Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yeah, here in the US we honor them [pedophiles/pederasts] with a postage stamp.

Hardly. The Swedes give 5 years, we give often 50 years or LWOP.

Recall the LA couple with Boy 1. At least 40 years.

Mark J Newton was given 40 years for child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor
[*]Newton and his partner bought a baby boy for $8000 in Russia in 2005
[*]Evidence shows sexual abuse occurred before the child was two years old
[*]The men were arrested in California in 2012
[*]Russian President Vladimir Putin today signed laws limiting the adoption of Russian children by foreign gay couples.

Here in the US we allow those who proudly engage in a perverse behavior (one where the indoctrination, grooming and physical molestation of children is not only common, but promoted), to adopt, foster care and mentor children. After they do what is inevitable, we throw the book at them.

Makes total sense to me.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you're talking about God and His Word as seen in Holy Scripture with Art, you'd better try another approach, cuz it's not getting through.

Oh, ye of little faith.

I have faith that sharing God's Word, if in the right hands, can do miraculous things, even for people like Art Brain.

"...some other guy"?

Uh, missed it? OK.

You missed His greatest commandment.

Matthew 22:36-40

Regardless, I don't have to do things the same way you do, to be doing the will of God.

Would endorsing righteous laws that deal with this particular sin be "doing the will of God"?

And to think that this exchange began with a genuine compliment. Bizarre.

And it went downhill from there:

Breathe...he wants to make you angry....

Make your pagan and atheist friends angry TM, God expects it of you.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I have faith that sharing God's Word, if in the right hands, can do miraculous things, even for people like Art Brain.

"..the right hands..." You wouldn't mean yourself, by any chance?

You missed His greatest commandment.

Matthew 22:36-40

No way you could possibly know that, so void comment.

Would endorsing righteous laws that deal with this particular sin be "doing the will of God"?

I've never said otherwise.

And it went downhill from there:

Because you have no self control.

Make your pagan and atheist friends angry TM, God expects it of you.

No, you expect it because it then justifies your own conduct.

The only thing God expects of me is: Matthew 22:36-40

Fighting homosexuals is what you do. That's your bag. Your calling. The burden God has placed on your heart. Good for you.

I, however, have a different calling; God chose to place a different burden on my heart....and really, what would you know about it? Who are you to question it? I don't need your approval and if you have issue with my calling, then you can take it up with God.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I have faith that sharing God's Word, if in the right hands, can do miraculous things, even for people like Art Brain.

"..the right hands..." You wouldn't mean yourself, by any chance?

Hands other than a former agnostic turned Christian. Learn about the Bible before you go preaching it.

You missed His greatest commandment.

Matthew 22:36-40

No way you could possibly know that, so void comment.

I'm just making sure that you know there's more to the "some other guy" comment.

Would endorsing righteous laws that deal with this particular sin be "doing the will of God"?

I've never said otherwise.

Yet I don't see you acknowledging that as part of His message to mankind.

And it went downhill from there:

Because you have no self control.

I'm not the one who was trying to make a terribly morally confused man feel better about himself.

Make your pagan and atheist friends angry TM, God expects it of you.

No, you expect it because it then justifies your own conduct.

The only thing God expects of me is: Matthew 22:36-40

Fighting homosexuals is what you do. That's your bag. Your calling. The burden God has placed on your heart. Good for you.

I, however, have a different calling; God chose to place a different burden on my heart....and really, what would you know about it? Who are you to question it? I don't need your approval and if you have issue with my calling, then you can take it up with God.

Take a few days away from your "calling" (hanging out with your pagan and atheist buddies on an internet forum) and think about Matthew 22:36-40 . You'll find that you're neglecting to use a very important part of His ministries.

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Here in the US we allow those who proudly engage in a perverse behavior (one where the indoctrination, grooming and physical molestation of children is not only common, but promoted), to adopt, foster care and mentor children. After they do what is inevitable, we throw the book at them.

I amend the end of that statement with the following word:


For every harsh sentence imposed on a pedophile, there are way too many such as this:

Admitted Child Predator Arrested Again

Sept. 12, 2014

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa — A convicted pedophile who struck a plea deal after he was charged with trying to molest several children and kidnap two others, is charged with child-sex crimes again.

Last October, we introduced you to Stewart Smith, a convicted child predator who wasn’t afraid to admit it. When reporter Aaron Brilbeck asked Smith, “Are you a pedophile?” Smith’s response was a simple “Yes.”

Thursday, Smith was arrested near Tampa, Florida. Police say he is wanted here in Iowa on charges he sexually abused two teenage girls over the past several years, starting when each victim was just eight years old.

Back in May of last year, Smith accepted a plea deal after he was accused of trying to entice at least eight separate children, the youngest just 8-years old, into having sex with him. He was also accused attempted child stealing for essentially trying to kidnap a 12-year old girl and her younger sister.

Read more:


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Here in the US we allow those who proudly engage in a perverse behavior (one where the indoctrination, grooming and physical molestation of children is not only common, but promoted), to adopt, foster care and mentor children. After they do what is inevitable, we throw the book at them.

I amend the end of that statement with the following word:


For every harsh sentence imposed on a pedophile, there are way too many such as this:

Admitted Child Predator Arrested Again

Sept. 12, 2014

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa — A convicted pedophile who struck a plea deal after he was charged with trying to molest several children and kidnap two others, is charged with child-sex crimes again.

Last October, we introduced you to Stewart Smith, a convicted child predator who wasn’t afraid to admit it. When reporter Aaron Brilbeck asked Smith, “Are you a pedophile?” Smith’s response was a simple “Yes.”

Thursday, Smith was arrested near Tampa, Florida. Police say he is wanted here in Iowa on charges he sexually abused two teenage girls over the past several years, starting when each victim was just eight years old.

Back in May of last year, Smith accepted a plea deal after he was accused of trying to entice at least eight separate children, the youngest just 8-years old, into having sex with him. He was also accused attempted child stealing for essentially trying to kidnap a 12-year old girl and her younger sister.

Read more:
I guess it must vary from state to state. You will hear of someone getting a life sentence or 50 years, and then in the UK for the same, it will be 10 months. But I guess this shows that even here, some states or judges are too lax?


I guess it must vary from state to state. You will hear of someone getting a life sentence or 50 years, and then in the UK for the same, it will be 10 months. But I guess this shows that even here, some states or judges are too lax?

Again, the problem is not the lack of uniformity in sentencing these perverts, the problem is with a nation whose laws and cultural mores' lack a strict Judeo-Christian foundation.



New member
Again, the problem is not the lack of uniformity in sentencing these perverts, the problem is with a nation whose laws and cultural mores' lack a strict Judeo-Christian foundation.

No argument from me. I have felt this to be the case since I was about age 12. I don't think the liberal sexual revolution did anyone any good.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Again, the problem is not the lack of uniformity in sentencing these perverts, the problem is with a nation whose laws and cultural mores' lack a strict Judeo-Christian foundation.

No argument from me. I have felt this to be the case since I was about age 12. I don't think the liberal sexual revolution did anyone any good.

Your posts in this thread say otherwise.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Again, the problem is not the lack of uniformity in sentencing these perverts, the problem is with a nation whose laws and cultural mores' lack a strict Judeo-Christian foundation.

Your posts in this thread say otherwise.
Only to your mind, because you want to view it that way.

I am known by everyone, and have been for years, as a social conservative.
It is a solid and unchanging characteristic of mine.
You are the only person I've ever met who views me differently, and we both know why.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Again, the problem is not the lack of uniformity in sentencing these perverts, the problem is with a nation whose laws and cultural mores' lack a strict Judeo-Christian foundation.

Your posts in this thread say otherwise.

Only to your mind, because you want to view it that way.

I am known by everyone, and have been for years, as a social conservative.
It is a solid and unchanging characteristic of mine.
You are the only person I've ever met who views me differently, and we both know why.

Come on GFR7, give TOL'ers some credit, surely I can't be the only one to see through your smokescreen.

Speaking of lefties: It appears that you won't be able to hang Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, as word through the grapevine is that the Grand Jury isn't going to indict him (something about the Gentle Giant going for his gun might have had something to do with it).

Bummer huh?

Don't go getting all depressed on me though, as B. Hussein Obama has nominated Lorretta Lynch (not to be confused with the coal miner's daughter Lorretta Lynn) to replace his buddy Eric Holder as Attorney General.

As shown in these links, the drag queens, dykes and fairies of the movement that you represent couldn't be happier.

"Human Right Campaign—the nation’s largest LGBT advocacy organization—spoke favorably of the president’s appointment. Chad Griffin is president of the Washington, D.C.-based group."



Fortunately there is a Senator from Texas that is a tad bit suspicious of Mzzzzzz Lynch, he goes by the name of Ted Cruz.

Cruz, Lee want to delay AG confirmation


If Loretta Lynch is confirmed to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General, as seen in this article from the sodomite Washington Blade, she'll have some pretty big rainbow colored shoes to fill.

A legacy of advancing LGBT rights as attorney general

Oct. 1, 2014

After serving for more than six years as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder leaves a significant imprint on the record of the Obama administration — and at the forefront of that legacy is his role in advancing LGBT rights.

At an event last week in the State Dining Room of the White House announcing his departure, President Obama said Holder made revitalizing the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department a priority because he believes it’s “the conscience of the building.”

“And several years ago, he recommended that our government stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act — a decision that was vindicated by the Supreme Court, and opened the door to federal recognition of same-sex marriage, and federal benefits for same-sex couples,” Obama said. “It’s a pretty good track record.”

The sense that LGBT rights had significantly advanced during the administration was echoed by Holder in remarks that followed Obama’s.

“We have begun to realize the promise of equality for our LGBT brothers and sisters and their families,” Holder said...

Here are six major accomplishments from Holder on LGBT rights over the course of more than six years in the Obama administration:

1. Holder advocates for and implements hate crimes protection legislation

2. Holder declares the administration will no longer defend DOMA in court

3. Holder implements DOMA decision to furthest extent possible

4. Holder recognizes same-sex marriages performed in Utah, Michigan

5. Holder calls on Boy Scouts to dump ban on gay adult leaders

6. Holder pledges to file brief before Supreme Court on marriage equality case

Read more: http://www.washingtonblade.com/2014/10/01/holder-review/


New member
If Loretta Lynch is confirmed to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General, as seen in this article from the sodomite Washington Blade, she'll have some pretty big rainbow colored shoes to fill.

A legacy of advancing LGBT rights as attorney general

Oct. 1, 2014

After serving for more than six years as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder leaves a significant imprint on the record of the Obama administration — and at the forefront of that legacy is his role in advancing LGBT rights.

At an event last week in the State Dining Room of the White House announcing his departure, President Obama said Holder made revitalizing the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department a priority because he believes it’s “the conscience of the building.”

“And several years ago, he recommended that our government stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act — a decision that was vindicated by the Supreme Court, and opened the door to federal recognition of same-sex marriage, and federal benefits for same-sex couples,” Obama said. “It’s a pretty good track record.”

The sense that LGBT rights had significantly advanced during the administration was echoed by Holder in remarks that followed Obama’s.

“We have begun to realize the promise of equality for our LGBT brothers and sisters and their families,” Holder said...

Here are six major accomplishments from Holder on LGBT rights over the course of more than six years in the Obama administration:

1. Holder advocates for and implements hate crimes protection legislation

2. Holder declares the administration will no longer defend DOMA in court

3. Holder implements DOMA decision to furthest extent possible

4. Holder recognizes same-sex marriages performed in Utah, Michigan

5. Holder calls on Boy Scouts to dump ban on gay adult leaders

6. Holder pledges to file brief before Supreme Court on marriage equality case

Read more: http://www.washingtonblade.com/2014/10/01/holder-review/
I believe Obama campaigned and was elected President in 2008 having no concern for gay rights in any way, shape or form. (In fact, in the first year of his presidency, gay advocates complained bitterly about this). I think it was certain Democrats and key lobbyists who pushed this on him, thus rendering him the pro-gay president.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Hands other than a former agnostic turned Christian. Learn about the Bible before you go preaching it.

:chuckle: I was never an agnostic.

I wonder how many current Christians were agnostic before being saved? Are you saying that none of them are the 'right hands' to share the Gospel? What were you before you were a Christian? What about atheists? Buddhists? Just who is qualified to be the 'right hands' to share the gospel?

I'm just making sure that you know there's more to the "some other guy" comment.

You're making sure I know there's more to a comment that I made myself...a comment that you missed the meaning of?

Yet I don't see you acknowledging that as part of His message to mankind.

Condemning homosexuals was a part of Jesus' message to mankind? Or do you mean deliberately making people angry? What are we discussing, exactly?

I'm not the one who was trying to make a terribly morally confused man feel better about himself.

No, you prefer to be destructive.

Take a few days away from your "calling" (hanging out with your pagan and atheist buddies on an internet forum) and think about Matthew 22:36-40 . You'll find that you're neglecting to use a very important part of His ministries.


Still can't see it? I'm not surprised, really.


I believe Obama campaigned and was elected President in 2008 having no concern for gay rights in any way, shape or form. (In fact, in the first year of his presidency, gay advocates complained bitterly about this). I think it was certain Democrats and key lobbyists who pushed this on him, thus rendering him the pro-gay president.

You of all people should know that if you're going to try and fool the American people by pretending to be a moderate when you're really a radical, you don't jump on the pro homosexual legislation bandwagon right away (B. Hussein Obama waited a whole year).

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera wrote an article showing Obama's pro homosexual ties and the 'accomplishments' he made for LGBT so-called "rights" in his first term.

Homosexual Activist Lays Out Obama’s Extensive Pro-’Gay’ Record; AFTAH Responds




New member
You of all people should know that if you're going to try and fool the American people by pretending to be a moderate when you're really a radical, you don't jump on the pro homosexual legislation bandwagon right away (B. Hussein Obama waited a whole year).

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera wrote an article showing Obama's pro homosexual ties and the 'accomplishments' he made for LGBT so-called "rights" in his first term.

Homosexual Activist Lays Out Obama’s Extensive Pro-’Gay’ Record; AFTAH Responds


He was pushed into it. He had the black male attitude of being strongly against homosexuality. He was pushed into it. It's not the real Obama.

Don't throw LaBarbera at me; I read him more than you do.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Hands other than a former agnostic turned Christian. Learn about the Bible before you go preaching it.

I was never an agnostic.

I must have confused you with someone else. That being said: prior to becoming a Christian here on TOL, who was your Christian mentor, bybee or Town Heretic?

I wonder how many current Christians were agnostic before being saved? Are you saying that none of them are the 'right hands' to share the Gospel?

If they have a full understanding of Holy Scripture they should share God's Word with whomever will listen. Do you have a full understanding of Holy Scripture in the very short time that you left paganism behind and began to call yourself "Christian"?

What were you before you were a Christian?

I was a fan of Jesus Christ, not a follower as I am now. Do you know what the difference is between the two?

What about atheists? Buddhists? Just who is qualified to bethe 'right hands' to share the gospel?

If you mean former atheists and Buddhists turned Christian, then refer to my answer about having a full understanding of Holy Scripture.

Yet I don't see you acknowledging that as part of His message to mankind.

Condemning homosexuals was a part of Jesus' message to mankind? Or do you mean deliberately making people angry? What are we discussing, exactly?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh, condemned those that engaged in sinful behavior all the while showing them a better way. Telling a proud and unrepentant sinner the truth about their sinful behavior will make them angry. Have you ever made one of your pagan or atheist friends angry in that way TM?

I'm not the one who was trying to make a terribly morally confused man feel better about himself.

No, you prefer to be destructive.

God's way is never destructive TM. Allowing someone to continue with their immoral lifestyle for fear that you'll hurt their feelings by condemning them is.

Take a few days away from your "calling" (hanging out with your pagan and atheist buddies on an internet forum) and think about Matthew 22:36-40 . You'll find that you're neglecting to use a very important part of His ministries.


Still can't see it? I'm not surprised, really.

If you ever want to find out what this 3 part thread is all about, trying reading it instead of stopping by and making some off the wall comments.
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