Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Oh but I do understand your kind of "academic people".

You must be tired after all of that squirrrrrming GFR7; why don't you relax and go and reread something that fits your ideology?


On that note:

Moving on...
Hmmm, never heard of it, but looks interesting..... :think:

Ha, you NEVER "move on". :chuckle:


Trouble In Transtopia: Murmurs Of Sex Change Regret

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

Well said:

" . . transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists. . . .You fundamentally can’t change sex … the surgery doesn’t alter you genetically. It’s genital mutilation."

The quacks at the pro homosexual American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association are responsible for this atrocity (as seen throughout this 3 part thread, children are victims of this quackery as well).

I'll go into great detail about the transgender (genital mutilation) movement later in this or an upcoming thread.

Thanks for your contribution.

"This surgery is absolutely destructive" -- sad message from former transgender to warn others

What the activists don't tell you . . .




Well said:

" . . transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists. . . .You fundamentally can’t change sex … the surgery doesn’t alter you genetically. It’s genital mutilation."

The quacks at the pro homosexual American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association are responsible for this atrocity (as seen throughout this 3 part thread, children are victims of this quackery as well).

I'll go into great detail about the transgender (genital mutilation) movement later in this or an upcoming thread.

Thanks for your contribution.

"This surgery is absolutely destructive" -- sad message from former transgender to warn others

What the activists don't tell you . . .



The real story here that Michael Savage mentioned on his radio talk show are the transactivists trying to silence anyone regretting this surgery. Mt 19:4


The real story here that Michael Savage mentioned on his radio talk show are the transactivists trying to silence anyone regretting this surgery. Mt 19:4

Surely you're not implying that those in the LGBT so-called "community" are intolerant of anyone that doesn't follow their goosestep marching orders are you serpentdove?
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The real story here that Michael Savage mentioned on his radio talk show..

I listen to Savage's radio show on occasion, and while he does write for Christian conservative Joseph Farah's WND, keep in mind that when it comes to issues like homosexuality he's more Libertarian than conservative (i.e. he states things like "I don't care what two people do in private", etc.).

It must the air that he breathes living in San Fransicko.

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Speaking of San Fransicko:

LGBT, veterans open to bid on Super Bowl contracts

Nov. 10, 2014

Super Bowl 50 is coming to Levi's Stadium in 2016.

On Monday, the NFL and the Super Bowl Committee made a historic announcement about who will be eligible to bid on contracts.

"I think it's about time. I'm so excited," said Audry deLucia, who with her wife Fran, owns Ellaprint, a company that offers a wide range of marketing and promotional materials. They're hoping to make history as part of Super Bowl 50.

"It's something that's a no brainer for San Francisco and the entire Bay Area to include the LGBT when it comes to opportunities to benefit from Super Bowl 50 coming to our region," said Daniel Luriel with the Super Bowl Host Committee.

The game will be played at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara but the Host Committee is planning several days of events throughout the Bay Area. They'll need party planners, production companies and everything in between.

At past Super Bowls, the NFL reached out to minority and women-owned businesses as part of their program called Business Connect.

Now for the first time ever, LGBT businesses are being invited to bid.

Paul Pendergast is head of the nation's first LGBT Chamber of Commerce. He says if a company is qualified and the lowest bidder, that business would be a contender.

"You start changing the dialogue, you start bringing in all sorts of prospectives you never had before," said deLucia.

It's also a breakthrough for disabled veterans like H.T. Tran. The NFL-Super Bowl program is expanding to include them as well. Tran, who owns a building engineering firm was severely injured when an IED exploded during his tour in Iraq. He says Business Connect is about opening the doors so vets can compete.

"I think the main word is 'compete' because that's what veterans do. They don't want a free handout. They want to work for what they earn," said Tran.

It's not clear how lucrative those contracts will be, but there could be more diversity in who gets a piece of that pie...


What's sickening about this article (besides making the war veteran play second fiddle in the article) is that moral degenerates and a decorated war veteran would even be mentioned in the same article.

I wonder who will be the halftime entertainment for Super Bowl 50?



Yet another story of an ex-homosexual who through her faith in God, is now free.

‘It is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship’: Robin Beck on 35 years of ‘hell’ in the gay lifestyle

Nov. 11, 2014

Robin Teresa Beck, 59, is not afraid to tell anyone, even Pope Francis himself, that homosexuality turned her life into a living hell of suffering, darkness, smashed dreams, and lasting regret. And after 35 years of homosexual behavior over the course of 12 relationships, Robin knows exactly what she’s talking about.

“From my experience, it is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship because it goes against the way God made us to be,” she told LifeSiteNews, calling it “cruel” for any religious leader to look favorable upon such a relationship.

It was only five years ago that everything changed for Robin, a staunch Protestant who twisted scripture to suit her gay lifestyle, when one day — on a whim — she decided to enter a Catholic Church to receive ashes during the Lenten Ash Wednesday service. She only came for the ashes, but God had other plans.

Robin tells the dramatic story of her life in her 2012 book I just came for Ashes. She came from a broken home where both her parents were alcoholics. Her father was physically abusive to her mother and struggled with anger.

At a young age Robin witnessed how her father hit, shoved, and did “degrading things” to her mother. She remembers standing nearby watching her mother cry as she suffered abuse. Robin lived in deadly fear of her father, believing that he could kill her at the slightest provocation.

She has only one memory of any tenderness from her mother. She was about 3 years old when her mother one day unexpectedly drew her close to nestle her in her arms. It was the only time in Robin’s entire childhood that she felt “safe and happy...

At college, 19-year-old Robin met a woman who invited her to a charismatic prayer meeting where she experienced an outpouring of God’s love and became on fire for the Christian faith. Robin grew close to her newfound female friend. An intimate relationship developed. It quickly became sexual. It lasted seven months and Robin was devastated and heartbroken when it ended.

Robin tried to run away from her problems by switching to a Bible college. She was enraged one day to find out that her former female friend had started dating a man. She sought advice from one of her female teachers, only to strike up a close friendship that became intimate and then sexual in a matter of months...

Robin was now 46 and on her eleventh relationship with a married woman who had children. “I should have run for the hills, but pitiful, weak-willed, foolish me caved in to my emotional neediness and got involved with her,” she wrote.

A serious sickness sent her to the hospital for two weeks. She partially regained her health only to discover that this woman had already decided to leave the relationship.

“It was one of the most painful and heart-wrenching days of my life,” she wrote.

The heartbreak afforded Robin an occasion to examine her life.

“I looked at this 11-car train wreck and knew that God wanted me to sort through the wreckage, but most days, I just couldn’t deal with it. I would lie face down on the floor and cry out, ‘Oh, God, please tell me this isn’t my life!’ I kept hoping to wake up and find it was all just a really, really bad dream. But it was my life, and I had to own it—every last bit of it.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/i...althy-gay-relationship-robin-beck-on-35-years


Robin Beck, 59

Note how time after time that it's the person's dysfunctional childhood that leads them into a life of homosexuality....and God that helps them leave it.

What causes homosexual desire, and can it be changed?


A few pages back I made a post talking about Loretta Lynch, who is being nominated by B. Hussein Obama for the soon to be open Attorney General position, followed by a post showing the destructive things departing AG Eric Holder has done (the LGBT movement was very pleased with Eric).



It appears that a certain Revvvvvverend helped B. Hussein Obama make the decision to nominate Mzzzzzz Lynch (i.e. Al Sharpton influences domestic policy in the Obama Administration).

AG Pick Puts Spotlight on Sharpton as White House "Insider"

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

White House confirmation Friday of President Obama's choice to be the next U.S. attorney general had barely cleared the air waves when reports of the controversial civil rights attorney Al Sharpton's (shown on right) status as a White House "insider" sprang up on the Internet.

“Did Al Sharpton Just Pick the Next Attorney General?” asked the headline of the Daily Caller article that reported Obama had announced as his candidate U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch of New York "just two days after Obama's post-election meeting with Al Sharpton and weeks after Lynch's own meeting with Sharpton." Lynch is also, the report noted, known to be close to Attorney General Eric Holder, who recently announced his resignation, effective with the confirmation of a new AG. The choice of Lynch follows one groundbreaking appointment with another. Holder, who has been attorney general since 2009, is the first black American to hold that Cabinet-level position, and Lynch, if confirmed, will be the first black woman in the post. In her current role as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Lynch oversees federal prosecutions in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Long Island.

Sharpton's White House meeting with Obama took place on Wednesday, the day after voters apparently rejected Obama's programs and policies by turning both houses of Congress over to Republican control. But Sharpton had made known the keen interest he and his civil rights organization, National Action Network, were taking in the appointment of Holder's successor even before the attorney general announced his resignation on September 25.

Read more: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnew...-spotlight-on-sharpton-as-white-house-insider



Al Sharpton, Merchant of Bigotry and Hate



While civil unrest lurks in the near future (Black youth around the country will loot liquor and athletic stores because Ferguson MO Police Officer Darren Wilson wasn't lynched by a Grand Jury), B. Hussein Obama sends the parents of the Gentle Giant to Geneva to explain to the America hating United Nations why they need to intervene in US affairs.

Say What? Michael Brown's mother to Speak in Geneva to the United Nations

Nov. 1, 2014

The last time we heard from Leslie McSpadden she was brawling in the street with Michael Brown’s grandmother over the rights to T-shirt sales.
The brawl was captured by surveillance cameras.
Now she’s going to speak to the United Nations in Geneva on police brutality.
McSpadden is taking her son’s case to the UN.

VICE News reported:
Lesley McSpadden, the mother of the 18-year-old boy whose death at the hands of a Ferguson police officer in August sparked weeks of protests, is going to Geneva, Switzerland next month to speak about her son and other victims of police brutality in front of the United Nations.
Mike Brown’s killing is still under investigation by federal officials, while a local grand jury tasked with deciding whether to charge officer Darren Wilson for his death is supposed to make an announcement any day — with few in Ferguson believing that an indictment is.
But with little faith in the justice her son will receive, McSpadden, accompanied by one of the family’s lawyers and a handful of local activists and human rights advocates, is taking her son’s case — and that of other victims of racial profiling and police violence — straight to the UN Committee Against Torture, the body tasked with preventing torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment and punishment around the world.

The trip — which was recently made public by organizers and promoted under the tagline “Ferguson to Geneva” — is meant to make a case, to as wide an audience as possible, that both Brown’s killing and the militarized police response to protesters demanding justice for him, are a matter of human rights.
The group is still hoping to raise $11,000 for the trip.
Leslie McSpadden attended Al Sharpton’s speech this morning in St. Louis.
Sharpton called for the arrest of Officer Darren Wilson.




New member
While civil unrest lurks in the near future (Black youth around the country will loot liquor and athletic stores because Ferguson MO Police Officer Darren Wilson wasn't lynched by a Grand Jury), B. Hussein Obama sends the parents of the Gentle Giant to Geneva to explain to the America hating United Nations why they need to intervene in US affairs.

Whatever you say, Ann Coulter. You are a parody of everything that is heinous about extreme right-wing paranoia.


Whatever you say, Ann Coulter. You are a parody of everything that is heinous about extreme right-wing paranoia.

Ouch! (Caledvwich with an "i") just compared me with a fag hag who sat on the "advisory council" of the homosexual organization "GOProud" and was the keynote speaker at the major homosexual event "Homocon".


(P.S. Contrary to what your buddy GFR7 says, there is no such thing as a homosexual conservative).

Thoughts on the United Nations having say over what goes on in a sovereign nation such as ours?


New member
Ouch! (Caledvwich with an "i") just compared me with a fag hag who sat on the "advisory council" of the homosexual organization "GOProud" and was the keynote speaker at a major homosexual event "HomoCon".

Thoughts on the United Nations having say over what goes on in a sovereign nation such as ours?

In principle, I'm not opposed to world government. But that's not what the UN is. Anything imposed by the UN on the US would have to be voluntarily ratified by our own government in the form of a treaty.


In principle, I'm not opposed to world government.

(Go figure, an atheist that isn't opposed to a world government organization that is run by atheists, radical Muslims and America haters in general).

But that's not what the UN is.

Then tell the readers of this thread what the "UN is".

Anything imposed by the UN on the US would have to be voluntarily ratified by our own government in the form of a treaty.

It's been a work in progress by left wingers for decades here in the US. (Hence why conservatives have been saying for decades: "Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US!").


New member
(Go figure, an atheist that isn't opposed to a world government organization that is run by atheists, radical Muslims and America haters in general).

Then tell the readers of this thread what the "UN is".

It's been a work in progress by left wingers for decades here in the US. (Hence why conservatives have been saying for decades: "Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US!").

You are silly. But also kind of hilarious.


You are silly. But also kind of hilarious.

Here's some more "hilarious" news from the United Nations:

UN May Seek Prosecution of Therapists Who Help Victims of Homosexual Abuse

Homosexual pedophile/pederast Jerry Sandusky

Matt Barber, Nov. 13, 2014

The term “homofascism” is fast becoming a regular part of the American lexicon. There’s a reason for that. If you ever thought that use of this term, or other similar terms such as “gaystapo,” were unwarranted, the following news should put those thoughts to rest.
Austin Ruse, head of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam), reports at BreitBart.com that left-wing extremist groups are asking the United Nations to classify counseling for people with unwanted same-sex attractions as “torture.” This would include the many victims of homosexual abuse who, as children, were molested (and truly tortured) by the likes of a Jerry Sandusky and, as a result, began to experience same-sex attraction and other sexual confusion.
What do these extremists demand? That government prosecute any therapist who helps such victims of childhood sexual abuse reconcile the resulting unwanted sexual attractions with their therapeutic or religious goals and beliefs.

They want Christianity criminalized, folks. And because we have that pesky ol’ United States Constitution, they want the United Nations to step in and criminalize it.

UN May Ask US to Prosecute ‘Gay Conversion Therapy’ Practitioners
On Wednesday, a UN committee in Geneva asked State Department representatives what the federal government was doing to prosecute psychologists who help patients change their same-sex attractions.
The questioning came during the U.S. report to the UN Committee on Torture on how the U.S. is complying with the treaty against torture to which the U.S. has been a party since 1998. The treaty defines torture as pain or suffering caused by a “public official” for the purpose of punishment or to elicit information.
A group of LGBT activists submitted to the committee what is called a “shadow report” outlining the case on why such therapy fits within the treaty definition of torture and why it should be outlawed.
The activists testified to the committee behind closed doors on Tuesday...

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2014/11/13/un-m...rapists-who-help-victims-of-homosexual-abuse/

As the followers of this thread have seen: numerous US States have outlawed or have pending legislation that outlaws therapy to help those trapped in the homosexual 'deathstyle'. Homosexual activists want to take it one step further and turn that legislation over to a anti Judeo-Christian world court.


Steve Baldwin, who is the former Executive Director of the Council for National Policy, a former State Assemblyman in California, and a longtime conservative Republican activist, wrote a great article entitled:

Why Are Media Conservatives Promoting Homosexual Propaganda?

Nov. 14, 2014


Over the last few years we have witnessed a headlong rush by many conservatives in the media in support of various aspects of the homosexual agenda. Some were socially liberal all along and some appear to be pushed into such a position due to pressure upon them by their colleagues or the media corporations they work for. Regardless, it is disturbing to witness their willingness to go along with this trend without even questioning the cultural impact such issues will have. Frankly, it is embarrassing how ignorant many of “our” conservative media stars are when it comes to the homosexual agenda.

Indeed, even Fox News has ignored huge stories that reflect negatively on the homosexual movement and the few times they do cover such stories, it is oftentimes inaccurate or incomplete. I wince as I watch Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Dana Perino, Bernie Goldberg, Mary Catherine Hamm, Megyn Kelly, Shepard Smith, Margaret Hoover and others use the same arguments used by the homosexual community even to the point of using the exact same phrases and buzz words. They should know better.

For example, many media conservatives happily use the term “gay” or “gay rights” and the phrase that he or she “has come out of the closet.” However, such wording assumes people are born homosexual, a myth that not even the pro-homosexual American Psychiatrist Association will support anymore. After years of research, dozens of pro-homosexual scientists have failed to find the homosexual gene and the few that did claim to find it were later discredited for engaging in fraudulent or sloppy methodology. Moreover, Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, enlisted over 150 of the world’s top geneticists to decode the human genome and they could not find a “gay” gene. It simply does not exist.

Let’s be clear here so that the Fox News crew understands. No one is “gay” or born “gay.” Instead, people engage in homosexual behavior period. No one “comes out of the closet.” Rather they are simply choosing to publicize their homosexual behavior. Further evidence that homosexuality is NOT genetic is the fluidness of homosexual behavior. As many as a third of homosexuals revert back to heterosexuality as Kinsey, Masters & Johnson and numerous other liberal sex researchers have all reported.

Moreover, the very existence of thousands of ex-homosexuals in America demonstrate how tentative homosexuality really is. And yes, due to the addictive nature of homosexual behavior, some ex-homosexuals do relapse just as some drug addicts, alcoholics and others enslaved to addictive behaviors do. No big surprise here.

Read more: http://sonsoflibertymedia.com/2014/11/media-conservatives-promoting-homosexual-propaganda/

You've heard those words in this thread many times, and you'll continue to hear them:

"No one is “gay” or born “gay.” Instead, people engage in homosexual behavior period."
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