Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Oh, you complete and utter IDIOT:madmad:

I was speaking of MAN'S religion and how he may misuse and adulterate it, NOT Christ.

I would never have said, "Christ himself may lead to evil" - and you know it. God forbid.

You saw I qualified it with, "or those who use it's name", meaning "rather, or what man makes of it".

this is AN INTOLERABLE AND INEXCUSABLE INSULT. You have obviously never read Kant and Kierkegaard on Christ and Christendom................

If there is anyone who thinks I meant that 'Jesus Christ Himself promotes evil', please come forward; I will realize there is a second moron at TOL, of as great a caliber as aCW.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What homosexualist GFR7 just said is that Jesus Christ Himself promotes immoral behavior.

You are correct on the part that I didn't enlarge and put in bold cupcake (that one was for you zoo22).

There are those who call themselves "Christian" who definitely 'promote immoral behavior', in fact here's a guy who calls himself Christian yet says that people who engage in a behavior that God abhors should have special "rights".

Yet you started off your sentence with the words "It is true that Christianity itself...".

itself :

It's normal or customary self.

Again: your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement uses Jesus' words all of the time to promote their God-HATING agenda. The thread is full of quotes from these poor lost souls who will literally have "Hell to pay" when they meet their Maker.

Be afraid GFR7, be very afraid, as God will not be mocked.
You knew what I meant - stop pretending you're retarded. You are the mocker and it will come back to haunt you.


Here's another gem of a statement from homosexualist GFR7 (writing to his little buddy the Jr. Libertarian) :

2. Recall that aCW posts his thread not in the religious section, but rather in the political section. He is making a political statement and thus waging a political campaign.

For someone who allegedly has a degree in political science, you should know that it's not the role of the Church to legislate and enforce civil laws buttercup (that one was for you zoo22), but government.

Boy, dissecting your posts is more fun that dissecting a diseased bug (yet you have so much in common).


New member
aCultureRetard said:
Yet you started off your sentence with the words "It is true that Christianity itself...".

itself :

It's normal or customary self.
Um, yes. As when Paul in his epistles strongly admonished the churches;

and as John in the Book of Revelation gives Christ's own warning to the churches, some of whom tolerate Jezabel.

I hope you readers - if you have any - can see what a JERK you are being...............................


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps you could tell us what Jesus really meant when He said:

"Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

(When in doubt as to what Holy Scripture really means, always ask an atheist).

A modern English translation according to aCW's interpretation:

"You know that law I made about not eating shellfish? Yeah well, turns out it's what comes out that matters, not what goes in. Oops."

Ah yes, Mark 7:18-22 I see. :sherlock:
Imo the author of Gospel Mark is being somewhat more pragmatic, rational but mainly evangelising in claiming to speak for Jesus than whoever it was who wrote Deuteronomy and Leviticus claiming to speak for God.

Have you twoz ever thought about teaching theology at a Christian college, cuz your knowledge of Holy Scripture is beyond amazing.

I'm pretty sure when they look at your resumes they'll be very impressed with your backgrounds:

"Dope smoking pagan" and "God-HATING homosexual/atheist."

Always feel free to use me as a reference boyz.


New member
Um, yes. As when Paul in his epistles strongly admonished the churches;

and as John in the Book of Revelation gives Christ's own warning to the churches, some of whom tolerate Jezabel.

I hope you readers - if you have any - can see what a JERK you are being...............................
Care to address this one? :think:


New member
Here's another gem of a statement from homosexualist GFR7 (writing to his little buddy the Jr. Libertarian) :

For someone who allegedly has a degree in political science, you should know that it's not the role of the Church to legislate and enforce civil laws buttercup (that one was for you zoo22), but government.

Boy, dissecting your posts is more fun that dissecting a diseased bug (yet you have so much in common).
Um....yeeeeeaaah? :think: Sooooo????? I was addressing CL's assertion that non-feasibility is not an argument against you - only we both know it is :ha::chuckle:


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps you could tell us what Jesus really meant when He said:

"Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

(When in doubt as to what Holy Scripture really means, always ask an atheist).

Have you twoz ever thought about teaching theology at a Christian college, cuz your knowledge of Holy Scripture is beyond amazing.

I'm pretty sure when they look at your resumes they'll be very impressed with your backgrounds:

"Dope smoking pagan" and "God-HATING homosexual/atheist."

Always feel free to use me as a reference boyz.

Well then, why did eating shellfish suddenly become fine?


Back to politics. Boy, from lesbo bars to the Governor's Mansion, "you've come a long way baby".

America's First Openly Bisexual Governor

Feb. 13, 2015

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber submitted his resignation on Friday, just one month into his record fourth term in office. Kitzhaber's fate was all but sealed Thursday, after Secretary of State Kate Brown issued a statement describing his behavior, accurately, as "bizarre," top Democrats called on him to step down, and several of his closest advisers resigned.

The resignation takes effect on Wednesday, February 18, and according to the state's succession law, Brown will take over his job—and becomes a pioneer. She is the nation's first openly bisexual governor. (Like Kitzhaber, she's a Democrat.) By some standards, she's also the first openly LGBT governor. James McGreevey, former governor of New Jersey, sometimes gets that honor, but McGreevey came out while announcing his resignation amid a sex-and-influence scandal.

Read more: http://m.theatlantic.com/politics/a...oregon-John-Kitzhaber/385496/?utm_source=SFFB

Yet there is nothing "bizarre" about someone who is so totally sexually confused that they have sex with both genders.



Threads like these are all about Shari'a Law, the Christian version.

Speaking of muzzies. Boy, did I irritate one of your own the other day aikido7. The little pervert was drooling over some high school aged girls walking by us and was talking about about how he thought polygamy was great that that Solomon had 1,000 wives.

I think he is going to put a muzzie contract out on my head after I said:

"Don't get me started about Muhammad and his 9 year old wife."



Speaking of muzzies. Boy, did I irritate one of your own the other day aikido7. The little pervert was drooling over some high school aged girls walking by us and was talking about about how he thought polygamy was great that that Solomon had 1,000 wives.

I think he is going to put a muzzie contract out on my head after I said:

"Don't get me started about Muhammad and his 9 year old wife."


It is disconcerting for some believers to be faced with biblical evidence and sanction of what we today would call "pedophilia."

"The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there."
--.J.P. Hartley

Taking multiple wives and young women as wives was part of the culture and the times back then.

If you would like I could give you some historical and biblical proof of this, but you seem so curiously fixated on homosexuality I really don't think it will even register with you.


New member
Back to politics. Boy, from lesbo bars to the Governor's Mansion, "you've come a long way baby".

America's First Openly Bisexual Governor

Feb. 13, 2015

Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber submitted his resignation on Friday, just one month into his record fourth term in office. Kitzhaber's fate was all but sealed Thursday, after Secretary of State Kate Brown issued a statement describing his behavior, accurately, as "bizarre," top Democrats called on him to step down, and several of his closest advisers resigned.

The resignation takes effect on Wednesday, February 18, and according to the state's succession law, Brown will take over his job—and becomes a pioneer. She is the nation's first openly bisexual governor. (Like Kitzhaber, she's a Democrat.) By some standards, she's also the first openly LGBT governor. James McGreevey, former governor of New Jersey, sometimes gets that honor, but McGreevey came out while announcing his resignation amid a sex-and-influence scandal.

Read more: http://m.theatlantic.com/politics/a...oregon-John-Kitzhaber/385496/?utm_source=SFFB

Yet there is nothing "bizarre" about someone who is so totally sexually confused that they have sex with both genders.

Even though I am so angry at aCW that I could spit nails (and I do not condone 'gay' churches; if you do not apologize to me we are through :AMR1: and I mean it)---

I must say this woman looks gross and I find the whole bisexual thing immoral and revolting, UGH - what a pig :vomit: But it is the "B" in their LGBTQQI and how can anyone be surprised?


Even though I am so angry at aCW that I could spit nails (and I do not condone 'gay' churches; if you do not apologize to me we are through :AMR1: and I mean it)---

I must say this woman looks gross and I find the whole bisexual thing immoral and revolting, UGH - what a pig :vomit: But it is the "B" in their LGBTQQI and how can anyone be surprised?

Save the melodrama princess (that was for you zoo22), as per your recent post: homosexuals should have "rights". This proud and unrepentant moral degenerate who will obviously legislate pro homosexual/sexual anarchist laws is the direct result of what happens when a society gives special "rights" to those who proudly engage in abominable behaviors.


Save the melodrama princess (that was for you zoo22), as per your recent post, homosexuals should have "rights". This proud and unrepentant moral degenerate who will obviously legislate pro homosexual/sexual anarchist laws is the direct result of what happens when a society gives special "rights" to those who proudly engage in abominable behaviors.

Can you now understand why fundamentalist and conservative Islam and Christianity are under attack today?

The bigotry, other-worldliness, hypocrisy, violence, patriarchy and either/or reasoning make most citizens of our emerging global culture uncompelled and unpersuaded by the ancient tribal notions of the Muslims and Christians.


It is disconcerting for some believers to be faced with biblical evidence and sanction of what we today would call "pedophilia."

"The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there."
--.J.P. Hartley

Taking multiple wives and young women as wives was part of the culture and the times back then.

Obviously little Aisha when she first learned to talk uttered these words:

"When I'm 6 I want to marry a 50 year old man and consummate the marriage when I'm 9."

Pedophilia is a huge part of Islam, hence the reason you defend the muzzies AND the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement.



Obviously little Aisha when she first learned to talk uttered these words:

"When I'm 6 I want to marry a 50 year old man and consummate the marriage when I'm 9."

Pedophilia is a huge part of Islam, hence the reason you defend the muzzies AND the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement.


You have failed to address my points, which are undoubtedly and understandably hard for you to do.

I am defending the tenets of a person's faith by simply acknowledging the cultural and historical matrix. Christianity and Islam came to fruition among tribal people and those tribal codes are still operating in those faiths to some extent.

Homosexuality, pedophilia, polygamy--all facts of life and facts of religions all through history. Pointing out additional knowledge is not the same thing as supporting it.

Why conservatives put themselves into some victimhood stance when confronting facts, history and evidence that contradict their thinking still remains surprising to me.


You have failed to address my points, which are undoubtedly and understandably hard for you to do.

I am defending the tenets of a person's faith by simply acknowledging the cultural and historical matrix...

Homosexuality, pedophilia, polygamy--all facts of life and facts of religions the false religion of Islam all through history.

Fixed that for ya.

Now run along Abdul as I believe it's bomb making hour at your local mosque.

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