Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
I've been meaning to ask you Al:

How are your wife and kids doing?

Mine are fantastic as usual. Thanks for asking.
Do I detect a defensive ploy here aCW?
Maybe the truth hurts?

As you know aCW I won't normally discuss my personal details with you.
However this time is different, I will tell you with complete honesty that no male person has ever managed to cause any noticeable stirrings to my nether regions.
I wonder if, despite your no doubt lovely wife and multiple kids that you are suddenly rather keen to tell me about, you can honestly say the same? :sherlock:

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
(Note the part I put in bold. Jr. is part of the 'gay gene' crowd).

No, not really. I didn't say they were born with the desire. I just said that its irrelevant.

Just so we know Jr., are you a "as long as consent is used" Libertarian today or are you a Joel McDurmon/Gary North Christian Reconstructionist?

You have so many personalities, it's impossible to stay up with them all.

I have never claimed to be a Reconstructionist.


doubtful considering that there is a well known link between brain damage, specifically lesions in the pre frontal cortex and pedophilia. the greater the damage the younger the pedophile's preferred victim
Peoppl, T.B. et al. Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia. J. of psych research, 2013

spoken like a true bigot :chuckle:


New member
No, not really. I didn't say they were born with the desire. I just said that its irrelevant.

I have never claimed to be a Reconstructionist.
It doesn't matter what you say; he won't take you at your word, or will twist what you say - or at least he does so with me.......

In any case aCW, I wanted to ask if you found Justice Ginsberg unprofessional in stating her beliefs prior to the hearings (as I did) and what do you think of those who are saying that if SCOTUS makes SSM the law of the land, it will be used as a lever to topple religion (which should be of some concern)?


It doesn't matter what you say; he won't take you at your word, or will twist what you say - or at least he does so with me.......

In any case aCW, I wanted to ask if you found Justice Ginsberg unprofessional in stating her beliefs prior to the hearings (as I did) and what do you think of those who are saying that if SCOTUS makes SSM the law of the land, it will be used as a lever to topple religion (which should be of some concern)?

You mean if sodomite marriage is made the law of the land a fire chief from a major metropolitan fire department would lose his job because he had the audacity to share God's Word regarding homosexuality with his co-workers?

You mean that if sodomite marriage is made the law of the land bakers, florists and innkeepers could be sued and be held criminally liable for refusing to go against their religious beliefs when it comes to dealing with people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior?

Oh wait...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've been meaning to ask you Al:

How are your wife and kids doing?

Mine are fantastic as usual. Thanks for asking.

Do I detect a defensive ploy here aCW?
Maybe the truth hurts?

As you know aCW I won't normally discuss my personal details with you.

No need to Al, this 3 part thread talks all about it.

However this time is different, I will tell you with complete honesty that no male person has ever managed to cause any noticeable stirrings to my nether regions.
I wonder if, despite your no doubt lovely wife and multiple kids that you are suddenly rather keen to tell me about, you can honestly say the same? :sherlock:

(Yawn, back to the "aCW is a closeted fag" ploy).

No Al, showering with teammates after basketball practice or games never did anything sexually for me, hence I've never had homosexual desires nor ever felt the need to defend those who engage in them.

Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.


New member
You mean if sodomite marriage is made the law of the land a fire chief from a major metropolitan fire department would lose his job because he had the audacity to share God's Word regarding homosexuality with his co-workers?

You mean that if sodomite marriage is made the law of the land bakers, florists and innkeepers could be sued and be held criminally liable for refusing to go against their religious beliefs when it comes to dealing with people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior?

Oh wait...
It's not easy maintaining a friendship with you.:( ......................................................................I meant that the stakes will be even higher; the ante upped further - with churches being attacked nationally; viewed as refusing to do something which is federally sanctioned.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(What Art just said is this: He wants to believe no matter what evidence is provided to the contrary, that he and others were born with same sex desires and that they can't be changed, hence he has to defend homosexual behavior and the agenda that has taken over our once great society like a tsunami and he couldn't care less who the victims of the 'gay' agenda are, be it people who speak out for decency, children, or other homosexuals who die from terrible sexually transmitted diseases).

Hmm, not even remotely resembling anything I said so which is it Connie, projection or lies? You may have been born with same sex desires but I wasn't thanks. If they're causing you so much cognitive dissonance then get to one of those 'therapy centres'.

Thanks for your honesty Art.

Thanks for none in turn.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While I don't want to drift off into talking about homosexual pedophilia and pederasty (i.e. the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association, how homosexuals permeated the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church and molested little boys, the UK's leading homosexual activist (Peter Tatchell) and his letter to the editor defending pedophilia etc. etc. etc.), as that is an entire segment in itself, I have shown evidence (which I recently pointed out to homosexualist GFR7) that the prosecution of accused homosexual pedophiles and pederasts are "selective" and as shown in this link talking about a heterosexual pedophile, when sentenced after conviction, not extremely harsh.

Admitted Child Predator Arrested Again

Show where paedophilia is being tolerated by Western law else acknowledge you have no case. The floor is yours.

Did I mention that the WHMBR! table of contents tells no lies?

The contents are full of them...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean if sodomite marriage is made the law of the land a fire chief from a major metropolitan fire department would lose his job because he had the audacity to share God's Word regarding homosexuality with his co-workers?

You mean that if sodomite marriage is made the law of the land bakers, florists and innkeepers could be sued and be held criminally liable for refusing to go against their religious beliefs when it comes to dealing with people who proudly engage in homosexual behavior?

Oh wait...

It's not easy maintaining a friendship with you.:( ......................................................................I meant that the stakes will be even higher; the ante upped further - with churches being attacked nationally; viewed as refusing to do something which is federally sanctioned.

And and and after that happens, SCOTUS could make a ruling that a woman has a constitutional right to choooooooose whether or not she wants to abort her unborn baby and in a 42 year period 58 million unborn babies will be murdered in the womb in the name of "choooooice".

Oh wait...

Obviously it will take something like a red hot poker searing the flesh of asleep at the wheel Christians before they wake up and do something about your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist/secular humanist movement.


I approve of your above scenario, this country desperately needs a wakeup call.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I think I can safely speak for the vast majority of those following this thread when I say:

Would you PLEASE boycott the thread again Art?

(We're all Queen of Denial'ed out).

Connie, most people who read this train wreck think you're a whacked out loon. How delusional are you exactly? Do you honestly think you have an 'army' of followers who hang on your every word or something?

If there's anyone who fits the term 'queen of denial' it's you ya big crank. Get a grip and get some help.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I think I can safely speak for the vast majority of those following this thread when I say:

Would you PLEASE boycott the thread again Art?

(We're all Queen of Denial'ed out).

Connie, most people who read this train wreck think you're a whacked out loon. How delusional are you exactly? Do you honestly think you have an 'army' of followers who hang on your every word or something?

If there's anyone who fits the term 'queen of denial' it's you ya big crank. Get a grip and get some help.

(Maybe I should bribe someone to start threads about hair styling, floral design and interior decorating, that would be a sure fire way to get rid of Art).


New member
(Yawn, back to the "aCW is a closeted fag" ploy).
Why else would a completely straight guy spend most of his time sifting through anything gay he can find? Something nevertheless seems a wee bit strange here? :idunno:

No Al, showering with teammates after basketball practice or games never did anything sexually for me, hence I've never had homosexual desires nor ever felt the need to defend those who engage in them.
I'm not sure that this required specific instances of you not being turned on when a simple "no, never" would have done, still...

Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.
This is again where your reputation for dishonesty is rather letting you down aCW, no one believes you.
As you have been told many times paedophilia is already criminalised, which sadly still happens but is perpetrated by straight and gay alike. Attempting to make it into a homosexual only issue is an example of how dishonest you are prepared to be, never mind the wearing of "jack-boots".:rolleyes:

Maybe if in the changing rooms after a game guys putting on jack boots would that get you going? I'm not a fan myself btw. :nono:
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