Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Since you go ga ga over Libertarians like Ron and Rand Paul, I assume that you vote for them.

Are you an anarchist who doesn't believe in the God ordained institution of government and what He expects of from it?

I'm a philosophical anarchist (anarcho-capitalist) but since I'm a Calvinist, I have no problem with the idea that God ordains things through his secret will that aren't actually moral but that God will use for a greater purpose.


(And here, GFR7 stoops so low as to copy and paste parts of Holy Scripture to try and make the case for keeping homosexuality legal) :

Wrong on both counts, my lord. You sorely disappoint me.

That's not true, that God's ways are simple:

On the contrary: The ways of the Lord are mysterious and inscrutable.

Romans 11:33

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!...


I'm a philosophical anarchist (anarcho-capitalist) but since I'm a Calvinist, I have no problem with the idea that God ordains things through his secret will that aren't actually moral but that God will use for a greater purpose.

You also have no problem with homosexuality and all kinds of sexual perversions being legal.


New member
(And here, GFR7 stoops so low as to copy and paste parts of Holy Scripture to try and make the case for keeping homosexuality legal) :
No, this scripture has for decades been near and dear to me;
My staple through many a dark hour.

You're just ashamed that scripture doesn't uphold your theories of God as simpleton and of
recriminalization leading to the fall of Babylon, you big, big, dummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-known member
You mean the "tyranny" of recriminalizing abortion, homosexuality, pornography and attempting to keep things like incest, bestiality, polygamy and recreational drug use illegal?

God says He will take care of it....You don't believe Him. And it because the government is involved in all this we are such dire straights. So thanks for your involvement.


No, this scripture has for decades been near and dear to me;
My staple through many a dark hour.

You're just ashamed that scripture doesn't uphold you theories of God as simpleton and of
recriminalization leading to the fall of Babylon, dummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I bet that you shared that portion of Holy Scripture with the boyz when you took all of your meals in the gay bars of Provincetown when you were doing weeks and weeks of "research" there.

(Sigh, he tries SO hard!).


New member
And I bet that you shared that portion of Holy Scripture with the boyz when you took all of your meals in the gay bars of Provincetown when you were doing weeks and weeks of "research" there.

(Sigh, he tries SO hard!).
No, I kept it to myself. Wholly to myself.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean the "tyranny" of recriminalizing abortion, homosexuality, pornography and attempting to keep things like incest, bestiality, polygamy and recreational drug use illegal?

God says He will take care of it....You don't believe Him. And it because the government is involved in all this we are such dire straights. So thanks for your involvement.

So why do you vote if God will "take care of it"?


(Make it quick fellas, Libertarian hour in the WHMBR! Part 3 thread is almost over...tick tock tick tock, amateur hour is over).


Now that some of TOL's Ron Paul/Libertarian faction have had their say (I had to temporarily close the thread to get the Libertarian stench out of the air), it's that time again...time for the table of contents update!


The following pages have a potpourri of topics (don't get too excited shagster, potpourri has nothing to do with dope, it means that there is an assortment of things to choose from), most having direct links to the post.

Table of contents for pages 201-220

"Celebrating NOM's Bryan Brown" (a review of how Bryan Brown doesn't know how to fight a culture war...hence the reason homosexualist GFR7 loves him like he does); page 201, post #3006

aCW educates Libertarian drbrumley about the close ties between the homosexual and abortion movement and the Libertarian (false) doctrine of freedom; page 202, post #3016

Homosexualist SignunCrucis joins the thread and has a short discussion with aCW over homosexuality and the Bible; page 202, post #3018; and how homophobic people are really 'gay' and are not accepting it; page 204, post #3056

According to homosexualist GFR7, if laws dealing with man's sinful nature were just left up to the respective states to decide, then things like homosexuality and abortion would just "die out" like the disco era or a hot air balloon losing it's helium; page 202, post #3023

aCW addresses the scaremongering tactics of homosexualist jgarden regarding the recriminalization of abortion and homosexuality; page 205, post #3064

Homosexualist GFR7 talks about "gay couples who love each other and who deserve legal protections" and how 'gay' bars flourished even when there were laws against homosexuality; aCW responds; page 205, post #3065

aCW reposts excerpts from Selwyn Duke's article "Why many American Christians really are un-Christian" for TOLer Thunder's Muse in response to her "Not all ministries are the same" comment; page 207, post #3105

aCW reminds homosexualist Art Brain of what happens when righteous laws are not legislated by showing pictures of homosexual obituary sites (Bay Area Reporter and Texas Obituary Project); page 208, post #3120

'Gay' Leader Sentenced for Pedophilia (leader of a Swedish homosexual rights group arrested in Sweden for raping, pimping and pedophilia); page 209, post #3134

Admitted Child Predator Arrested Again; (so much for US laws being tough on child molesters); page 210, post #3145

HRC pleased with B. Hussein Obama's nomination of Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General; Senator Ted Cruz wants a delay on the confirmation hearing; page 211, post #3151

A legacy of advancing LGBT rights as Attorney General (homosexual rag Washington Blade gives out-going AG Eric Holder accolades for his achievements); page 211, post #3153

Homosexual Activist Lays Out Obama’s Extensive Pro-’Gay’ Record; AFTAH Responds; page 211, post #3157

aCW's conversation with a very confused Thunder's Muse continues (link to "Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry); page 211, post #3160

aCW shows homosexualist GFR7's the voting record of his candidate B. Hussein Obama when he was an Illinois State Senator; page 211, post #3161

The new face of the NFL: LGBT, veterans open to bid on Super Bowl contracts; page 213, post #3190

‘It is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship’: Robin Beck on 35 years of ‘hell’ in the gay lifestyle; page 213, post #3191

AG Pick Puts Spotlight on Sharpton as White House "Insider" Did Al Sharpton help pick the next Attorney General? Link to article entitled: "Al Sharpton, merchant of bigotry and hate"); page 213, post #3192

Say What? Michael Brown's mother to Speak in Geneva to the United Nations; page 213, post #3193

UN May Seek Prosecution of Therapists Who Help Victims of Homosexual Abuse (Matt Barber article); page 214, post #3199

Why Are Media Conservatives Promoting Homosexual Propaganda? (Steve Baldwin article); page 214, post #3200

How ‘Gay’ Came to Mean ‘Homosexual’ (link article); page 214, post #3205

"Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project (link to NARTH article); page 214, post #3207

10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution (link to answersingenesis article); page 215, post #3214

Why GFR7 posts in the WHMBR! thread (hint, he doesn't do it to win the culture war); page 215, post #3218; GFR7 is "against certain aspects of the gay agenda, not anti gay in general"; page 219, post #3284

'Gay' Blood Donation Ban Could Be Lifted; page 216, post #3238

The 1972 'gay agenda' revisited. If homosexualist GFR7 is "suspicious" of certain parts of the agenda, then what parts does he like?; page 218, post #3238

Sen. Ted Cruz Headlining Hate Conference [i.e. pro traditional values] Hosted By Extremist Anti-Gay Group [Wallbuilders] This Weekend: VIDEO; page 218, post #3258

aCW has a brief conversation with TOLer serpentdove about the OT penalty phase for homosexuality; page 218, post #3268

Number of Homeless Children in US at All-Time High (link to article); page 220 post #3287

It's official: the Democrats are the party of the Devil (Selwyn Duke article); page 220, post #3296



for pages 221-240

In these 20 pages amongst other things you'll see the recurring theme of the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement: sex with youth, intolerance of anyone that dares speak out against homosexual behavior and how quickly the normalization of the "T" (transsexual) in the LGBTQueer acronym is progressing. Oh, and be sure to check out the post where I reviewed what B. Hussein Obama has done for the abortion and homosexual movements since he took office in 2008.

And then there's homosexualist GFR7...

aCW reviews Barack Hussein Obama's pro homosexual/pro abortion record during his first 4 years as President; page 221, post #3314

aCW posts a long list of homosexual publications that GFR7 (who stated he did a stint with a homosexual publication) might have worked for; page 222, post #3322

Homosexual HRC Founder Terry Bean Arrested for Raping 15-Year-Old Boy; page 222, post #3326

Terry Bean, HRC founder and accused pedersast/RAPIST's former boyfriend (Kiah Lawson) arrested for rape as well; page 223, post #3332

Ugandan lawmakers draft new traditional family bill; page 223, post #3340

Something just isn't right with the extremely well educated GFR7; page 224, post #3346; Who is "Scot"?; post #3349

Accused child rapist [and HRC founder Terry Bean] rode on Air Force One with Obama, raised $500k for Prez; page 224, post #3358

Judge calls Lawrence ( v Texas) case setup; Supreme Court fooled in landmark sodomy ruling, she says; page 225, post #3364

Ex-Gays Call on Human Rights Campaign to Fund Reparative Therapy for HRC’s Alleged Pedophile Founder and His Child Victim (Barbwire.com article); page 225, post #3368

aCW discusses with homosexualist GFR7 what kind of punishment HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST Terry Bean should get if convicted; page 225, post #3374; page 226, post #'s 3376 and 3378 (it was the 15 year old's fault)

Matthew Shepard's Parents Head to Russia (the continued exploitation of Matthew Shepard); page 227, post #3403

Does ex Olympian Bruce Jenner have the trannysex bug?; page 228, post #3417

Bruce Jenner Has A 'Sex Change Coach'? Renee Richards Reportedly Gives Reality Star Advice On Sex Reassignment Surgery; page 228, post #3419

aCW discusses transgenderism with homosexualist GFR7 and based on GFR7's words, comes to the conclusion that changing one's sex is not a moral issue for him, but a physical one (i.e. they're too tall, their hands are too big, etc.); page 229, post #3421; aCW confronts GFR7 about his "Master Race mentality"; post #3432

The 'Gaystapo' is at it again: Petition by LBGT activists to cancel Christian reality show "19 kids and counting" due to Michelle Duggar speaking out against transgender bill; page 229, post #3425

The Rifleman revisted (aCW once again pays tribute to the 60's tv western that had Judeo-Christian doctrine as part of it's theme; page 230, post #3427; As usual, homosexualist's Uberpod1 and GFR7 turn something pure and good into something filthy; post #3441

Liberal Logic 101 (Peter LaBarbera shows via cartoon how liberals are intolerant); page 230 post #3448

Link to table of contents for pages 141-160; page 230, post #3450; for pages 161-180; page 231, post #3451

Why liberals are turning on Bill Cosby over rape allegations; page 231, post #3459

Nazi Tactics in “Gay” Politics (The modern day homosexual movement learned their tactics from Adolf Hitler and company); page 231, post #3460

Bill Cosby: Address at the NAACP' on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education; page 232, post #3469

Ricky Skaggs -- Gay Country Singers Welcomed ... 'We're All Sinners'; page 233, post #3481

Legendary actor/comedian Bill Cosby talks about his support for President Obama in 2008 and now in 2012; page 233, post #3494

Pedophilia is left wing Hollywood's biggest problem (review of an interview by once child actor Corey Feldman; page 234, post #'s 3499 and 3501

The crucifixion of Pastor Scott Lively (Matt Barber article showing how the homosexual movement has targeted pastor, political activist and author Scott Lively, but more so showing what Christian love is all about); page 234, post #3502

A homosexual blogger talks about pederasty and how often those who engage in homosexual behavior talk about it; page 234, post #3504

Ferguson MO Police Officer Darren Wilson not indicted for the shooting death of St. Michael Brown (aCW sends his condolences to the LGBT community and their fellow liberals); page 234, post #3508

HRC Expresses Disappointment After Grand Jury Fails to Bring Michael Brown Shooting Case to Trial; page 234, post #3510

SICKO GAY LEADER GETS MEDIA PASS (Bill Donohue on HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST Terry Bean's voyeurism and financial investments); page 235, post #3524

General Thanksgiving (a proclamation by President George Washington); page 238, post #3557

Human Rights Campaign’s Predator Problem: Founder Terry Bean, Major Obama & Democrat Fundraiser, Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy (AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera's take on accused pederast/RAPIST and HRC founder Terry Bean); page 239, post #3571

Christian Parents-Gay Story (parents grieve over the death of their sexually confused son); page 239, post #3576

Atlanta fire chief suspended over book controversy (the gaystapo at work again); page 240, post #
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There's all kinds of good stuff in these 20 pages: a transsexual who became famous for becoming pregnant was arrested for stalking his/her ex "wife" Then there's homosexualist Truths4yer who uses an analogy with antiperspirants and anticoagulants as a reason to keep homosexuality decriminalized.

There are a couple of very interesting posts that talk about the penalty phase against homosexuality when it comes to the Bible.
For those of you that are struggling with homosexual desires (or for those of you that have just given into them) I attached a link to "Ex-Gay Truth", which has helped many people change their desires and behavior when it comes to homosexuality.

The thread couldn't go 20 pages without an article or two showing how intolerant the LGBTQueer movement (which AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera states the LGBT movement now wants to be referred as) is against anyone that dares to speak out against homosexuality or it's agenda. I highlighted in red a HRC report establishing the need for a LGBT federal anti discrimination bill.

So there's never a dull moment when it comes to what the LGBTQueer movement and it's lost souls who consist of it are up to since the decriminalization of homosexuality.

Table of contents for pages 241-260

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed wants his gay bromance back (with the thugs at HRC); More on the harassment of Atlanta Fire Chief (and devout Christian) Kelvin Cochran; page 241, post #3604

A review of Selwyn Duke's "Why many American Christians really are un-Christian" ("...There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations...but Truth is absolute, universal and eternal"); page 242, post #3625

Homosexualist annabenedetti plays the "separation of church and state" card (on the Kelvin Cochran incident), aCW sets her straight with Thomas Jefferson's "Letters to the Dansbury Baptists"; page 243, post #3633

In "Pregnant transsexual stalking" news: Famed ‘pregnant man’ arrested for stalking ex-‘wife’; page 243, post #3637

The Myth of Homosexuality in Nature (the falsehood of animals that engage in homosexual behavior is once again addressed); page 243, post #3643

UKIPS Nigel Farage exposed as a homosexualist (no wonder GFR7 loves him like he does); page 244, post #3657

Homosexualist Truths4yer uses antiperspirants and anticoagulants to make his case for keeping homosexuality decriminalized (aCW discusses the disease aspect of homosexuality for several pages with homosexualist T4y); page 245, post #3663

Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision: Former NBA star Charles Barkley called Ferguson looters 'scumbags' and said that is 'key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story; page 245, post #3668

Michael Brown's stepfather under investigation for inciting Ferguson riots; page 246, post #3676

Nazaroo rejoins the thread and talks about capital punishment for those caught engaging in homosexual behavior; page 249, post #3726

Ex-Gay Truth, aCW shares information from a website that helps people leave homosexual behavior (and often times desires) behind with homosexualist Truths4yer; page 250, post #3738

HRC Releases Report Establishing Basis for Federal LGBT Non-Discrimination Bill; page 250, post #3739

The 3 divisions of Old Testament Laws (civil, moral and ceremonial); page 251, post #3743

The question is: should this [the OT's] harsh punishment [of death] be applied to today’s world [towards those who are guilty of engaging in homosexual behavior]? Does it have universal application?; page 250, post #3745

AFTAH Adopts ‘LGBTQueer’ Designation to Replace ‘LGBT’ – Applauds Homosexual Task Force for Adding ‘Q’ to its Name; page 251, post #3763

God doesn't make mistakes (Youtube video of the Down Syndrome Song); page 256, post #3837

GFR7's latest heart throb: exitentialist Ortega y Gasset; page 257, post #3841

aCW talks about 'homosexual culture' with homosexualist GFR7: "Secret Signals: How Some Men Cruise for Sex" (abc news article); page 258, post #3864
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New member
aCW, I wonder why it is that you seem to find homosexuality a rather more urgent crusade than say abortion?
It presumably motivates you more for some reason even when consensual, responsible, private and none of your business. :plain:


aCW, I wonder why it is that you seem to find homosexuality a rather more urgent crusade than say abortion?
It presumably motivates you more for some reason even when consensual, responsible, private and none of your business. :plain:

I guess we need to review that the abortion movement is one and the same with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e they're both sexual anarchists (and both were decriminalized about the same time).




New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
..."We know that the law is good if one uses it properly."
1 Timothy 1:8

Let's start using it properly people and put an end to this insanity.

Welcome to the politics forum of TOL Jed (i.e government: one of 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of man)...
[/indent]'Point is, you're a Christian. The Bible, the New Testament, and our Apostle Paul, says that homosexual relations are not sins against our neighbors, and are sins only against ourselves. Therefore, the Bible, the New Testament, and Paul, all say, You can't call this criminal, it's immoral, and immoral to treat it like a crime.

I mentioned seatbelt and helmet laws because even though homosexual relations and lusts are only harmful to the perpetrators themselves, perhaps it would be loving to provide a gentle nudge in the right direction -- I didn't know if that was ever attempted.

Also, why don't you just move this on over to religion where it belongs. All political motives can come from what we believe. Come sharpen those of us in religion, and we will sharpen you back.

While I have ridden in a vehicle without a seatbelt, and rode a bike without a helmet, not once did it cross my mind that what I was doing was akin to committing an act of sodomy with someone of my own gender.

...Nice try though Jed.
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