual (ibid.).
Additional allegations addressed homosexual conduct by Hitler during the first World War. The so-called “Mend Protocol,” a document prepared by German military intelligence under Admiral Canaris, contains the testimony of Hans Mend. Considered highly credible, Mend had this to say about Hitler:

"Meanwhile, we had gotten to know Hitler better. We noticed that he never looked at a woman. We suspected him of homosexuality right away, because he was known to be abnormal in any case. He was extremely eccentric and displayed womanish characteristics which tended in that direction....In 1915 we were billeted in the Le Febre brewery at Fournes. We slept in the hay. Hitler was bedded down at night with “Schmidl,” his male whore. We heard a rustling in the hay. Then someone switched on his electric flashlight and growled, “Take a look at those two nancy boys.” I myself took no further interest in the matter." (Ibid:68)


Hitler's life has already been documented rather too thoroughly by reputable historians to be of any use to you imo.

As the late Paul Harvey would say: "And now for the rest of the story."

Perhaps if Hitler had had some reparative therapy he might have learned how not to be gay without all the trashing the world and the loss of so many lives? :think:

It's helped countless others.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Call me a country hick nog, but I'm a big fan of those moral absolutes that say:

1). Thou shalt not murder

I am simply noting your strategy. I have seen some claim that killing the unrighteous is supported in the Bible. I have seen you twist reality in many ways, so I assume twisting scripture is not off limits to you.

For someone who was bragging up legal positivism in numerous posts yesterday, I'm not impressed.

Try again by telling us why legal positivism is better than legislating natural law (moral absolutes).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Call me a country hick nog, but I'm a big fan of those moral absolutes that say:

1). Thou shalt not murder

For someone who was bragging up legal positivism in numerous posts yesterday, I'm not impressed.

Try again by telling us why legal positivism is better than legislating natural law (moral absolutes).

Until you actually know the dynamic of legal positivism that inherently applies to reality you just sound like a fool trying to compare it to other philosophies. I really don't care if you don't try to understand. Because in the end you are just a laughing stock and anyone with knowledge of these principles would just pass by anything you have to offer.

The problem is not with divine/natural law (natural law being a subset based on Aquinas' model), the problem is your understanding of reality which includes all these philosophies. You can post all you want about holiness and Biblical standards of morality. But in the end your willful ignorance is your own undoing and exactly why all people carrying your specific message are seen as buffoons.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

For someone who was bragging up legal positivism in numerous posts yesterday, I'm not impressed.

Try again by telling us why legal positivism is better than legislating natural law (moral absolutes).

Until you actually know the dynamic of legal positivism that inherently applies to reality you just sound like a fool trying to compare it to other philosophies. I really don't care if you don't try to understand. Because in the end you are just a laughing stock and anyone with knowledge of these principles would just pass by anything you have to offer.

The problem is not with divine/natural law (natural law being a subset based on Aquinas' model), the problem is your understanding of reality which includes all these philosophies. You can post all you want about holiness and Biblical standards of morality. But in the end your willful ignorance is your own undoing and exactly why all people carrying your specific message are seen as buffoons.

I'm basing my understanding of legal positivism on what a website called
"legal dictionary.the free dictionary.com" says:

Legal positivism is often contrasted with Natural Law. According to the natural law school of jurisprudence, all written laws must be informed by, or made to comport with, universal principles of morality, religion, and justice, such that a law that is not fair and just may not rightly be called "law."

Now my eenglsh aint two good nog, but I remember hearing the word "contrast" once in my life and as I recall it means this:

to be different especially in a way that is very obvious

So which is it nog: God's natural law or legal positivism, i.e. man's moral relativist laws?


Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

For someone who was bragging up legal positivism in numerous posts yesterday, I'm not impressed.

Try again by telling us why legal positivism is better than legislating natural law (moral absolutes).

I'm basing my understanding of legal positivism on what a website called
"legal dictionary.the free dictionary.com" says:

Legal positivism is often contrasted with Natural Law. According to the natural law school of jurisprudence, all written laws must be informed by, or made to comport with, universal principles of morality, religion, and justice, such that a law that is not fair and just may not rightly be called "law."

Now my eenglsh aint two good nog, but I remember hearing the word "contrast" once in my life and as I recall it means this:

to be different especially in a way that is very obvious

So which is it nog: God's natural law or legal positivism, i.e. man's moral relativist laws?


Your "basis of understanding" for legal positivism is not what I referenced. I explained the aspect of legal positivism that is an inescapable reality in any application of legislation earlier in this thread. Perhaps you should consult your table of contents. :)

Face it ACW, you are an idiot. And until that changes all your efforts are for naught.

"Never argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Samuel Clemens.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you believe it if a proud and unrepenant sodomite said it was true?

The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists

Did proud and unrepentant sodomite Johann Hari write something since then retracting his now 7 year old article?

BTW Que, did you read Johann's latest article:

"You too can be a muscle queer like me in 3 easy lessons"?
I didn't because, unlike you, I do not have an unhealthy obsession with this topic.


New member
That's why we have historians Al (legitimate ones that aren't politically correct and have no problem telling the truth).
Historians use evidence to support claims, much like scientists. They don't concern themselves as much about "telling the truth" because they allow the evidence to do it for them. It seems to me that the only "legitimate" historians out there that you subscribe to are the very few that support your obsession with oppressing minority groups.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There is plenty of evidence in the segment on Hitler (Part 1) showing that he was caught engaging in homosexuality.

Anonymous sexual encounters, boyfriends and boy prostitute for the "chicken hawks" who likez em young.

"...According to Wilfried Daim, Frau Elsa Schmidt-Falk of the Nazi Genealogy Office of Munich observed that Hitler was so enraptured by the ‘maennerbuendleische’ (the young male students) on parade, that on this fact alone she concluded that Hitler was at least unconsciously homosexual (Daim:41). Desmond Seward, in Napoleon and Hitler, quotes Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, who referred to Hitler as “that horrible sexual degenerate” (Seward:148). He also reports that “the files of the Viennese police list him [Hitler] as a homosexual” (Seward:299). Writer Charlotte Wolff, M.D. quotes Magnus Hirschfeld about Hitler in her book Magnus Hirschfeld. (Hirschfeld, you will remember, was Director of the Sex Research Institute of Berlin which was destroyed by Hitler in 1934.

About three years before the Nazis came to power we had a patient at the Institute who had a liaison with Roehm. We were on good terms with him, and he told us a good deal of what happened in his circle...He also referred to Adolf Hitler in the oddest possible manner. ‘Afi is the most perverted of us all. He is very much like a soft woman, but now he makes great propaganda in the heroic morale’” (Wolff:438).

Adolf, the Boy Prostitute ... [snipped]
Tittle-tattle from a Jew (no axe to grind then :rolleyes:) after WWII and third hand from Il Duce (Mussolini), of all people, is hardly great evidence that Hitler ever had anything but possibly repressed gay desires, which I suspect may be somewhat true anyway.
Revisionist propaganda from homophobes is all you have aCW, not evidence.


Well-known member
Tittle-tattle from a Jew (no axe to grind then :rolleyes:) after WWII and third hand from Il Duce (Mussolini), of all people, is hardly great evidence that Hitler ever had anything but possibly repressed gay desires, which I suspect may be somewhat true anyway.
Revisionist propaganda from homophobes is all you have aCW, not evidence.

Your comments are accurate Al. But I hope, and I suspect you understand this, that your expectations of discourse with ACW are not that he/she will actually understand the weakness of his chosen strategy. I suspect that, as it is with me, your exchange with ACW is more about the entertainment value, rather than holding out any hope that he/she will actually understand where he/she errs. Perhaps others who read this will gain some useful insight from this exchange, however.


New member
Your comments are accurate Al. But I hope, and I suspect you understand this, that your expectations of discourse with ACW are not that he/she will actually understand the weakness of his chosen strategy. I suspect that, as it is with me, your exchange with ACW is more about the entertainment value, rather than holding out any hope that he/she will actually understand where he/she errs. Perhaps others who read this will gain some useful insight from this exchange, however.
Absolutely. It is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon has no idea how the game is played, however, it will strut around the board kicking over the pieces while crapping on the board thinking it's won the game

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Absolutely. It is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon has no idea how the game is played, however, it will strut around the board kicking over the pieces while crapping on the board thinking it's won the game

I think in medical terms it's referred to as 'Pompous Blowhard Windbag Syndrome'.

Symptoms include:

Spouting verbal or written diarrhoea
Delusions Of Grandeur
An inability to display independent thought

I think we should all wish Acw a speedy recovery...
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