Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Then all I ask is that you're consistent and "mind your own business" and not promote the criminalization of incest, bestialty or necrophilia. And while you're at it don't promote the recriminalization of abortion, adultery and pornography, as that wouldn't be "minding your own business" now would it pumpkin? (zoo22, that was for you).

abortion isn't really comparable to the rest of those. You could make a good argument that adultery isn't either.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Sorry I got hysterical, but as an empath, I cannot stand to be told I am motivated by hate. It makes me feel as you would if someone called you a sodomite. :AMR1:

What I meant was this:

On the one hand:
I am against same sex marriage.
I am against the promotion and celebration of things gay in schools and media.

On the other: I do not hate people like Tracer.

I believe in rights to privacy, dignity, employment, housing. I do not like to choose for people, or to humiliate people.

Why is this so hard to grasp? :think:

ETA: Even Justice Scalia (dissenting, Lawrence v TX) just made the statement, "Don't call me anti-gay". I can admire LaBarbera or have been interested months ago in your re-criminalization thread, but for Traci to think I hate him makes me ill.

I can't stand people like Tracer. He is far worse than an actual homosexual, since actual homosexuals typically don't claim to be Christians. The worst people on planet earth are people who CLAIM the title of Christianity, yet promote immorality. (NOTE: This isn't a political point. This has nothing to do with wanting gay marriage to be "legal." Tracer defends it as moral, which is disgusting. Similarly, to defend the drone bombing of innocent children in Islamic countries is disgusting. Most Christians today support immorality of some form or another openly.)

Regarding recriminalization, my advice would be whatever position you come to, don't decide based on "possibility." Its up to God to decide how much he wants to accomplish in the civil realm. Just study the Bible and pick whatever position you think is most consistent with Biblical values (which includes BOTH the OT and the NT.)

There are a lot of liberty-minded folks who I respect who want to impose the OT penalty on homosexuals because they think the Bible requires it. I disagree but I understand where they are coming from. And then you have fascists like aCW.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Ah yes, comparing ones weight issues with a sexual perversion (it never fails, give them an inch of rope and they'll hang themselves with it every time).

One word: Intervention.

Families intervene all of the time with issues that civil laws have never been involved with and never should be:

Food consumption/weight issues, hoarding, etc.

And families are free to persuade here too - at least informally.

Wouldn't it be great if families were "free to persuade" their sexually confused child/family member?

Need we discuss how numerous states are making it illegal for parents even to take their sexaully confused child to a therapist? (This is where GFR7 throws a disclaimer in and says that he thinks that is wrong).

Besides, homosexuality is a serious offense, as seen through 2,000 year of Judeo-Christian legislation.

You are also part of the culture which saw all these changes beginning decades ago.

Yep, and this culture is going to change for the betterment of mankind.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Defending perversion is very very wrong Al. (Thanks for indirectly giving a clear answer to my question).

Am I supposed to feel ashamed of myself aCW,...

You're way past that point Al, but then that's why we have laws, to punish those that have no qualms about promoting evil.

because of what you choose to conclude is perversion?

Your issue is with the One who wrote the book that deals with sexual sins (remember Al: lobster good, homosexuality bad).


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then all I ask is that you're consistent and "mind your own business" and not promote the criminalization of incest, bestialty or necrophilia. And while you're at it don't promote the recriminalization of abortion, adultery and pornography, as that wouldn't be "minding your own business" now would it pumpkin? (zoo22, that was for you).

abortion isn't really comparable to the rest of those. You could make a good argument that adultery isn't either.

Only in your make believe Libertarian world they're not Jr.


I can't stand people like Tracer.

Why? You're both members of the sexual anarchist movement, you just have different ideas on how to go about promoting it's agenda.

He is far worse than an actual homosexual, since actual homosexuals typically don't claim to be Christians.

Pot meet kettle.

The worst people on planet earth are people who CLAIM the title of Christianity, yet promote immorality. (NOTE: This isn't a political point. This has nothing to do with wanting gay marriage to be "legal." Tracer defends it as moral, which is disgusting. Similarly, to defend the drone bombing of innocent children in Islamic countries is disgusting. Most Christians today support immorality of some form or another openly.)

Repeat those words while looking in a mirror kid and watch it shatter into a million pieces.

Regarding recriminalization, my advice would be whatever position you come to, don't decide based on "possibility." Its up to God to decide how much he wants to accomplish in the civil realm. Just study the Bible and pick whatever position you think is most consistent with Biblical values (which includes BOTH the OT and the NT.)

(This coming from a kid who stated that as long as various behaviors are done consensually, then God approves of it. Wouldn't Jr. make a great Sunday School teacher?).

There are a lot of liberty-minded folks who I respect who want to impose the OT penalty on homosexuals because they think the Bible requires it. I disagree but I understand where they are coming from. And then you have fascists like aCW.

I've been meaning to ask you Jr.: What happened in your life that made you so totally messed up?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Defending perversion is very very wrong Al. (Thanks for indirectly giving a clear answer to my question).

You're way past that point Al, but then that's why we have laws, to punish those that have no qualms about promoting evil.

Your issue is with the One who wrote the book that deals with sexual sins (remember Al: lobster good, homosexuality bad).
Lobster is good because you like it and say it is, and because your magic scripture can be easily cherry picked, woven and spun to comply with whatever you want it to say.
However civil laws tend to be rather less interpretive, say nothing about promoting "evil" and don't exist for the convenience of right wing homophobic bigots, thankfully. :plain:


Lobster is good because you like it and say it is, and because your magic scripture can be easily cherry picked, woven and spun to comply with whatever you want it to say.

It appears you haven't bothered to look at the "updated menu" Al.

Perhaps you could tell us what Jesus really meant when He said:

"Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

(When in doubt as to what Holy Scripture really means, always ask an atheist).

However civil laws tend to be rather less interpretive, say nothing about promoting "evil" and don't exist for the convenience of right wing homophobic bigots, thankfully. :plain:

Civil laws currently exist for drag queens, bull dykes, fairies, child indoctrinators/molesters, pornographers, abortionists and all kinds of misfits.

The times they will be a changin Al.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Why? You're both members of the sexual anarchist movement, you just have different ideas on how to go about promoting it's agenda.

Or maybe you're just stupid.

Pot meet kettle.

I've never endorsed homosexuality.

Repeat those words while looking in a mirror kid and watch it shatter into a million pieces.

Or maybe you're just stupid.

(This coming from a kid who stated that as long as various behaviors are done consensually, then God approves of it.

I never actually said this. Give me a quote from me and I'll show you how I never said what you think I said. You are incapable of making rational connections between ideas.

Wouldn't Jr. make a great Sunday School teacher?).

I've already served as one for over a year. I'm currently not serving as one because I'm away at Christian school.

I've been meaning to ask you Jr.: What happened in your life that made you so totally messed up?

Or maybe you're just stupid.


Well-known member
Why else would a completely straight guy spend most of his time sifting through anything gay he can find? Something nevertheless seems a wee bit strange here? :idunno:

For years, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... Day and night, aCW is sifting through anything gay he can find. Thousands of hours sitting in front of his computer, doing image searches for "homosexuals parades," copy pasting descriptions of the intricacies of extreme homosexual sex, sharing stories about public men's restrooms.

WHMBR! (whoops, excuse me!)


New member
It appears you haven't bothered to look at the "updated menu" Al.

Perhaps you could tell us what Jesus really meant when He said:

"Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

A modern English translation according to aCW's interpretation:

"You know that law I made about not eating shellfish? Yeah well, turns out it's what comes out that matters, not what goes in. Oops."


New member
It appears you haven't bothered to look at the "updated menu" Al.
I don't bother reading most of your stuff aCW. ;)

Perhaps you could tell us what Jesus really meant when He said:

"Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

(When in doubt as to what Holy Scripture really means, always ask an atheist).
Ah yes, Mark 7:18-22 I see. :sherlock:
Imo the author of Gospel Mark is being somewhat more pragmatic, rational but mainly evangelising in claiming to speak for Jesus than whoever it was who wrote Deuteronomy and Leviticus claiming to speak for God.

Civil laws currently exist for drag queens, bull dykes, fairies, child indoctrinators/molesters, pornographers, abortionists and all kinds of misfits.
Call me naïve aCW but I like to think that civil laws are in general honest, democratically derived legislation to hopefully be as reasonably fair to all as possible, not just the majority, nor indeed a vocal minority of right wing Christian homophobic zealots.

The times they will be a changin Al.
Yes but the times already "a changed" aCW. Only you don't like it and want to return to the "good ol' days" and an "ol' time religion", rather than be tolerant to those who may think differently to you.


New member
For years, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... Day and night, aCW is sifting through anything gay he can find. Thousands of hours sitting in front of his computer, doing image searches for "homosexuals parades," copy pasting descriptions of the intricacies of extreme homosexual sex, sharing stories about public men's restrooms.

WHMBR! (whoops, excuse me!)
Don't forget his apparent knowledge of what goes on in "sodomy chambers".
His claimed wife must be a saintly tolerant person or otoh maybe now lives elsewhere with somebody else, perhaps even with another woman? :idea:
That might make me somewhat bitter and twisted too. :madmad:

Sorry aCW was that a bit below the belt?


New member
I can't stand people like Tracer. He is far worse than an actual homosexual, since actual homosexuals typically don't claim to be Christians. The worst people on planet earth are people who CLAIM the title of Christianity, yet promote immorality. (NOTE: This isn't a political point. This has nothing to do with wanting gay marriage to be "legal." Tracer defends it as moral, which is disgusting. Similarly, to defend the drone bombing of innocent children in Islamic countries is disgusting. Most Christians today support immorality of some form or another openly.)

Regarding recriminalization, my advice would be whatever position you come to, don't decide based on "possibility." Its up to God to decide how much he wants to accomplish in the civil realm. Just study the Bible and pick whatever position you think is most consistent with Biblical values (which includes BOTH the OT and the NT.)

There are a lot of liberty-minded folks who I respect who want to impose the OT penalty on homosexuals because they think the Bible requires it. I disagree but I understand where they are coming from. And then you have fascists like aCW.
Your points are very well taken. Thank you for voicing them.


New member
@Christian Liberty:

Now that I've digested your points, a couple of remarks:

1. It is true that Christianity itself (or those who use its name) can promote immorality, and I hold to the Kantian and Kierkegaardian views that organized Christendom itself can tend toward evil (Jesus himself warned of this). There have been cases of promotion of immorality by Christians too numerous to mention here.

Force-feeding school children the idea that bisexuality and transgenderism are normal I would call 'evil', certainly.

2. Recall that aCW posts his thread not in the religious section, but rather in the political section. He is making a political statement and thus waging a political campaign.

Ergo, the feasibility of his goal in this context certainly would seem relevant.

Very best wishes;
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For years, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... Day and night, aCW is sifting through anything gay he can find. Thousands of hours sitting in front of his computer, doing image searches for "homosexuals parades," copy pasting descriptions of the intricacies of extreme homosexual sex, sharing stories about public men's restrooms...

And little zoo22 has lost countless hours of sleep knowing that the behavior and agenda that he adamantly defends is being exposed.


Now that I've digested your points, a couple of remarks:

1. It is true that Christianity itself (or those who use its name) can promote immorality,

What homosexualist GFR7 just said is that Jesus Christ Himself promotes immoral behavior.

You are correct on the part that I didn't enlarge and put in bold cupcake (that one was for you zoo22).

There are those who call themselves "Christian" who definitely 'promote immoral behavior', in fact here's a guy who calls himself Christian yet says that people who engage in a behavior that God abhors should have special "rights".

On my soul and honor: I AM NOT EXPRESSING HATRED FOR YOU OR GAYS WITH THESE WORDS. I can believe in rights without supporting a false cultural agenda.


New member
What homosexualist GFR7 just said is that Jesus Christ Himself promotes immoral behavior.

Oh, you complete and utter IDIOT:madmad:

I was speaking of MAN'S religion and how he may misuse and adulterate it, NOT Christ.

I would never have said, "Christ himself may lead to evil" - and you know it. God forbid.

You saw I qualified it with, "or those who use it's name", meaning "rather, or what man makes of it".

this is AN INTOLERABLE AND INEXCUSABLE INSULT. You have obviously never read Kant and Kierkegaard on Christ and Christendom................

If there is anyone who thinks I meant that 'Jesus Christ Himself promotes evil', please come forward; I will realize there is a second moron at TOL, of as great a caliber as aCW.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What homosexualist GFR7 just said is that Jesus Christ Himself promotes immoral behavior.

You are correct on the part that I didn't enlarge and put in bold cupcake (that one was for you zoo22).

There are those who call themselves "Christian" who definitely 'promote immoral behavior', in fact here's a guy who calls himself Christian yet says that people who engage in a behavior that God abhors should have special "rights".

Oh, you complete and utter IDIOT:madmad: I was speaking of MAN'S religion and how he may misused and adulterate it, NOT Christ. I would never have said, "Christ himself may lead to evil" - and you know it.

Yet you started off your sentence with the words "It is true that Christianity itself...".

itself :

It's normal or customary self.

Again: your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement uses Jesus' words all of the time to promote their God-HATING agenda. The thread is full of quotes from these poor lost souls who will literally have "Hell to pay" when they meet their Maker.

Be afraid GFR7, be very afraid, as God will not be mocked.
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