Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Your comments are accurate Al. But I hope, and I suspect you understand this, that your expectations of discourse with ACW are not that he/she will actually understand the weakness of his chosen strategy. I suspect that, as it is with me, your exchange with ACW is more about the entertainment value, rather than holding out any hope that he/she will actually understand where he/she errs. Perhaps others who read this will gain some useful insight from this exchange, however.
At least aCW is fairly literate and not overtly unpleasant or abusive. He does at least try to be subtly derogatory, as I do myself on occasion :D, but somehow imo he can't quite cut it.
Yes, I remain here simply for the entertainment value and don't expect any break throughs or meeting of minds with aCW any day soon. Anyone who is actually upset by him and what he espouses should perhaps think twice about having anything to do with him imo.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So which is it nog: God's natural law or legal positivism, i.e. man's moral relativist laws?


Your "basis of understanding" for legal positivism is not what I referenced. I explained the aspect of legal positivism that is an inescapable reality in any application of legislation earlier in this thread. Perhaps you should consult your table of contents. :) Face it ACW, you are an idiot. And until that changes all your efforts are for naught.

"Never argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Samuel Clemens.

But but but noguru, I just want to understand legal positivism so that I too can warmly embrace the North American Man Boy Love Association and the fairies, bull dykes and drag queens of the LGBTQueer movement, NARAL and Planned Parenthood and those pioneers of free speech Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt with open arms.

Will you be my legal positivism mentor nog so that I can rid myself of those old Jewish myths that were handed down by some imaginary sky god to a bunch of goat herders thousands of years ago? (i.e. I so want to stay up with the times don't cha know).

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There is plenty of evidence in the segment on Hitler (Part 1) showing that he was caught engaging in homosexuality.

Anonymous sexual encounters, boyfriends and boy prostitute for the "chicken hawks" who likez em young.

"...According to Wilfried Daim, Frau Elsa Schmidt-Falk of the Nazi Genealogy Office of Munich observed that Hitler was so enraptured by the ‘maennerbuendleische’ (the young male students) on parade, that on this fact alone she concluded that Hitler was at least unconsciously homosexual (Daim:41). Desmond Seward, in Napoleon and Hitler, quotes Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, who referred to Hitler as “that horrible sexual degenerate” (Seward:148). He also reports that “the files of the Viennese police list him [Hitler] as a homosexual” (Seward:299). Writer Charlotte Wolff, M.D. quotes Magnus Hirschfeld about Hitler in her book Magnus Hirschfeld. (Hirschfeld, you will remember, was Director of the Sex Research Institute of Berlin which was destroyed by Hitler in 1934.

About three years before the Nazis came to power we had a patient at the Institute who had a liaison with Roehm. We were on good terms with him, and he told us a good deal of what happened in his circle...He also referred to Adolf Hitler in the oddest possible manner. ‘Afi is the most perverted of us all. He is very much like a soft woman, but now he makes great propaganda in the heroic morale’” (Wolff:438).

Adolf, the Boy Prostitute ... [snipped]

Tittle-tattle from a Jew (no axe to grind then :rolleyes:) after WWII and third hand from Il Duce (Mussolini), of all people, is hardly great evidence that Hitler ever had anything but possibly repressed gay desires, which I suspect may be somewhat true anyway.
Revisionist propaganda from homophobes is all you have aCW, not evidence.

You're probably right Al, cuz I'm just a sucker for believing Christians like Scott Lively when they use credible historians to show that Hitler amongst other things sexually 'entertained' the Terry Beans of Germany when he spent 3 years in a "flop house" noted for it's pederasty.

Thanks to you Al, I'm going to work on not being so gullible.

My next goal: Not believing the propaganda that those homophobes at the CDC put out:



New member
You're probably right Al, cuz I'm just a sucker for believing Christians like Scott Lively when they use credible historians to show that Hitler amongst other things sexually 'entertained' the Terry Beans of Germany when he spent 3 years in a "flop house" noted for it's pederasty.

Thanks to you Al, I'm going to work on not being so gullible.

My next goal: Not believing the propaganda that those homophobes at the CDC put out:[-snipped-]
Very wise aCW it's good to see you rethinking your homophobic bigotry at last.:rolleyes:

However I don't think you are at all gullible because you know exactly what you are doing.
You will happily use any tactic, anything at all that you think helps, whether it be religion, misinformation, propaganda, or outright lies, it really doesn't matter.
You don't care if heterosexuals do similar things or if homosexuals, perhaps through their own bad choices get sick, you simply won't tolerate them, with a passion.
Yet you nevertheless apparently choose to live among them in Seattle for some reason, and trawl the internet for salacious material to drool over? :idunno:
You are somewhat more than a few sandwiches short of a picnic aCW.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're probably right Al, cuz I'm just a sucker for believing Christians like Scott Lively when they use credible historians to show that Hitler amongst other things sexually 'entertained' the Terry Beans of Germany when he spent 3 years in a "flop house" noted for it's pederasty.

Thanks to you Al, I'm going to work on not being so gullible.

My next goal: Not believing the propaganda that those homophobes at the CDC put out:[-snipped-]

Very wise aCW it's good to see you rethinking your homophobic bigotry at last.:rolleyes:

However I don't think you are at all gullible because you know exactly what you are doing.
You will happily use any tactic, anything at all that you think helps, whether it be religion, misinformation, propaganda, or outright lies, it really doesn't matter.
You don't care if heterosexuals do similar things or if homosexuals, perhaps through their own bad choices get sick, you simply won't tolerate them, with a passion.
Yet you nevertheless apparently choose to live among them in Seattle for some reason, and trawl the internet for salacious material to drool over? :idunno:
You are somewhat more than a few sandwiches short of a picnic aCW.

Since I was born with that yet undiscovered 'gullibility gene', I suppose I should share with others (others who fall for the "misinformation, propaganda, or outright lies" that I spew out in this 3 part thread) what Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams had to say about the ties between the modern LGBTQueer movement and that wonderful heterosexual family man Adolf Hitler:

Nazi Tactics in “Gay” Politics

“I shall torture you during the daytime, and will keep you from a peaceful sleep at night.”

Larry Kramer, Founder of ACT-UP (Leo:18).

The “gay” movement has done more than simply adopt Nazi styles and symbolism. Homosexual strategists have also embraced the terroristic tactics of the Nazi Brownshirts to advance their political agenda.

One of the most notorious groups to employ Nazi thuggery is the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) which was founded in New York by Larry Kramer and approximately 300 other activists in March, 1987. (Alyson Almanac:42). Within a few months its members had gained national attention for their aggressive actions against those whom they considered enemies. ACT-UP groups invaded Catholic churches in New York during religious services, screaming obscenities and “stomping on communion wafers” (Miller:460). Catholic churches were also targeted in Washington, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. Newspaper boxes were smashed in Sacramento to punish an editor for his views (Grant, 1993:104). One militant who later regretted his involvement was Washington, D.C. ACT-UP founder, Eric Pollard. The following is an excerpt from his 1992 letter to the Washington Blade titled, “Time to give up fascist tactics”:

This is very hard for me to write. It forces me to squarely confront my past actions and to accept responsibility for the damage I have had a part in causing. I sincerely apologize for my involvement in and my founding of the AIDS activist organization, ACT-UP D.C.. I have helped to create a truly fascist organization...The average Gay man or woman could not immediately relate to our subversive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a working model (Washington Blade, January, 1992)

In his 1998 War on Heterosexuality, author Michael P. Wright, quotes AIDS “dissenter” Alex Russell on the fascist character of contemporary “gay” activism.

Many attributes of the HIV Homofascist Movement (or HIVism) resemble those of Fascism and the psychology of Freikorpsmen: an authoritarian personality; extreme emphasis on the masculine principle, male dominance and blood brotherhood; exclusive membership in an elite in-group; and the fetishization and aestheticization of suffering, self-sacrifice and death.
Freikorpsmen made war a way of life....Many HIV Blood Brothers see the war on AIDS as a way of death where the Freudian pleasure principle and the death drive become indistinguishable. The Swastika armband has now been replaced by the HIV positive tattoo and the red ribbon (Russell in Wright:Chapter 5).

Within a few years of its founding, ACT-UP spawned the more radical Queer Nation. Miller writes that Queer Nation’s “in your face” tactics antagonized some in the “gay” community. Randy Shilts [a prominent homosexual writer] called Queer Nationals “brownshirts” and “lavender fascists” (Miller:460). Queer Nation adopted highly militant rhetoric and openly threatened violence. Grant describes their tactics during an Oregon election campaign (see Introduction) in which voters considered a law to ban minority status based on homosexuality:

...flyers appeared on telephone poles warning people to vote against it. One showed the Christian ichthus fish being roasted on a stick over a fire. It read, YOU BURN US, WE BURN YOU...another said CIVIL RIGHTS or CIVIL WAR. Your choice for a limited time only...It also clarified what it meant by “civil war” by listing “QUEER KNIVES, QUEER GUNS, QUEER BULLETS, QUEER MISSLES, QUEER TANKS, QUEER TRENCHES, QUEER FIRE, QUEER WARFARE, QUEER PATRIOTS (Grant, 1993:104f).

Of course Larry Kramer and Act-Up never existed, he and that homosexual activist organization are just more of the "misinformation, propaganda or outright lies" that Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams told in their book "The Pink Swastika".


The imaginary Larry Kramer, founder of the imaginary homosexual activist group ACT-UP, whose subversive tactics were drawn largely from the voluminous Nazi playbook Mein Kampf.

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I see that the Senate confirmed Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. Let's take a look at what we can expect from her:


(Eric Holder in drag).

The LGBTQueer movement has given much praise to Loretta, as they did her predecessor Eric Holder.

A legacy of advancing LGBT rights as attorney general

Oct. 1, 2014

After serving for more than six years as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder leaves a significant imprint on the record of the Obama administration — and at the forefront of that legacy is his role in advancing LGBT rights.

At an event last week in the State Dining Room of the White House announcing his departure, President Obama said Holder made revitalizing the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department a priority because he believes it’s “the conscience of the building.”

“And several years ago, he recommended that our government stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act — a decision that was vindicated by the Supreme Court, and opened the door to federal recognition of same-sex marriage, and federal benefits for same-sex couples,” Obama said. “It’s a pretty good track record.”

The sense that LGBT rights had significantly advanced during the administration was echoed by Holder in remarks that followed Obama’s.

Loretta Lynch Confirmed by U.S. Senate as Attorney General

April 23, 2015

Today, the United States Senate confirmed Loretta Lynch to be the next Attorney General of the United States. Once sworn into office, the Brooklyn federal prosecutor will become the first black woman to serve as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

“Based on her strong record on civil and human rights as a U.S. Attorney, there is no doubt that Loretta Lynch will continue the administration’s unprecedented commitment to LGBT equality and justice for all Americans," said HRC President Chad Grififn. "We congratulate her on her historic confirmation and look forward to working closely with her to ensure the LGBT community is treated equally under the law.”

Throughout her thirty year career, Lynch has proven herself to be a tough, fair, and independent lawyer. A seasoned and tenacious prosecutor, she will zealously prosecute hate crimes, which is a particular importance to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Appointed by President Obama in 2010 to serve as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, she had previously served in the same role from 1999-2001.

HRC worked hard with our coalition partners to advance Lynch’s nomination in the midst of partisan delay by lobbying key Senators and mobilizing HRC members in those states.

Unless the Demoncrats are dethroned in November and a conservative Republican President and Congress take control, expect more racial divide in this country and persecution of those who don't lockstep to the LGBTQueer agenda.


New member
You're asking the wrong guy. Connie is obsessed with them.
Yes I suspect he sits at his computer often wearing drag, as a change from The Wild One Marlon look, a nice twin set perhaps, pearls, matching earrings, handbag, lippy and shoes...plucked eyebrows..:think:


What's so wrong with guys in drag anyway?

You're asking the wrong guy. Connie is obsessed with them.

Was I judging males who put on makeup, pantyhose and dresses and often times have a knife taken to their genitals so that they can pretend that they're the opposite gender? I'm simply sharing the LGBTQueer "culture" that you boyz so warmly embrace.

Since TOL's resident drag queen Persephone66 aka Chuck is no longer with us, I was so hoping that one of you twoz (preferably the barbarian, as I can only imagine the stories he has to tell) could step forward and tell us more about the "drag queen culture" of your LGBTQueer so-called "community".

While we wait for the boyz to muster up the courage to be honest with their fellow TOL'ers and others outside the TOL community and share some good ole fashioned transvestite stories with us: I'll talk about another mentally ill person who wears makeup, women's clothing, takes hormone changing drugs and very well might have a knife taken to his genitals to mutilate them so that he can pretend that he is a real women:

Bruce Jenner: 'I'm a woman'

Olympic icon vows to 'change world' for transgenders, describes cross-dressing childhood

...Jenner told Sawyer that when he was a child of about 8 or 9 years old in the late 1950s, he first began wearing dresses from his mother’s and sisters’ closets.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/04/bruce-jenner-im-a-woman/#SSEdHtCJ6f5KT5uE.99


I discussed Jenner earlier in this thread in several posts:



http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4206246&postcount=5257 (Peter LaBarbera article)

And last but not least, Matt Barber's "An appeal to Bruce Jenner" :

"There is a reason that after "sex reassignment" surgery, so-called "transgender" people commit suicide at a rate 20 times higher than normal, and, despite rationalizations to the contrary, imaginary "transphobia" is not that reason. If you follow through with this, Bruce, you will be making, second only to denying Christ, the biggest mistake of your life."

My prayers go out to Bruce Jenner and all of the other gender confused people out there who are being encouraged by the moral degenerates of the prostitute media and their allies like Al and the barbarian (who teaches America's children by the way) to ruin their lives.


New member
I see that the Senate confirmed Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. Let's take a look at what we can expect from her:


(Eric Holder in drag).

The LGBTQueer movement has given much praise to Loretta, as they did her predecessor Eric Holder.

A legacy of advancing LGBT rights as attorney general

Oct. 1, 2014

After serving for more than six years as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder leaves a significant imprint on the record of the Obama administration — and at the forefront of that legacy is his role in advancing LGBT rights.

At an event last week in the State Dining Room of the White House announcing his departure, President Obama said Holder made revitalizing the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department a priority because he believes it’s “the conscience of the building.”

“And several years ago, he recommended that our government stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act — a decision that was vindicated by the Supreme Court, and opened the door to federal recognition of same-sex marriage, and federal benefits for same-sex couples,” Obama said. “It’s a pretty good track record.”

The sense that LGBT rights had significantly advanced during the administration was echoed by Holder in remarks that followed Obama’s.

Loretta Lynch Confirmed by U.S. Senate as Attorney General

April 23, 2015

Today, the United States Senate confirmed Loretta Lynch to be the next Attorney General of the United States. Once sworn into office, the Brooklyn federal prosecutor will become the first black woman to serve as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

“Based on her strong record on civil and human rights as a U.S. Attorney, there is no doubt that Loretta Lynch will continue the administration’s unprecedented commitment to LGBT equality and justice for all Americans," said HRC President Chad Grififn. "We congratulate her on her historic confirmation and look forward to working closely with her to ensure the LGBT community is treated equally under the law.”

Throughout her thirty year career, Lynch has proven herself to be a tough, fair, and independent lawyer. A seasoned and tenacious prosecutor, she will zealously prosecute hate crimes, which is a particular importance to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Appointed by President Obama in 2010 to serve as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, she had previously served in the same role from 1999-2001.

HRC worked hard with our coalition partners to advance Lynch’s nomination in the midst of partisan delay by lobbying key Senators and mobilizing HRC members in those states.

Unless the Demoncrats are dethroned in November and a conservative Republican President and Congress take control, expect more racial divide in this country and persecution of those who don't lockstep to the LGBTQueer agenda.

you maintain a thread dedicated to criminalizing, imprisoning and genocide of a minority but you want to claim you are the one being persecuted.


you maintain a thread dedicated to criminalizing, imprisoning and genocide of a minority but you want to claim you are the one being persecuted.

If you'd paid attention in class TB you'd have seen that I spend quite a bit of time promoting therapy (both spiritual and secular) to help the sexually and gender confused people who are imprisoned to sin because of evil people like you.


So, is gender confusion a conscious choice in your "mind" aCW?

Unless someone physically held Bruce Jenner down and put women's clothing and makeup on him...

We've seen in Part 2's most important thread what causes homosexual desires, I'd have to do much more research (NARTH articles, etc.) to see what goes on in the mind of someone who is gender confused.

As seen in this post linking AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera's article, help is available for gender confused people:

Heyer’s most recent book is titled, “Gender, Lies and Suicide: A Whistleblower Speaks Out,” is available on Amazon. Here is a description of the book–also available on Heyer’s website, SexChangeRegret.com:

In GENDER, LIES AND SUICIDE, Walt Heyer analyzes the issues which fuel the tragedy of transgender suicide and shares selected stories from the many people who write him seeking to undo the tragic consequences from their decision to change genders.

Transgenders undergo hormone injections and irreversible surgeries in a desperate effort to feel better. The media and transgender activists claim the radical treatment is successful and regret is rare, yet at the same time, they report that transgenders, even after treatment, are attempting and committing suicide at an alarming rate.

Back in 1979, Dr. Charles Ihlenfeld, a close colleague of Dr. Harry Benjamin, the father of the transgender movement in the U.S., reported that 80% of those seeking a sex change should not have one; frequently too many of them committed suicide.

GENDER, LIES AND SUICIDE reveals how today, many decades later, the suicides continue...

Restored manhood: Walt Heyer as the man God intended him to be. See his website, SexChangeRegret.com.




New member
Unless someone physically held Bruce Jenner down and put women's clothing and makeup on him...
As usual you probably have it rather backward aCW, a gender confused person would arguably express that confusion by what they like to wear, it isn't the clothing itself that makes people confused.

So, is gender confusion a conscious choice in your "mind" aCW?


New member
If you'd paid attention in class TB you'd have seen that I spend quite a bit of time promoting therapy (both spiritual and secular) to help the sexually and gender confused people who are imprisoned to sin because of evil people like you.


It's not therapy it's child abuse conducted by perverts.

As for techniques this "therapy" include having the child identify a problem in their relationship with their father. If they don’t have a relational problem then the relationships with any other male relative or even acquaintance is explored until some form of relationship problem can be identified. This relationship problem is defined as "an incomplete bond and resultant identification with the same-sex parent.”
Ref: Nicolosi, J. Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality: A New Clinical Approach, Northvale, NJ: Aronson, 1991

It isn’t based on any research and those engaging in this cannot define just what an incomplete bond is.

Children are forced to remove all clothing during both individual and group therapy sessions

Nudity in front of the individual that the client has the "troubled relationship" with is encouraged as is “cuddling” If the father is unavailable then a substitute male is used for this.

It is encouraged that girls shower with their father.

Electrodes may be placed on the client’s genitals in order to provide painful shocks when the client is exposed to gay themed images.
Ref: Shidlo, A.; Schroeder, M.; Drescher, J. eds. Sexual conversion therapy: ethical, clinical, and research perspectives 2011

“Hold therapy” is almost exclusively done with children. The child is physically restrained while the therapist screams at them and encourages the child’s parents to express their hatred and disgust for the child. There have been some reports of parents being encouraged to hit, slap or kick the child. This will continue until the child admits that they are hurting their family and that they hate themselves for being gay.
Ref: Bright, C. "Deconstructing Reparative Therapy: An Examination of the Processes Involved When Attempting to Change Sexual Orientation. 2004

Other methods include sedation, isolation, sensory deprivation, physical restraints and hypnosis

violently beating an effigy of the client’s mother with a tennis racket while being forced to say that they want their mother to die.

Children being subjected to ridicule as “faggots” and “homos” by "therapists and their parents being encouraged/instructed to do the same outside of sessions.

It is a sick perverted thing and it's no surprise that you support this sort of abuse

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes I suspect he sits at his computer often wearing drag, as a change from The Wild One Marlon look, a nice twin set perhaps, pearls, matching earrings, handbag, lippy and shoes...plucked eyebrows..:think:

Uh, yeah, well thanks for that mental image there Al...



ACW thinks chronic homosexuals should be executed or locked up, but worries about them committing suicide.

Here's what I have observed Doper:

That you have a tendency to show up in the thread when the topic of conversation is cross dressing.

Is there something you'd like to share with the readers of this thread shag?
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