Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Happy New Year to all of the followers of the 3 part "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads!

I hope that all of you will start the new year off by strengthening your relationship with God (spiritually through your church, building strong family ties, and becoming politically active) or those that haven't created a relationship with God start one.

Before I respond to some of the most recent posts, there are a couple of articles that need to be posted as well as an updated table of contents.

There's so much more to cover in this thread and I am grateful that God has given me to the strength and courage to pursue this very important topic!



New member
Happy New Year to all of the followers of the 3 part "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads!

I hope that all of you will start the new year off by strengthening your relationship with God (spiritually through your church, building strong family ties, and becoming politically active) or those that haven't created a relationship with God start one.

Before I respond to some of the most recent posts, there are a couple of articles that need to be posted as well as an updated table of contents.

There's so much more to cover in this thread and I am grateful that God has given me to the strength and courage to pursue this very important topic!

Welcome back, aCW!!! And a Happy New Year to you. :kiss::sinapisN::the_wave:


I wanted to share excerpts from a fantastic article that our good friend Linda Harvey at Mission America wrote that should inspire those fighting the culture. It's entitled:

How You Can Change the World in 2015

Dec. 29, 2014

Was 2014 a year of darkness in America? Or was it a year of hidden promise?

I think it’s the latter, because there are many hopeful harbingers for 2015. Despite some disturbing, jaw-dropping events of the past year, we really aren’t at the mercy of cowardly Republicans, demonic Democrats, vicious feminists and homosexual bullies. These fools present great challenges to American culture, to freedom and to the rule of law, but in many ways, they are in self-destruction mode.

While we pray for any individuals who can be pulled out of the coming fire, let’s assist their causes toward a sure demise.

How? By telling the truth—relentlessly!

Indeed, 2014 was the “Year of the Paper Tiger.” Now it’s time to file last year as history and plan a stellar future. Let’s start by remembering the lesson of the November elections. What a powerful exercise by “We the People,” showing that Joe and Jane America really do understand what’s at stake.

So let’s grab that change-orientation and maintain the momentum. Still, some people will sigh over problems that seem too big for any one person. Some will contend that the destruction of America has already gone too far. Not true! Here’s how you can make a significant and culture-changing difference in the coming months:

1.First, remember that as believers, Almighty God is right beside us. We are encouraged to be overcomers (Rev.3:21 ). It’s really God’s fight and we are simply His warriors, if we choose to be. So, join God’s battalion and start by understanding military readiness. It’s not simply a defensive fight. We must willingly, even enthusiastically push back!

The loony left does not represent America and their ideas are mostly poison. Let me make it clear, I am not advocating civil unrest or violence here (like liberals sometimes do), but in the public square of reasonable debate over public policy, don’t let them get away with calculated deception, obfuscation, and other evil nonsense. Expose mythology for what it is.

Don’t be afraid to say, “Not true!” when some maintain that sodomy and abortion are the high ground,...

2. So, how do we do this? Commit to at least one “push back” activity each week. Make one phone call to a corporate supporter of “LGBT” deviance, or send one email to a pro-abortion politician. Make an online comment challenging anti-Christian bigotry, and be sure to call your child’s school and object to anti-American, pro-Marxist lessons....

3. Get ready for the battle by becoming mentally and spiritually fit. Commit to a regimen of personal improvement, including better nutrition, more exercise, more sleep, less TV, less social media, and more thoughtful reading, starting with Scripture every day. Commit to daily prayer and you will be surprised how motivated you become to make changes at home and in your community...

4. Make lists for focus and courage. One of the attributes of highly successful people is written goal-setting...

5. Think about the heartbreaking impact on children. If you hesitate to call Macy’s, Walmart, or Target protesting their support of the homosexual agenda, think about the sordid example they are setting for our nation’s most vulnerable...

6. Support those who are unjustly accused. I am thinking of Scott Lively, my longtime pro-family colleague, accused by vicious George Soros-funded “gay” groups of so-called “crimes against humanity.” Or of Barronelle Stutzman and her florist business, Arlene’s Flowers, sued by the ACLU and the Attorney General of the state of Washington simply for declining to provide service for a same sex ceremony...

7.Remember that God is on the side of virtue, so dream big dreams! Start a parents’ roundtable to change your local schools. Overturn a local city or school measure upholding “LGBT” behavior. Or take a group to visit the editor of your local paper. Start your own blog, promote it like crazy and write the unvarnished truth. Back a solid conservative political candidate and work tirelessly for his or her election. Or—be that person yourself!

Can we make big changes in 2015? Absolutely!...

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/12/29/0700-can-change-world-2015/




...Little gay looking boy

So gay
I can barely say it with a straight face looking boy

You witnessing a massacre
Like you watching a church gathering take place looking boy

Oy vey, that boy's gay,
that's all they say looking boy

You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
And a way to go from your label everyday looking boy

Hey, looking boy,
what you say looking boy?

I got a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boy

I'mma work for everything I have
Never ask nobody for s**t, get outta my face looking boy

Basically boy
you're never gonna be capable
To keep up with the same pace looking boy...

Rap God ~ Eminem

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:


New member
...Little gay looking boy

So gay
I can barely say it with a straight face looking boy

You witnessing a massacre
Like you watching a church gathering take place looking boy

Oy vey, that boy's gay,
that's all they say looking boy

You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
And a way to go from your label everyday looking boy

Hey, looking boy,
what you say looking boy?

I got a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boy

I'mma work for everything I have
Never ask nobody for s**t, get outta my face looking boy

Basically boy
you're never gonna be capable
To keep up with the same pace looking boy...

Rap God ~ Eminem

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


I've talked quite a bit throughout this 3 part thread about how the homosexual movement permeated both psychological associations (The American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association), which had a huge influence on the decriminalization of homosexuality and 'studies' that have and are currently being done by so-called 'psychologists'.

A friend recently told me about this website, something that should be a real eye-opener to anyone who believes that today's so-called 'research' isn't totally biased in favor of the homosexual movement.




New member
I've talked quite a bit throughout this 3 part thread about how the homosexual movement permeated both psychological associations (The American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association), which had a huge influence on the decriminalization of homosexuality and 'studies' that have and are currently being done by so-called 'psychologists'.

A friend recently told me about this website, something that should be a real eye-opener to anyone who believes that today's so-called 'research' isn't totally biased in favor of the homosexual movement.


Very telling, but hardly surprising. Since `1973, when advocates pushed for the declassification of homosexuality, the APA has worked tirelessly to promote the rainbow agenda. Many psychologists are themselves gay or lesbian, and are fully on the side of gay expansion and gay marriage and adoption.

How this could be reversed is anyone's guess, as NARTH has not been able to slow down this speeding train in any way.

Does this sound like a neutral, objective, scientifically-rooted program? On the contrary, it is heavily, heavily biased in favor of bi, homo, trans choices.

About Division 44

Our Mission and goals

The Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues (SPSLGBTI) welcomes all those interested in psychological research, education and training, practice, and advocacy on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues and all lesbian women, gay men, bisexual women, bisexual men, transgendered people, and their allies.

SPSLGBTI respects the diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people and recognizes that multiple dimensions of diversity including race, ethnicity, gender, ability, age, and class affect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues.

We support and mentor students and others interested in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered issues. We work collaboratively with others on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered concerns locally, nationally, and internationally.

The purpose of the organization shall be:

To advance the contributions of psychology as a discipline to the understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues through basic and applied research

To promote education and training in matters of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues including special issues associated with practice, research, education and training, and the public interest

To promote the development and delivery of affirmative psychological services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people

To use psychological knowledge to advocate for the advancement of the public interest and the welfare of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people

To inform the general public about research, education and training, practice, and advocacy on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered issues

So aCW, considering the above, and the fact that the APA is a hugely (wrongly) respected and wealthy organization, how could recriminalization - or even a small reversal of the APA agenda - ever take place? Although Harvey makes a very good list - We've had DECADES to wage a "push-back", and it hasn't worked at all. :think:
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Does it have any homo photos?
Pr 4:23

I didn't wander into the website too far, as I only had protective eyewear and gloves on (I always recommend full body bloodborne pathogen protective gear when entering a homosexual website, who knows what you might catch there).




In these 20 pages readers will find many articles about homosexual pedophilia and pederasty, and some articles on the transsexual movement (the "T" in the LGBT acronym). Because HATRED and intolerance against anything good and decent is the mainstay of the homosexual movement, you'll continue to read articles showing such. I highlighted in red a couple of posts about Christian apathy, and how evil is allowed to prevail because of it. Of course the cure for such apathy is getting involved in the political process.

Table of contents for pages 181-200


New member
Here's a horror story you may have missed:

Surrogate mother for gay couple is left bankrupt
as they skip town for Brazil:

Surrogate fathers tore my life apart: Used abused and called trailer trash...how UK poster boys for gay fatherhood turned on woman hired for her womb

  • Drewitt-Barlows were first gay couple on surrogate baby’s birth certificate
  • Set up surrogacy agency and starred in reality show The Parent Makers
  • Megan Hoffner claims she has been left £60,000 in debt by the pair
  • She stands to lose her home and is embroiled in a legal fight
By Caroline Graham
Published: 23:02 GMT, 3 January 2015 |

Updated: 23:02 GMT, 3 January 2015



Megan Hoffner, pictured, claims she has been left £60,000 in debt, stands on the brink of losing her home and is embroiled in a legal fight

Millionaire businessmen Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow present themselves as the poster boys of British surrogate parenting.
But for one surrogate the decision to work with their British Surrogacy Centre (BSC) has proved to be disastrous.
The Drewitt-Barlows were the first gay couple named on a surrogate baby’s birth certificate and went on to have four more children, set up their surrogacy agency and star in reality show The Parent Makers.
But 5,000 miles away in San Diego, Megan Hoffner claims she has been left £60,000 in debt, stands on the brink of losing her home and is embroiled in a legal fight which has taken her to the edge of financial ruin.
It is a complicated tale mired in claim and counter-claim from which no one emerges unscathed.
‘This whole process has been a disaster,’ she says.
‘The low point for me was going into hospital for an emergency Caesarean section and waking up to find nobody would tell me if the twins I was carrying were alive or dead. I still have nightmares and anxiety attacks to this day.’
Megan, a 35-year-old mother of two, had successfully been a surrogate to twin girls for a Spanish family when, at the end of 2013, she decided to become a surrogate again.
She said: ‘I wanted to bring the joy of children to a family who might not otherwise experience that happiness. You get paid to be a surrogate, but this was never about making money.’

She added: ‘The British Surrogacy Centre leapt out at me. Barrie and Tony sounded like remarkable men. I got in touch with their local office in LA. I thought I was in for another magical journey. Instead it turned into the worst experience of my life.’
At first, Megan says, all went well. She signed a 24-page surrogacy agreement on November 21 2013 in which she agreed to bear a child (or multiple children) for Marco Aurelio Lucas and Roberto De Souza Silva. Megan is coldly referred to as ‘Carrier’ throughout.
The document says Megan will be paid £22,500 for one child – with childcare, lost wages, medical bills and ‘extra baby’ clauses built in – and an extra £5,000 for twins.


My Weird And Wonderful Family: Tony and Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, the gay Essex couple hold a pair of long-distance twins Dallas and Jasper they were the first gay couple named on a surrogate baby’s birth certificate

She also agrees to give up all parental rights to the children. The document says Megan will be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.
She agrees not to smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs and the document coldly discusses what will happen if the child is born with life-threatening illness: ‘The Carrier shall have no input. The decision to utilize life-sustaining treatment…for the child shall be made by the Intended Parents.’
Megan, who works as a personal assistant for her father, a legal adviser for US Army veterans, says there were money problems from the start.
‘At my first appointment they told me I was carrying twins. I was very sick so the doctor ordered me to take total bed rest. I couldn’t work. The bills started piling up.’
She claims the BSC failed to provide a translator, making it difficult for her to correspond with the Portuguese-speaking ‘intended parents’ in Brazil, adding: ‘I tried to do everything through the BSC, but they were grossly incompetent.’
Megan explained: ‘I kept submitting bills for expenses and the payments would be late. The BSC told me there were issues in Brazil and that because surrogacy was illegal in Brazil they’d had their bank account flagged up. I emailed Barrie Drewitt-Barlow at the end of last year, begging him to help to get my bills paid. In return he sent me emails full of abuse.’

In one email Drewitt-Barlow, who lives in a sprawling Essex mansion, purportedly wrote: ‘I advised your Ips (Intended Parents) NOT to pay you anything at all because you are a crazy ***** who deserves to be locked up! Your Ips will not be paying you one more penny! I am so happy that they ran from you!’
Another says: ‘U should be ashamed of urself you utterly selfish cow! You are just trailer trash woman and I want nothing more to do with u! I will dig up all ur dirt including all the lawyers u p****d off on this case! You will not get one more penny, let’s face it ur contract will not stand up in any court in Brazil! Lol.’
Barrie Drewitt-Barlow last night claimed the emails shown to The Mail on Sunday by Megan had been doctored – something she vehemently denies.
But she admits she’s made mistakes, including an angry email exchange with the Brazilians. ‘I sent some hateful emails to the Brazilian couple which I deeply regret.
I asked them if they really wanted these babies. They interpreted that as me threatening to abort the twins. I would never do that.
But I told them, if they didn’t want these children, I would have to place them up for adoption.’ Megan says she bears no ill-will towards the Brazilians, who moved to San Diego for the birth. They take a less charitable view of Megan, saying she was unreliable and unsuitable to be a surrogate.
But there is one thing that they all agree upon – the BSC did a poor job, a point made by their lawyer in court documents.
Megan went into labour on 30 August last year: ‘I was doubled over in pain and rushed to the nearest hospital. I was heavily sedated. When I woke up the babies were gone and nobody would tell me if they were alive or dead as I had signed over my rights.’
Megan never saw the twins and was forced to go to court to try to get her outstanding bills paid. A Californian judge ordered £16,000 to be placed in a bond for her, which she claims the Brazilians failed to pay – choosing instead to leave the country.
Megan went on to say: ‘I blame BSC for all the problems. The Brazilians didn’t realise that the costs could escalate as they did.’
Last night Reece Statham, vice-president of the BSC, said: 'The majority of the money Megan claims is owed is medical fees incurred because she insisted on using a hospital not covered by her medical insurance. She was advised of this but refused to change.’
Megan claims that she used an ineligible hospital because she needed an emergency delivery.
Curiously, the BSC denies having any responsibility for administering the contract or even creating it, saying it was negotiated through both sides’ legal representatives.
Barrie Drewitt-Barlow told The Mail on Sunday that Megan had been extremely difficult to deal with and that her lifestyle meant she was not suitable as a surrogate.
‘She actually is as mad as a hatter,’ he said. Which rather begs the question – why was she chosen to be a surrogate in the first place?



New member
So aCW, considering the above, and the fact that the APA is a hugely (wrongly) respected and wealthy organization, how could recriminalization - or even a small reversal of the APA agenda - ever take place? Although Harvey makes a very good list - We've had DECADES to wage a "push-back", and it hasn't worked at all. :think:

those darn facts. How can people promote hate, prejudice and discrimination with all these scientists doing and publishing actual research?


New member
those darn facts. How can people promote hate, prejudice and discrimination with all these scientists doing and publishing actual research?
Whether we view them as facts, or on the contrary, as biased propaganda, the question remains for aCW: Now that a massively powerful and richly endowed organization such as the APA has reached this point with the LGBT lobby - and it has been building for decades now - how would this allow for recriminalization?


Before I move on with continuing to expose both homosexual behavior and it's God-HATING agenda, I have some posts that I need to reply to. I'll start off with annab's, then GFR7's and finish with the one that I suspect everyone is wondering about (Did aCW use profanity?).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I just received a very HATEFUL note from pagan homosexualist annadennebettti. This is the first time I've thought this, as I've always just written her off as...

You didn't receive a "very HATEFUL note" from me. Not a PM and not a visitor message. What you got from me was a neg rep.

One can give another a negative rep without adding a comment. Hence the use of the word "note".

I told you that you were a liar, and that everyone could see that but you.

A couple of things: I didn't get the memo that stated you were speaking for "everyone". Now when you are talking about "everyone", are you referring to "everyone" that has viewed this 3 part thread or those in your little moral relativist circle that don't want to deal with the truth about homosexuality and the agenda that goes with it since it was decriminalized?

Go ahead, produce the neg rep aCW, I don't mind.

No need to, I can feel the HATE oozing out of your pores in every post and note that you write.

You're a liar. You lie all the time, and you don't own up to it. If I gave you the benefit of the doubt, it would be that you're so consumed by your own hatred and obsession that you really can't see that you're lying.

You represent people and an extremely well organized movement that are living a lie. They HATE the truth and accuse anyone that exposes their lies of the same thing.

But I won't give you the benefit of the doubt, because I know better. As you've indicated in threads about torture,

While I've touched briefly on homosexual sadomasochism and bondage (i.e. torture), I'll deal with that subject in a later segment.

...you believe the end justifies the means. So in your morality crusade, anything goes, anything's acceptable, if it advances your cause. The destruction of truth is merely collateral damage to you. You've lied (or used innuendo to accomplish what you didn't actually say outright) about so many people over the years. I think you've created an identity for yourself in your own mind as some kind of an action hero, a superman out to protect "truth, justice and the American Way" but in the process you've turned all those things into cartoons.

Yes anna, the end does justify the means. The end of course helping people leave a 'deathstyle' behavior behind and destroying a God-HATING/child molesting agenda, the means being re-legislating righteous laws in helping them do so. (We finally agree on something).

As for your "speculation," it wouldn't matter if I said I wasn't a lesbian, because once you have the idea in your head, you'll just keep saying it. I've watched you "speculate" that way about others, and watched as they kept setting you straight only to have you say it again. I'm not going to go that route because 1. I can't be bothered, 2. I'm not fazed by the word the way you are, and 3. it bothers me a lot more that you lied about me sending you a "very HATEFUL note" because I didn't send you a note, and telling you that you're a liar isn't being hateful.

What's so flabbergasting (oh my, aCW used a 4 syllable word) about your last paragraph is that you, like so many others that are in your circle, act like engaging in homosexual behavior is wrong and something to be ashamed of.

Why is that anna?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: I can't help but wonder why the people on TOL who unapologetically defend homosexuality are so incensed when they are accused of engaging in the very same behavior that they defend.

In that fevered brain of yours, you imagine that you have the power to incense people - you build up those scarecrows in your mind so you can sally forth on your grand crusade against them. Most everyone I've seen "accused" by you in that way takes it in stride, as do I. You think you're insulting me, but you might as well have "speculated" that I have brown eyes.

(aCW speculates that they're fiery red when she's mad).

Your crusade has had the opposite effect than you intended, aCW. After seeing how you and others would treat people who aren't breaking the law,

I see that you're quite impressed with secular humanist laws, but not God's.

I understand better than I did before how important our civil rights are.

Keep in mind that those so-called "civil rights" that you're talking about are not only is responsible for disease, misery and early death amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior, but the murder of 58 million innocent unborn babies in a 41 year period.
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