Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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aCultureWarrior said:
And and and those who proudly engage in homosexual behavior will be able to adopt children and take them to public exhibitionist parades (I believe the boyz in Provincetown call them "gay pride parades"); there will be youth organizations that openly accept and recruit 'gay youth'; perverts will be allowed to serve in the military, hold political office, work for major news networks, serve as clergy; there will be tv shows and movies whose main characters are openly homosexual and they'll be shown in a positive light, etc. etc. etc.

Oh wait...those things are already happening.
Won't this block any chance of reversal? :think:

I would love nothing more for you to get both spiritual and psychological help so that you can overcome your sexual confusion.

If you take that advice, you'll realize that I'm the best friend that you've ever had.
OMG...........OMG..........what sexual confusion??? Would you kindly tell me what it consists of? :idunno: You mean the kind Art and CL have? (they aren't interested in gay sex)...........what do you mean??


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
By the way Art: My memory must be slipping, where in this 3 part thread did I lie?

Was it in the first segment in Part 1 entitled "Silencing the Christians" where I showed case after case where people of faith were fired from their jobs, harassed verbally and often times physically for speaking out against homosexuality?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps it was in the segment in Part 1 where I talked about all of the major homosexual organizations in the US and how in they talk so much about educating children about the LGBT movement (which is strange, because isn't homosexuality supposed to be about "two consenting adults?").

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Or maybe it was in the segment where I talked about homosexual culture and things like public exhibitionism (I believe you call them "gay pride parades") and cruising in public parks/restrooms for anonymous sex?

You seem to know far more about 'cruising' etc than I'd wish to thanks.

(For those of you who don't read lisp, Art again answered that question with a "no").

I'm just trying to acquaint you with the 'culture' of the behavior that you defend Art.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I know, I must have lied in the segment where I talked about what causes homosexual desires and that they can be changed.

It appears by all of your "no" answers to my questions, that the information that I've provided throughout this 3 part thread exposing homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is the truth and nothing but the truth (i.e. I haven't LIED! LIED! LIED! like I've been accused of doing).

The question that remains unanswered is:

Why are you defending such a sick behavior and evil movement?

...you just project or lie when you accuse other posters of being homosexual for simply having the 'audacity' to take issue with your own 'ideal'. Most people don't do anything like. Most straight men don't invent a whole bunch of gay innuendo either so what's that about?

As I told your good buddy Captain Obvious (aka Wizardofoz aka Aaron) in an earlier part of this thread: Speculating about someone based on the words and actions they use is not "lying", its mere speculation.

But you're right Art, I really shouldn't accuse an unmarried 42 year old of being what he defends just because he ignores all of the information (which has been confirmed as true) that I've provided throughout this 3 part thread and continues to defend homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, it's just not right that I do that.

On that note:

How's the wife and kids Art? (Do you like the new me?).

Yes Art, there really is a "gay gene" (Paul Cameron and I found it and are hiding it from the world) and those thousands and thousands of people who stated that they have left homosexuality behind are all a bunch of


Paul Cameron couldn't even find a legitimate source for his 'findings' and had to lie in order to fabricate his "research" so it's no surprise you'd gloss over that. Not to mention how much drama you're bringing to proceedings here as well. Projection?

Oh but Art, it isn't only the research of Paul Cameron that you and your fellow LGBTQueer/sexual anarchists have a problem with, it's anyone that dares speak out against homosexual behavior (Mark Regenerus, Irving Bieber, etc. etc. etc.).

Look at your own posts if you don't believe me.

And now to the crux of what bothers you, Al, Traci and every defender of homosexuality more than anything: As I've said numerous times before and will continue to say many many more times, when it comes to HATRED by the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, people like Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Paul Cameron, Bryan Fischer and me don't even register on the LGBTQueer HATE meter, it's those damn EX HOMOSEXUALS that are HATED a million times more than any right wing homophobic bigot could ever be hated, as they had the audacity to leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times desires behind.



New member
Yes Art, there really is a "gay gene" (Paul Cameron and I found it and are hiding it from the world) and those thousands and thousands of people who stated that they have left homosexuality behind are all a bunch of

Thousands and thousands? If there are so many why can't anyone find more than a handful (most of whom have jobs that depend on them continuing to claim that they
"left homosexuality behind"

And no one is calling them liars. They never claim to be heterosexuals

Oh but Art, it isn't only the research of Paul Cameron that you and your fellow LGBTQueer/sexual anarchists have a problem with, it's anyone that dares speak out against homosexual behavior (Mark Regenerus, Irving Bieber, etc. etc. etc.).
Doesn't change the fact Paul Cameron faked research data

Mark Regenerus? you mean the guy who wrote up a study about children of gay/lesbian parents but didn't bother to actually include any children of gay/lesbian parents?

Irving Bieber? Who is Irving Bieber?

And now to the crux of what bothers you, Al, Traci and every defender of homosexuality more than anything: As I've said numerous times before and will continue to say many many more times, when it comes to HATRED by the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, people like Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Paul Cameron, Bryan Fischer and me don't even register on the LGBTQueer HATE meter, it's those damn EX HOMOSEXUALS that are HATED a million times more than any right wing homophobic bigot could ever be hated, as they had the audacity to leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times desires behind.

no one hates ex-gays. People feel sorry for them because they spent years being lied to and years being emotionally and physically and often sexually abused by their families and by fake therapists and by bigots. Ex-gays need help and support to deal with the abuse they've suffered and the state of self hatred that reparative therapy has to instill in people as young as three years old.


New member
I did NOT say that, dear. YOUR words, not mine. :nono:

uh huh

It is not just one aspect of the cancer: It is the vehicle for metastasis of the tumor.

If SCOTUS makes SSM legal in all 50 states this June - which all legal experts seem to say the signs indicate - then there will be even more pushing of LGBT in schools, advertising (if gay marriage is legal in all 50 states, Valentine's Day commercials, etc. will follow suit), television, film, media.


New member
You are as bad as aCW in your mistrust of me. OMGGGGGGGGGGG :cry: why me?

There are many, many straight aspects of culture which to me are worse than pushing gay culture. I don't believe in Valentine's Day, period.

On my soul and honor: I AM NOT EXPRESSING HATRED FOR YOU OR GAYS WITH THESE WORDS. I can believe in rights without supporting a false cultural agenda.

stop being mean to me traci :cry:


New member
And now to the crux of what bothers you, Al, Traci and every defender of homosexuality more than anything: As I've said numerous times before and will continue to say many many more times, when it comes to HATRED by the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, people like Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Paul Cameron, Bryan Fischer and me don't even register on the LGBTQueer HATE meter, it's those damn EX HOMOSEXUALS that are HATED a million times more than any right wing homophobic bigot could ever be hated, as they had the audacity to leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times desires behind.
There is an element of truth here aCW at least in that gay people may resent being told that their sexual orientation is a simple matter of choice, because they believe that they know rather better what is innate to them just as most straight persons do too. I too would resent being told by someone with a religious agenda that I must change my sexual habits, even if I couldn't mentally change which sex I happen to find more desirable.

Here you have presented apparently ex-gay people who are imo probably currently rather more keen on their particular religious beliefs than in a perhaps previously unsatisfactory sex life and lifestyle often at conflict with or in opposition to their religion as they might see it.

However, simply abstaining from their previous sexual activities is not somehow choosing to become attracted to the opposite sex, which is typically not a possibility imo, other than perhaps for a bisexual. It's not becoming ex-gay. :nono:
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and yet, you refuse to grant "civil rights" for pedophiles :think:
Anyone deserves equal rights if they don't conflict with or affect the rights of others, including the right of the under aged to not be abused or used and to mature first before they make adult choices. :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps it was in the segment in Part 1 where I talked about all of the major homosexual organizations in the US and how in they talk so much about educating children about the LGBT movement (which is strange, because isn't homosexuality supposed to be about "two consenting adults?").

Hmm, reduced to editing my posts now are you? There's a shock...

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Or maybe it was in the segment where I talked about homosexual culture and things like public exhibitionism (I believe you call them "gay pride parades") and cruising in public parks/restrooms for anonymous sex?

I gave the reasons for your lies, your selective quoting notwithstanding...

(For those of you who don't read lisp, Art again answered that question with a "no").

Boy, for someone who's a self professed expert at mockery you ain't half repetitive and boring. Where's the elan Connie? The wit?

I'm just trying to acquaint you with the 'culture' of the behavior that you defend Art.

Which is as ridiculous as trying to argue that all heterosexual people have a 'culture' simply for being straight. Gay people have a right to exist without morons like you petitioning for their incarceration. The law reflects that. Suck it up.

It appears by all of your "no" answers to my questions, that the information that I've provided throughout this 3 part thread exposing homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is the truth and nothing but the truth (i.e. I haven't LIED! LIED! LIED! like I've been accused of doing).

Well of course it isn't and your lies about other posters are simply on you so why squirm away from your own sleaze? Nobody forces you to invent up homosexual innuendo so man up and take accountability for it.

The question that remains unanswered is:

Why are you defending such a sick behavior and evil movement?

The actual question that remains unanswered is the one you've deflected away from for pages now, that being when you 'chose' your orientation, whatever that happens to be.

As I told your good buddy Captain Obvious (aka Wizardofoz aka Aaron) in an earlier part of this thread: Speculating about someone based on the words and actions they use is not "lying", its mere speculation.

No, in your case it's simply projection, lies or a mixture of both. Straight men simply do not invent up the graphic homosexual rubbish that you do Connie. Speculation over your likelihood of being in the closet is justified because of that along with your morbid obsession with gay men.

But you're right Art, I really shouldn't accuse an unmarried 42 year old of being what he defends just because he ignores all of the information (which has been confirmed as true) that I've provided throughout this 3 part thread and continues to defend homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, it's just not right that I do that.

On that note:

How's the wife and kids Art? (Do you like the new me?).

You have no idea as to my relationship status which is the way it will remain. I don't share any private information with lying sleaze bags thanks but you do continue to 'presume' as you will. I don't care to know anything about yours in turn and I wouldn't believe it for a second anyway...

Oh but Art, it isn't only the research of Paul Cameron that you and your fellow LGBTQueer/sexual anarchists have a problem with, it's anyone that dares speak out against homosexual behavior (Mark Regenerus, Irving Bieber, etc. etc. etc.).

Look at your own posts if you don't believe me.

And now to the crux of what bothers you, Al, Traci and every defender of homosexuality more than anything: As I've said numerous times before and will continue to say many many more times, when it comes to HATRED by the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, people like Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Paul Cameron, Bryan Fischer and me don't even register on the LGBTQueer HATE meter, it's those damn EX HOMOSEXUALS that are HATED a million times more than any right wing homophobic bigot could ever be hated, as they had the audacity to leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times desires behind.

Oh quit with the melodrama already. You have no clue whatsoever.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I keep finding articles in support of pedophiles being "born that way". :plain:

Perhaps but that won't mean that society would ever tolerate child molestation as some dingbats try to claim with homosexuals being allowed to live in society. There's nothing whatsoever to support it as law reflects.


New member
of course

traci won't admit it, but social acceptance of homosexuality is just the first step towards social acceptance of pedophilia
Accepting that some people just happen to have paedophilic tendencies would be a step in the right direction.
Nobody here at least is even remotely suggesting that paedophiles have any right to use children in any way at all for it.
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